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an unbelievably emotive one. Whether it be through pride, conceit, arrogance or ignorance, there can hardly be a person in the...
⢠One of the busiest sectors of the commercial vehicle market is among the medium vans where Volkswagen LT models have always...
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⢠A mob of around 300 people armed with bricks, ball bearings and pick axe handles attacked TNT's depot at Eastleigh,...
⢠The chances of the extra Dartford crossing being a tunnel have been increased by the short-listing of three tunnel and only...
⢠A study by the Cranfield Institute of Technology into overtaking manoeuvres on Britain's roads, shows that 5% of overtaking...
⢠Operators confused by the political wrangling over the London lorry ban may find the future slightly clearer at the end of...
⢠The 18-month lorry ban on the A259 between Newhaven and Peacehaven, East Sussex, scrapped in April this year, is unlikely...
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Environmental pressure group Transport 2000 said it is unclear what recommendations the study makes. "The report says that the...
the increase have been confirmed by the Department of Transport's latest quarterly road accidents bulletin. In the first...
⢠Ray Horrocks, the [IL group chief executive responsible for the commercial vehicle and car businesses, resigned this week....
⢠The Department of Transport has conceded another 3cm in width to operators of temperature controlled vehicles. It had...
⢠Despite having been excluded from the Ministry of Defence's £250 million tender for demountable army trucks, the Boughton...
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⢠EEC leaders are worried about a Luxembourg government plan to make it illegal to carry certain goods by road. The ban,...
⢠Transport Secretary John Moore has appointed Southgate Tory MP Michael Portillo as his Parliamentary Private Secretary....
⢠1,ex Service has completed the £36 million disposal of its unwanted transport subsidiaries with this week's completion of...
⢠Some lightweight trailers will have to be fitted with brakes from October 1 to meet EEC rules. Owners and users will have...
⢠Northampton-based haulier C Butt has been named as Haulier of the year in a competition organised by Motor Transport...
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⢠A major sales recovery by Ford last month has pushed Mercedes-Benz back into third place in the UK truck market for the...
⢠Next week is your last opportunity to enter this year's CM annual Livery Competition, entries for which most arrive at our...
⢠Tibbett and Britten, the hanging garment and distribution specialist, has been successfully sold on the Stock Exchange....
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⢠Iveco Ford will introduce disc brakes on both axles of its Cargo models up to 7.5 tonnes next year, along with...
⢠E M Wilcox, which produces a wide range of standard specification curtainsiders for heavy-duty operation, is fitting a...
⢠A recent survey on spares carried out by Seddon Atkinson has revealed an alarming use of spuriously manufactured parts...
⢠A light-capacity range of DeItrack column taillifts from BCT Equipment of Kidderminster now has the electro-hydraulic power...
⢠MAN has revised the standard rear axle ratio fitted to its 100kW (136hp) 7.5-tonne 8.13F light truck range. Of the five...
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⢠Leyland Trucks plans to relaunch the Roadrunner 7.5tonne range from September 1 with its versions of the Cummins B-Series...
⢠Foden Trucks has built the first of four Kenworth KW520 heavy-duty 6x6 tractive units ordered by oil field specialist...
⢠Peterborough-based Ashley Banks has been appointed UK concessionaire for the SV range of shock absorbers made by...
⢠Telford building material supplier Besblock has taken delivery of one of the latest ERF E-Series eight-wheelers, bodied and...
⢠Nissan has confirmed that It intends to use the Spanish manufacturer Motor Iberica â in which it holds an 83% stake â...
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⢠Easthelm, the company formed by the 26-year-old former managing director of Jacksons Transport (Dereham) Ltd, which...
⢠A Nottinghamshire operator's undertakings to abide by the conditions attached to his planning consent led to his gaining...
⢠North Western Licensing Authority Roy Hutchings has imposed conditions on the size and number of vehicles and trailers to...
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⢠Lowfield Distribution has doubled this year's marketing budget and is to promote itself more strongly as a result of market...
N A recently completed analysis for the US Federal Highway Administration of 30,000 accidents concluded that 68% of all...
⢠A door-to-door unaccompanied trailer ferry service starts in September between Plymouth and Bilbao, Northern Spain. The...
⢠1)oyer Harbour Board reports a 10.9% increase in lorry traffic through the port in the first five months of this year,...
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⢠Planning problems over the operating centre of Lincolnshire independent Enterprise and Silver Dawn has led Eastern Traffic...
⢠Cornish independent E J and J K Deeble has failed to block plans by Western National to extend its Plymouth to Hannaford...
⢠London Regional Transport has put nine more of its bus routes out to competitive tender. The list this time includes one...
⢠Singapore Bus Services is expected to take up its option to buy an additional 100 Leyland Olympian bus chassis to...
⢠Public cellular radio phones. which operate with credit cards, are being installed for the first time on two routes to...
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⢠Lex Wilkinson, the parcels group, has made Paul Murray general manager of its Chester-le-Street depot in Co Durham. A...
⢠A new company secretary has been named by the National Bus Company for Shamrock and Rambler Coaches at Bournemouth. The...
