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I T would be hard to look far in this week's issue without finding something about next Thursday's General Election. In common...
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'THE councils of the Mansion House 1 Association on Transport and the Traders' Traffic Conference have unanimously recommended...
functional group with the agricultural group was approved last week by the national council of the Road Haulage Association,...
THE vehicles committees of the Road 1 Haulage Association ant' Traders Road Transport Association are co-operating with the...
THE national council of the Road Haulage Association last week approved the I proposal that B.R.S. should be admitted to a...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT D RIVERS employed by some 800 co-operative societies up and down the country are to be given...
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rOLLOWING an approach by the Road Haulage Association, the Scottish Development Department has ;aid that although six days is...
LJEAVY commercial vehicles and buses will be among the cargo carried on new ferry service to be operated aetween Immingham and...
O N Tuesday the first stage in new plans for handling fish traffic by coardinated road/rail services started, coverng...
BY N. K TIGSLEY WITH the start of a new roll-on/rollVV off ferry service on Monday for commercial vehicles (it caters for...
THE Road Haulage Association and the Association Francaise des Transporteurs Routiers Internationaux (A.F.T.R.I.) are...
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A FLAT assertion that road goods vehicles more than cover their track costs, and a complete reject:on of British Railways'...
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been bought by Transport Development Group through the medium of Europa Transport Ontwikkelings Maatschappij ETOM N.V. of...
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L"ROM the beginning of next year all internal carriage of cattle in England and Wales will he done by road, as British...
A MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT spot 1— k check GV9 prohibition order prevented a vehicle from carrying goods, but an operator could...
rt A REDUCTION in overall height of frameless tanker semi-trailers of up to 1 ft. 6 in. is claimed for tanks of conical design...
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( -ARS and motorcycles, including three wheelers, increased in number by 802,000 last year to a record total of 9,216,000,...
ONDON TRANSPORT has reorganized the operating districts of the :ountry buses and coaches department to reduce the number of...
A NEW 21-seat bus, ideal for school or contract work, is now available from the Southern Light Coach Centre Ltd.. St....
D ETAILS of a new Topaz Mk. II luxury coach body were released by Metropolitan-Cammell Weymann Ltd. at the Commercial Motor...
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At the opening ceremony of the extensions of Leyland's Triumph factory in Belgium on Monday, Mr. Donald Stokes, deputy chairman...
NEWS IN BRIEF Grimsby/Cicethorpes to Lease: Grimsby and Cleethorpes joint transport committee has decided to acquire more...
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A N appeal by British Railways Board PI against the decision of the North Western deputy Licensing Authority granting a...
ROME changes in Licensing Authorities +,--) and chairmen of Traffic Commissioners have been announced by the Ministry of...
Pl. A WARNING, to ensure that vehicles were properly authorized for their work was given to contractors and owner drivers...
THE Transport Tribunal on Wednesday dismissed appeals by two Stoke-onTrent road haulage firms—both controlled by Mr. Jack...
sitting at Carmarthen on Tuesday, suspended for two months the licence of a tipper owned and operated by E. G. Price and A....
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T HREE applications by A. T. Booth (Manchester) Ltd., to vary an A licence issued in the North Western area, were refused last...
T HE East Midlands Traffic Commissioners were told at Nottingham last week that " money spent by British Railways in resisting...
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N appeal at London Sessions last L. week against conviction by the South astern (Metropolitan) Magistrates under a 1963 Motor...
T Edinburgh on Monday the Scottish 1 Licensing Authority, Mr. W. F. uin, refused to grant an application, as ,ted, for E. and...
A SUGGESTION. that a feud existed 1 - 1 between the Potteries Motor Trac tion Company Ltd.,, Stoke-on-Trent, and Berresfords...
again next week. The appeals . which are listed for hearing are:— Wednesday, October 14, Transport Holding Co. (Piet:fords) and...
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approval marks for use motor vehicle reflex reflectors which ply with the re q uirements of the .E. a g reement concluded at...
A RANGE of semi-trailer landing g ears I - 1which are maintenance-free and are rated for static loads up to 50,000 lb. have...
i Motor Show. at Earls Court this year was 102,845, which was an increase of 7,725 on the 1962 figure. Although hi g h, this...
RD ROOTES, chairman of the Rootes Gtoup, announced in Paris week that three representatives of the Isjer Corporation . will be...
totalled 30,076, compared with 22,633 in Au g ust last year Board of Trade figures reveal. Produc. tion of p.s.v. rose, too,...
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nISAPPOINTMENT at the lack or a " systems " approach to goods vehicle design in the exhibits at Earls Court; a forecast that...
TO meet the new Regulations in respect of secondary braking, and to conform to the recently agreed standards by the S.M.M.T.,...
office of the International Road Federation was established at 63 Rue de Lausanne, Geneva. The office is an amalgamation of the...
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HE presidential address to the Institute of Transport will be given on nday next by Mr. Frank Lem ass, teral manager of Coras...
A driver is at all times responsible—but . . . ECOGNIZING the driver's voice on the phone as that of an old hand, it ;...
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and Publications tange of Tacking Guns THE introduction into the U.K. of Arrow tacking guns is I announced by HeHermann...
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Trends at the Pall Show are similar t those at the Lando Commercial Moto Show, with many nel models, bigge engines including...
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A S neat a job as possible has been made of the task of grafting the British Road Services Federation on to the constitution...
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:ate Challenge —Liner Trak wilers A . N ebullient Irishman from Dublin and a quiet-voiced, canny Northumbrian are the men...
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or CENTRE? C O-INCIDENTALLY—yet none the less significantly —the autumn conference of the National Association of Furniture...
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By The Hawk Polish Co-operation The news that Mr. T. G. Gibb has chosen "the carriage of goods by road in Europe" as his...
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The Right Price? WAS most interested in the comments expressed at your Fleet Management Conference and congratulate you on the...
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By FRANK . . or Look Back in Anger BURRAVOE W HAT are we marching towards in inland transport? At this stage of the political...
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ADVICE ON TRANSPORT PROBLEMS by S. BUCKLEY, ASSOC. I NST. T. 3 How time is an obvious opportunity for manufacturers to exploit...
Following on information given recently on com mercial motor hire purchase contracts, a reader asks for comment on the larire...
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The Progress of Wadhams VVADHAM (HOLDINGS)—wholesale and retail disVV tributors of commereal vehicles, cars and so on— came to...