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7th October 1966
7th October 1966
Page 1
Page 1, 7th October 1966

Page 21

Castles in the air

T HE Minister of Transport is an impatient woman. She told the Labour Party conference on Monday that this was so. Now...

Page 22

lrivers' hours be cut?

I HAVE decided to review the general scope and detailed provisions of vers' hours to bring them into line with )dern...

lauliers' views to be sought

['HE Road Haulage Association revealed on Tuesday that it had received a letter from the Einistry of Transport inviting views...


National council refers main RHA reorganization proposals to the chairman's committee for a second opinion; co-operative units...

Page 23

Western operators discuss new safety standards

RE than 500 operator members of the RHA, TRTA, and NAWFR on Tuesday heard a forecast by Mr. W. L. Baxter, senior engineer of...

Page 24

Hauliers and quarrymen set for a new era of co-operation

ly John Darker, AMB1M M ENDIP tipper operators at an open meeting at Coleford last week were ;iven an extraordinarily...

Page 25


M ANY British schoolboys will have reason to be grateful, or othe wise, to M. and S. Shipping Ltd. for a consignment which wi...

Hygiene guide for food vehicles

A GUIDE to the application to C-license( vehicles of the Food Hygiene (Markets Stalls and Delivery Vehicles) Regulations 1966...

Maintenance committee

THE East Midland traffic area advisor3 committee has appointed Mr. K. S. Robingm, of A. R. Marshall and Sons (Haulage: Ltd.,...

Page 26

Drivers' strike to last weeks'

ROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE strike of car delivery drivers of the Longbridge group of delivery agents in Birmingham...

'Goods for Fletcher' Bids Refused

TT was revealed this week that the East Midlands 1 Licensing Authority had refused the bids by 47 applicants to carry goods for...

NCB fleet director T HE National Coal Board has appointed

Brigadier E. V. Molyneux as director of its new road transport service which will control activities of the NCB fleet and also...

Ministry analyses regional goods transport

THE North-West and the South-East of England accounted for nearly 30 per cent of the total tonnage of all goods moved by road...

Move to stop 'blacking' of goods fails

AN attempt to force officers of the Scottish Transport and General Workers Union to put an end to the "blacking" of goods at...

Page 29

Rates probe in Manchester tipping bids

R ATES and costs were a matter of some contention at Manchester on Friday when 16 B-licence applications were heard together by...

Page 30

Tribunal reduces suspension

V IGMORE Transport Ltd. appealed to the Transport Tribunal on Tuesday ;ainst the decision of the South Eastern icensing...

One out of six for Sweeney

A l application by G. Sweeney Transport Ltd., for a new A licence for six vehicles must fail in general, said the North Western...

Pact before .

licence grant N application fora new A licence by the Castle Storage and Forwarding Co., of Chapel Street, Liverpool, was...

Fares rise bid succeeds —despite freeze

A . FIRM of bus operators in Stanley, Co. Durham, was on Monday given permission to increase fares. cut out some buses, and...

Page 31

C-licensee acted illegally

THE Eastern deputy Licensing Authority, sitting at Wisbech on Friday, reserved his decision on the action to be taken over the...

'Flagrant disregard' of conditions

A SIX months' suspension of its sole licence was imposed on Excelsior Transport Ltd., Riverside Drive, Dundee, in Dundee last...

Note: The applications published in this feature each week are those considered of greatest interest.

CONTRACTIONS: add. additional: agric., agricultural art.. articulated unit; c., cwt.; g.g. general goods; GB.. Great Britain;...


APPLICATIONS (September 28 1966) Frank Thoburn, Newcastle Upon Tyne. A var.. add. 1 veh. (41). Walter Pick, Bellingham. New B...


APPLICATIONS (September 30 1966) A. S. Jones and Co. Ltd., Liverpool. A var.. add. 1 veh. Ii Oi-t1 (tipper/tank). A. Burgess...


APPLICATIONS (September 281966) Slater's Transport Ltd., Kirby Misperton. A var.. add. 1 art. (10-1-0. D. L. Lane (Metals)...


APPLICATIONS (September 29 19661 Sollis' Evesharn Road Transport Ltd.. Evesharn. A vs add. 1 veh. (4i-t). Fruit and vegetables....


APPLICATIONS (September 27 19661 R. Patterson, Hilperton. New A lic.. 1 veh. I7t). Mainl goods for Bath Cabinet Makers and Avon...

Page 32


PPLICATIONS tootember 29 19136/ ohnsons (Air Freight) Ltd.. West Drayton. Middx. New lic., 2 veh. (40. Air Freight for...


rHAT NONSENSE VORMAL USER Part II I this second of his 2-part report, the writer analyses in .pth this bane of A licensees 1...

Page 36

assenger ransport

'ermine Ixpansion 1RDERS from Bermuda and Jersey as well as from municipal operators on the British tinland are a feature of...

iconomy bid to elay bus deliveries

V part of a big economy drive, Newcastle upon n Tyne Corporation is to attempt to delay the :livery of new buses for its...

MCW bodies for London Transport

A N important contract worth Zim. has been received by Metropolitan-Cammell-Weymann Ltd., for single-deck bus bodies for London...

Double-deckers here to stay

T HE days of London's double-decker buses are not numbered, says Mr. E. C. Ottaway, member of London Transport Board...

Staggered hours mean fleet cuts

A BUS chief told a conference last week that if the peak rush hours could be cut by the staggering of working time in...

Recruits ease schedules strain

W ITH success in their recruiting drive for more bus crews the Thames Valley Traction Company hopes that within the next few...

Page 41


O o Tuesday the East Kent Road Car Co. Ltd, celebrated its golden jubilee with a lipcheon in Folkestone. East Kent Road Car...

