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The Socialists want to nationalize, the Liberals want to paralyse and the Tories want to "de-juggernize". Road transport...
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American inthistry' s campaign explained in London by CM reporter • By persuading 52 US vehicle and equipment manufacturers...
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. on size, design and routeing in new Road Traffic Bill from our political correspondent • A new Road Traffic Bill is to be...
by Martin Hayes • A revised constitution, enabling a more broadly based membership to be admitted, has been agreed by members...
• International haulier Cave Wood (Transport) Ltd has been bought for £125,000 in cash by Price and Pearce (Holding) Ltd, the...
• The ban on vehicles exceeding 40ft in length from travelling through central London started on Monday to the apparent...
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RHA chairman John Wells invites critics to support campaign for better roads — and 'saboteurs' get a warning by CM reporter...
• Runcorn Transport Services Ltd has moved its lig and main depot to a new base at Pieow Farm Road, Runcorn, Cheshire....
• The Newcastle-on-Tyne Environmental Group, a voluntary organization has called on the Department of the Environment to end...
from a German correspondent • Although the German Federal Railways — Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB) — just about broke even last...
• The IRTE is considering participation in transport affairs with other professional bodies at home and in other countries....
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• Concern about the future of transport training and the inadequacy of Government finance for training purposes is expressed in...
• Road haulage firms are to be covered by the Government Stage Three Price and Pay Code proposals in the same way as other...
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• In his inaugural address to the Chartered Institute of Transport on Monday, the president, Mr E. R. Hunter, hinted strongly...
• Heavy goods vehicles are to be banned from the centre of Huddersfield, Yorkshire. The ban, which is expected to be imposed...
• What is claimed to be the first large, truly national US commercial vehicle exhibition will be staged in November 1975 in...
• An inspection of the two bridges carrying M5 over A456 trunk road at the Quinton Interchange revealed cracks larger than...
• Now in loose-leaf form with a supplementary service to cater for future amending legislation, the fifth edition of The law of...
• The family business of haulage contractors J. B. Smith and Co of Keynsham, Bristol, is to be acquired by Cadbury Schweppes...
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• Members of the RHA's Exeter sub-area were reminded of the last time the road haulage industry was nationalized, some 25 years...
• A special warehouse for the storage of hazardous goods under bond is to be opened in Liverpool early next year. The first of...
• More than 300 road safety experts from 28 countries are attending this week in Zurich a five-day conference on driver...
• Mr Keith Speed, Parliamentary Secretary to the Department of the Environment, is to be the guest-of-honour at the annual...
• Midlands BRS Ltd is to increase its night-time operations from 15 per cent in 1973 to 40 per cent by the end of 1974. The...
:olin Pearce has been appointed • public flations officer of the Freight Transport .ssociation. He succeeds John Guttridge, RO...
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• A major investment programme in Europe — preferably in the UK — is being planned by the American Greyhound Corporation. This...
• London Transport is converting 71 of its one-man-operated DMS doubledeckers to crew operation from December 15. They will...
• Two Edinburgh bus routes have been converted to Autofare ticket-issuing equipment. The conversion, carried out a fortnight...
• A picture on page 45 of CM, September 14, was of the interior of a Deansgate Red Rose body and not as stated in the caption.
• Northumberland County Council is being asked to ensure that changes in school bus contracts do not affect service routes. The...
• Ownership of Orkney's biggest bus fleet seems likely to remain in the hands of Mr J. D. Peace. Mr Peace had advertised the...
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• Seddon's mid-engmed bus chassis will make its debut in the demonstration park of next month's Scottish Show. The new chassis...
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• What is believed to be the first tour iround Britain from a provincial town was ;ranted to a Cardiff coach operator by he...
At a public inquiry held in Falmouth ist week, Richard Benny (Transport) Ltd, f Helston. had its operators' licence curiiled...
vehicles from margin • A record of 48 prohibitions, nine defect notices and five overloading convictions in three years cost...
• Additional licences were granted for tours to the West Country to Mrs Dorothy June Vowles of Merthyr Tydfil by the South...