⢠The chief executive of Renault Vehicules IndustrieIs (RVI) in Belgium, Francis Cousin, is moving to Britain to succeed...
⢠Two senior managers at Crane Fruehauf have been promoted to new positions within the company. Barrie Fiske, previously...
⢠West Midlands-based commercial vehicle group, Ackers Jarrett, has made three new appointments. David Rees is the group's...
⢠Graham Dry has assumed the position of director and dealer principal of Perrys of Aylesbury, Ford main dealer with...
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VAN HOOL AGENTS II Calling bus and coach service operations: Carlisle Works, the NBC engineering subsidiary that is the main...
from operators in 10 of its bus routes, including one in Central London involving the leasing of LRT-owned Volkswagen LT55...
DOWTY PRINTER ⢠A raciioprinter system developed originally in Australia has been launched in this country by Dowty...
DATABANK ⢠We are often asked at CM for the names of companies supplying computer software for road transport. There is a...
and default interest charges are due to be introduced in July 1988. They were provided for in the 1985 Finanace Act and are...
a new guidance note covering the operation of diesel-engined lift trucks in hazardous areas. For the purposes of the...
Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) was published this week by the Department of...
July 1. The Dodge 50 Series rose by an average of 5.1%, the Commando range by 3.6% and the Renault G Range went up by an...
payable at the pump in Europe and Scandinavia. They were compiled by the International Road Trans port Union (TRU): Price per...
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MANAGERIAL QUALITY ⢠The Road Haulage Association is sponsoring a weeklong course for managers in the road haulage...
⢠The new driver's hours regulations come into effect on September 29. With that in mind EP Training Services of Esher is...
NEW LARNE BERTH ⪠Construction has started of a third, twin-level ferry ramp berth at Larne Harbour, which will he used...
The papers include an account of how a leading hightech company is implementing a new warehouse management and distribution...
⢠The Yorkshire area of the Historic Commercial Vehicle Society holds its llth annual gathering next Friday evening, July...
STRUCK OFF ⢠Two dealers have been expelled by the Motor Agents Association for what it describes as serious breaches of its...
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Costing just £4,000, the two-crew Routemaster could still make financial sense if operated in the right areas 11 Most of the...
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Furrowstone Ltd (Island Builders Merchants) ⢠The Transport Tribunal turned down the appeal of Furrowstone Ltd (trading as...
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S. 1. C. and M. P. Hyde (Double 'S Chassis Repairs) 'SIC. and M.P, Hyde, trading as Double Chassis Repairs, has been granted a...
1 have noticed in Commercial Motor, June 14, information on courses on the new hours law and tachograph requirements which are...
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⢠This month let's look at the current position regarding the use of the information recorded by the tachograph in situations...
in its submission to the Government committee studying road traffic law, three-year minimum sentences for those convicted of...
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Eln June Legal Bulletin printed a list of firms and solicitors specialising in road transport law ("Transport law specialists,"...
Bromley Meats (Midlands) Ltd MINo action was taken against the licence of Bromley Meats (Midlands) Ltd, by West Midland...
Although in Britain we do not have on-thespot fines, parking offences have for many years been dealt with by means of a fixed...
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El Once again the Department of Transport is tinkering with 0-licensing. At the end of May it proposed two new changes, and...
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Weekway Ltd (Go With Gordon) "'The decision of the Western Traffic Commissioners not to grant a further public service...
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⢠Besides the impartiality and good judgment of the bench, the honesty of defendants and the skill of counsel, the ability...
1111 The transport of bulk grain depends greatly on the weather, a haulage company told the Transport Tribunal in its notice of...
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⢠The whole purpose of the present goods vehicle operators' licensing system is the improvement of road safety. The entire...
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In the third of CM'S annual examinations of the next-day parcel delivery business, David Wilcox tests the efficiency of 10...
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⢠Carryfast's faulty pager unfortunately ruled out the company from the CM test. Network Overnight ruled itself out hut was...
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One year old this month, Network Overnight believes it has found the key to success in the parcels market. Karen Miles...
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Experiments with radioprinters are showing major benefits for parcels operators. Richard Scrase reports ⢠An experiment is...
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Reynolds Boughton's 4x4 conversion on the Dodge S66 now has full RT1 approval and will shortly be available to operators â¢...
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financial result mentioned in last week's CM, was not too perturbed at his own personal result when he sportingly accepted an...
seems. On his first appearance at a meeting of EEC Transport Ministers in Luxembourg on June 18 he stuck to his brief and...
network, launched a new service called Creditfone. Creditfone, it would seem, is a cellular radio telephone which can be fitted...
operator Townsend-Thoresen presented the first freight driver to board its Free Enterprise V ferry on the day in question with...
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â High Street credibility" (CM, June 28), with interest and a certain amount of contentment, having just put on the road two...
John Moore, on July 3 when he was appraised of the union's total opposition to the proposals for September 29, folly on...
SPECIAL OFFER SPECIAL OFFER SPECIAL OFFER SPECIAL OFFER ⢠Whatever potential changes in transport regulations are discussed,...