CIE coach tours through Britain

PIKE'S transport authority, CIE, is to oper luxury coach tours next year to take in 1 only all Ireland, but England, Scotland a...

SirDonald in trade team

SIR DONALD STOKES, deputy chairman and managing, eiirector of Leyland Motor Corporation Ltd., will be in a seven-man London...

Page 42

;old out -Bedford KMs

VERY one of the new Bedford "heavies" —the 14/22-ton KM range—that the Dunble truck plant can produce in the next six ,ntlis is...

'lunation& smoke-test ethods

IOAD transport requires an internationkh. ally uniform method of testing diesel iaust smoke, according to two German )erts...


From A. J. P. WILDING, Paris VRENCH manufacturers have made the -11; most important introductions in the commercial vehicle...

Brake conversion units

A T a new factory at Oswestry, Salop, a long established manufacturer of railway airbrake equipment is producing air-pressure...

Page 44

,600 gallons more

n . road tankers OM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT REGULATION increasing the permitted capacity of road petroleum tankers to...

Steering body

A N economic development committee for motor vehicle distribution and repair has been formed under the aegis of the National...


ITITH the load-carrying platform now V on the semi-trailer in ever increasing mbers, covered winter parking is a rity between...

Winter Loading Hazard

dent during the 1965/6 winter that brought this fact home in a most expensive fashion. At one end of an articulated trunk...

Manufacturer wanted

AN American trade mission arriving in London this month will include Mr. J. V. Thurmond of Pak-Mor Manufacturing Co., San...

Page 47

Structural adhesive

g adhesive that cures inside the joint but remains sufficiently soft outside the joint to be wiped off has been developed by...

Rope cleat Rope cleat

D EVELOPED for general industrial and domestic use, the Clamcleat Junior is designed to secure a rope by jamming. It permits...

Drum trailer

D ESIGNED for carrying a cable weigh 8 cwt. and having a diameter of 3 6 in., the prototype of a special two-whee drum trailer...

Page 48

DidYOU see these?

rese items attracted the attention of six members of during the closing hours to make a final round-up of MMERC1AL MOTOR'S...

Page 49

Vehicle security devices J. Dark I N London alone last year

nearly Elm. worth of goods were stolen by robbery and theft from commercial vehicles. The Metropolitan Police are seriously...

Aids to management S. BucklE T RAINING, maintenance and the legalities

of transport are problems which every operator has to grapple with and never more so than at the present time. Newcomers to the...

Page 50

rhe engineer's accessories R. D. Cater NN the balcony of

this year's exhibition Jat Earls Court there was one piece of uipment that caught my eye as being of :at use to the fleet...

Page 51

Static brake testers A. J. P. Wildii W HEN the annual

tests of commercial vehicles become effective, operators are going to have to send their vehicles to Ministry of Transport...

Page 52

lodywork and tyres J. P. B. Sherriff NURING my tour

of the bodywork !accessory and tool stands at this ar's Commercial Motor Show I was ompanied by three bodybuilding shop...

Page 57

Bird's Eye

View BY THE HAWK All Things To All Men T HE older brethren at this year's MPTA dinner in Dublin were perhaps in the best...

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Where are the brake conversion kits?

Just before the Earls Court Show opened, COMMERCIAL MOTOR editor Alan Havard, and technical editor Tony Wilding, sat down with...

Page 64

iNhy not front-wheel drive?


Page 66

In Your Opinion

ot the First R. JOHN R. BILLOWS is wrong in thinking that the Scaniabis was the first turbocharged vehicle to be tested by your...

Vlinistry seeks opinions 3f operators

/iN open invitation to operators to give A their opinions on how transport and stribution productivity might be improved, ad to...

Page 67


O NE-TINIE Conservative spokesman on transport Mr. Enoch Powell has had the courage to speak up against the prevailing misuse...


Inevitably the railways were represented at the London conference. So far as can be judged from reports of the discussions road...


Liquid fuel was one of Professor Buchanan's examples. He might have gone on to point out that in practice fuel rationing was...


Much to be commended is his picture t Oxford Street as an existentialist Hell. ' _simply refuse to believe," he said, - that if...

Page 71


THE FIRST STEP! AFTER a long interval since a declaration of intent was first made, the order constituting the industrial...

Page 73

Q Do you consider that in due course the majority of engines will be of the allwelded throw-away kind?

A Possibly in due course, but not for many years yet? In fact it is unlikely that diesel engines will be produced in this form...

Cculd you give me a complete current list of the Construction and Use Regulations together with their cost and availability?

A The basic "The Motor Vehicles (Construc tion and Use) Regulations 1963" is obtainable from HM Stationery offices or...

Q What is your opinion as to the advis

ability of fitting an exhaust brake where this is available as an optional extra? One is given to understand that they can be...

Q What is the source of the requirements effecting the standstill

on prices and incomes and what are the main features of the appropriate Act? A These are set out in the Prices and Incomes Act...

Q Are there likely to be any important developments in the

near future in the application of the demountable-container type of refuse collector? A Yes, the compacting type is certainly...

0 . How can I improve the productivity of

my traffic controllers, particularly in the use of telephones? operate 60 vehicles and the time taken and the nervous energy...

n Is it a legal requirement where a nu

ber of trailers are used in conjunch with vans and pickups that each trai should be covered by a carrier's licence a should the...

One hears a lot of talk about advantages of combining

munici passenger transport undertakings in urbations such as Merseyside into la, regional transport units. The reason givei...

Page 74

Midland Red hold interim

THE Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co. has announced an unchanged interim dividend of 2 per cent. The total distribution...

By George Wil= ie t s The Common Room of London

Lecturer to" Transport , MMEDIATE PROBLEMS FOR TRAINING BOARD r HE announcement of the members of the Road Transport Training...