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• Commendation instead of a penalty was the result of a Section 69 inquiry when overloading convictions against St Albans Sand...
• Steel Supply Co (Haulage) Ltd, Bedford, had its licence revoked by the Eastern deputy LA, Mr Gerald Kidner, last week when it...
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Within a year a company had been ven two warnings about keeping a register drivers' log books but had still failed to ) so. It...
The South Wales deputy LA "showed s displeasure" at the conduct of Tarmac Dnstruction Ltd by removing the margin of yen...
• An owner-driver had his licence suspended for one month and his margin of one removed when he had to appear under Section 69...
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a UK comeback by Gibb Grace • Magirus Deutz whose heavy sitevehicles have earned a good reputation in the UK, is today making...
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by John Darker • A blistering attack on Common Market bureaucrats whose policies were frustrating the enterprise and...
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D Bodybuilding is largely a localized msiness throughout the world and it is lifficult for a bodybuilder in one country to...
• Ryland Pumps Ltd, of Bridgewater Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, has launched a range of Canadian-built...
• Only a matter of weeks after starting mass production, Peak Components Ltd, of Whaley Bridge. Cheshire, has received a £2.5M...
Code 11 In his paper on load security Mr W. fills, assistant national secretary of the reight Transport Association, explained...
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by Trevor Longcroft INQUIRIES from readers in recent months suggest that operators are giving closer consideration to built-in...
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by Bill Godwin El Swedish Conny distribution A novel tank terminal and distribution system for petroleum products introduced...
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I was concerned to see that Janus (CM September 28) publicized a statement by Stefan Tietz on motorway lane capacity. In fact...
With reference to the article "Continental lorry inquiry urged" (CM October 5), it would appear to me that Mr Ray Carter MP has...
I drive a light commercial vehicle but even so get very annoyed at people who slate hgv drivers and their vehicles. Is there...
When Road Haulage Association members gather in Edinburgh next week for their annual conference, CM staff will be there, to...
Subsequent issues of CM will have plenty of reader interest, WO: we've got road tests of new vehicles lined up, and there'll be...
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NO ONE is better qualified than Duncan Foulds to weigh up the pros and cons of public and private enterprise from the...
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The latest illustration of the success of York's Snowball slogan, "If you've got it, a truck brought it" hasn't happened yet...
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ROAD IMPRESSIONS OF THE FORDIWILLOWBROOK BUS by Martin Hayes, pictures by Harry Roberts WITH Tile, increasing emphasis on...
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I it moves nationalize it 1FERENCES to nationalization, rather in to State control or similar euphemisms, : once again...
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by John Darker The seventies challenge to transport managers IN HIS TALK to FTA members at their recent conference in...
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by Les Oldridge, TEng (CEO, MIMI, AMIRTE Using, causing and permitting (2) IN ORDER for a person to be charged with using a...
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transporting our drainage machine with a semi-low-load trailer; this unit will also be used to trans port hay, straw and grain...
bus service in order to run employees to and from their work. Before we take a final decision, could you advise us on likely...
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by Trevor Longcroft 3 u have had to put a vehicle ugh the annual test more than because the new linings/ ns you have fitted...
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The Hexaflex commercial vehicle rear light unit has been designed to deflect away when it hits any obstruction. The light stem...
Rubery Owen-Rockwell has published a 24-page trailer suspension service manual which complements the spares brochure already...
Sheetracks and nameboards designed for the Ford A-series van / truck range have been introduced by Pylon Developments. Both...
From Wickham Industrial comes a range of vehicle washers, each model offering either steam, hot or cold water washing. The...
Emergency lighting at roadside breakdowns, for instance, can be supplied by Coolite rods. These are plastic tubes about 6in....
The Ric-Rac commercial vehicle roof rack from Rick Walter has telescopic cross bearers allowing fitting to both small 5 to 7...
lifting concrete prodL weighing up to 30 tons is r duced by Bridon Aerolift. equipment is claimed to be e and quick to operate...