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THE WARNING BELLS are ringing, heralding the onslaught of the unions in this year's pay award. We have already said that...
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BEDFORD has warned its Dunstable workers that some could go on short-time working later this year, as a result of a big drop in...
PRESTON'S ten-year-old maximum security lorry perk is to close at the end of the month, throwing many operators' trunk route...
SOME "fairly hard sorting out" of potential buyers for Fodens can be expected around the end of this month, according to...
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THE BRS Management Training Centre at Aston University, Birmingham, will be open from September to all involved in the road...
MAXIMUM-weight articulated lorries are still paying too little vehicle excise duty, according to the Department of Transport....
SCOTTISH hauliers are angry about a growth in the numbei of prosecutions against overloaded lorries on the A74 Glasgow-Carlisle...
THE TRANSPORT Developmer Group continued to return goo figures in the first half of th current financial year, bL chairman...
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THE INDUSTRY is sceptical about Government plans to sell all 91 heavy goods vehicle test stations to private enterprise chains...
4RLINGTON MOTOR Holdings Ltd's pre-tax profits have increased more than fourfold since its introduction to the stock exchange...
INTERIM noise limits will bring in an 88 dB(A) limit on lorries built after April 1,1983. The limits, which are in line with...
THERE ARE vehicles and vehicles. And for most of the MPs who debated the problems of the motor industry — all of them from the...
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;OVERNMENT proposals to restrict picket lines to six have leen welcomed by the Road Haulage Association, but it is still n...
THE FIRST sections of the 1980 Employment Act are now operative, and the remainder will become effective on October 1. The...
A HEALTH and Safety Act training pack is now available from the Road Transport Industry Training Board at a cost of £179.40,...
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AN OPERATOR which may have suffered from unwritten undertakings has had his case referred back to the Eastern Deputy Licensing...
FREIGHT TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION engineering controller Terry Goldrick will be one of the speakers at a one-day seminar on...
THERE ARE signs that the Armitage Inquiry may miss its October 1 target date for reporting its findings on lorries, people, and...
THE ROAD Haulage Association says the Department o . Transport is making use of funds hauliers can ill afford to lose RHA...
PRIVATE ENTERPRISE hauliers are starting theit own Datafreight system early next year, according to the Road Haulage...
A ONE-DAY seminar on containers will be held in London ir October by the Institute oi Materials Handling's container panel....
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:ONFUSION over a Hull operator's depot arrangements led he Transport Tribunal to refer the case back to the Yorkshire )eputy...
:IT1ZENS' BAND radio took step closer to legality last Neek when Home Office lAinister Timothy Raison ssued a discussion...
INTERNATIONAL driving permits and international certificates for motor vehicles now cost £2, instead of £1.50. This follows...
LONDON TRANSPORT'S "caretaker" chairman for the next six to 12 months will be Sir Peter Masefield, a part-time LT board member...
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HYDRAULIC MOTORS mounted within the wheel hubs of trailers can help improve the traction performance of articulated vehicles...
A maintenance-free commer cial vehicle battery is beim introduced by Oldham at 014 Automechanika exhibition a Frankfurt in...
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TWO NEW alloy tipper bodies from Star Aluminium, whose Starstock division at West Bromwich designs and manufactures body kits,...
SHROPSHIRE commercial vehicle kit builder Ingmex Ltd will have a new lightweight extruded aluminium van body for exhibit at...
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BRITISH AIRWAYS' Heathrow Airport to Central London terminal coach service was discussed in the House of Lords recently when...
EX-SOUTHDOWN bus conductor Peter Osmond of Worthing, West Sussex, is to apply to the South-eastern Traffic Commissioners to run...
A CODE of practice for th use of school buses was ca led for in the Commons lag week during a safety debate The code should...
(CM, August 9 are being given serious con sideration by Greater Glas gow PTE. The PTE told CM that i had detailed discussions...
GOVERNMENT proposal: will reduce the maximun permitted noise levels of nevt buses built after 1983. Under proposals for all...
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)EPARTMENT of Transport officials are stepping up checks m Greek coaches entering Britain in an effort to stamp out mlicensed...
COACH OPERATORS attending the European golf championships at Walton Heath Golf Club in Surrey on September 4-7 are being...
THE LONDONDERRY and Lough Swilly Railway Company could be under new ownership soon if an offer from a London company is...
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FERRYMASTERS, part o P&O European Transpor Services, have ordere. £1.5m worth of straigh frame, high cube semitrailert Said to...
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LAST WORD has yet to be iid about the Channel tunnel. - iere is a school of thought that lys "Let's get what grant we in from...
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TRANSPORT makes news in East Anglia: Brantham, according to its parish council, has a transport problem: hgv park in its...
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I SPOKE TO a representative selection of transport men in the East to try and find out both their thoughts for the future and...
THE PORT of Ipswich lies on the direct line between the Midlands and Europe's greatest market area of the Ruhr. Nineteen liner...
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THE PORT of Felixstowe provides employment for 1200 . people within its area of more than 300 acres, and by this time next year...
Second in a series by Douglas Ainley which sorts out Act from fiction THE Secretary of State may establish a scheme to provide...
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in Lowestoft, - 1 - )ere nothing fishy about the high hopes held out for 1981, as John Durant reports LOWESTOFT is the port...
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LOWESTOFT is a British Transport Docks Board port, and so far despite the recession the amount of traffic moved this year is...
East Anglia's been the Cinderella of the regions for too long, says Ken Rogers, RHA national chairman and Eastern Area...
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THE PERKINS Engine Group has risen from a company producing its first prototype diesel engine to a conglomerate turning out...
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POST OFFICE drivers are often criticised in the Press for either lack of ability or consideration for other road users. The...
WITH REFERENCE to the report in Commercial Motor on the bus evaluation being carried out by the Tayside Undertaking (August 2,...
MUCH to our delight, we recently received an original Jubilee clip which had lain underwater on a World War ll aircraft for 31...
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BOOKINGS are now being accepted for the 1980 Fleet Management Conference. The date is October 9; the place is The Royal...
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Ron Cater started his career as a driver/fitter with Tyburn Tankers. He was later its vehicle examiner and then fleet engineer....
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East Anglia has more than its fair share of horses, and from time to time ey need transporting. That's where horseboxes come...
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Potatoes, sugar beet and flowers are not the only things growing H East Anglia, as Da\Aci Wilcox found out when he visited one...
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DENIS HOWELL, former Minister of Sport. Disaster, Flood and Drought, is an appropriate co-sponsor of an all-party lobby to...
MINISTER OF TRANSPORT Norman Fowler is looking for a new series of vehicle registration marks for introduction in 1983. He...
A CONTRACTOR of the year award (Midland distribution division) is presented by CPC (United Kingdom) Ltd to a firm that excels...
MORE THAN 5000 kilos of urgent medical supplies, food, clothing, and household items have been gathered together at Gittspur...
WILL the unions heed the Road Haulage Association's repeated warnings that only a token wage rise can be awarded in the next...
IF THE Motor Show at the National Exhibition Centre is not priced out of existence, it will not be for want of help from the...
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Wages: who holds the aces? IN THE ROUND of road haulage wage negotiations which has just begun, it would appear that the...