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Difficulty in Meeting Demand Might Tempt Government to Raise Tax to Restrict Use F UEL rationing has thrown into sharp relief...
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TNCERTAINTY is at last being removed from fuel rationing and operators can plan for a limited period ahead. Although the hard...
Celebrating on Ethylene-Glycol THE, fatal result of indulging in alcohol in the form I of a de.-icing mixture containing...
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That early-period " basic " fuel coupons may be " cashed " up to the end of the book date. That co-operation in road haulage...
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A NATIONAL consultative committee to deal with fuel-rationing problems has been set up by the Ministry of Transport. It will...
Government that during the fuelrationing period they will cover the carriage by C-licensees of other traders' traffic, After a...
the Royal Agricultural Society of England confidently expect that the Royal Show at Costessey, Norwich, will be held, as...
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A SURVEY made this week by The .1 - 1 Commercial Motor shows that there is still confusion over fuel rationing, particularly in...
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of Expanditc, Ltd.. is to visit South Africa, Rhodesia and East Africa. MR. R. FLETCHER has joined Strectly Garage, Ltd., as...
annual meeting of the road transport section of Manchester Chamber of Commerce' last week that operators had a strong case for...
D ESP1TE allegations that large numhers of Macclesfield people were being carried to Great Yarmouth at holiday times by "...
9f "-'deputy general manager of Middlesbrough Transport Department are Mr. R. C. Barker, chief assistant, Tees-side Railless...
of over Lim. were placed with Leyland Motors, Ltd., by the British Transport Commission in 1956. The vehicles ordered will...
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S UPPLEMENTARY fuel allowances issued to Wycombe furniture manufacturers and hauliers for furniture transport, approximate,...
ourable response to the efforts of British Railways to attract business during the present oil shortage was contained in a...
A NEW economy device for petrol eggines is being distributed by Fuel Conservation, Ltd., 132-4 Fleet Street. London, E.C.4. It...
A N inquiry is being made into the use of vehicles by the 17,000 members of the Road Haulage Association. Last week they were...
TH E Government's fuel policy was criticized by Mr. Geoffrey Hirst, Conservative M.P. for Shipley, Yorks, at a meeting in his...
A FTER the company's chiefs had been granted a personal interview with Brig. R. J. 0. Dowse, Metropolitan Licensing Authority,...
A PROMISE that he would look into the question of fuel supplies for bakers was made last week by Mr. G. R. H. Nugent,...
THE first of 16 of the new Titan 30-ft.-long double-deckers ordered by the Potteries Motor Traction Co., Ltd., has been...
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INDEPENDENT country bus opera" tors seeking to run excursions in and from North Yorkshire will be vigorously opposed by United...
F ACILIT1ES for installing Ford fourcylindered oil engines in various vehicIeS, including Austin and Bedford models, arc...
A PPLICATIONS for higher fares I -1 have been submitted by nine more bus companies and three municipal undertaking. The...
THERE would have been less criti cism of fuel rationing if the balance of transport had been studied in past' years. said Mr....
B ECAUSE the first phase of ,a fare revision proposed by the Western National Omnibus Co., Ltd., and the Southern National...
y Appeal Ends A CLAIM that the East Midland Traffic Commissioners had not paid sufficient attention to the volume of,...
I - 1 A PETITION for the compulsory winding-up of NoUs and Lines Transport, Ltd., of Cclwick Road, Not-, tingham, presented by...
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to the North Western Deputy Licensing Authority, at Manchester on Tuesday, that an additional vehicle granted on an existing A...
Two extra vans, each of 3 tons unladen, were authorized under an A licence to A. F. Holden and Co., Ltd., Manchester. by Mr. J....
r I NLY 14,604' out of 55,000 goods vehicle operators in the area had applied for supplementary juel, the West Midland...
A FTER the British Transport Corn , mission had submitted that the application had been made in the wrong area, Mr. J. R....
A N offer to operate an emergency scheme for driving tests has been made by the Royal Automobile Club and the Automobile...
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A MOTION for injunctions to r - % restrain a Bournemouth firm from selling or supplying tyres at prices higher or lower than...
for tenders for the use of vehicles. Together with the addresses to which quotations should be sent, they include: Farnborough...
B ULK handling of refined sugar was expanding steadily and in a few years no sacks would be required. Sugar could be delivered...
A NY exception relating to the picking-up or setting-down of passengers and the loading or unloading of goods would negative...
1 - 1 A CONFERENCE may be held in Birmingham next month to consider the establishment of an integrated passenger transport...
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T HE design and operation of newtype vehicles. with roller-conveyor floors was discussed last week at a meetMg of the Institute...
T HE European common market was one of the first pre-occupations of the new Cabinet this week, writes our • political...
A WIDE range of new synthetic rubbers is to be produced from a plant which has just been completed by the Dunlop Rubber Co.,...
THE immediate outlook in the British motor industry is extremely depressing. During the first quarter of this year production...
• C ONSIDERING that the possibility of saving a laree quantity of fuel may have 'more appeal to the Government Departments...
in Tel Aviv, have applied to the Israeli Ministry of Transport to import 35 Claausson buses from France. Dan use mainly...
T HE British Transport Commission successfully objected to an application by F. Davies (St. Helens), Ltd., to the North Western...
rOLLOWING the grant of an extra I 7s. 6d. a week to London bus workers, the Transport and General Workers' Union are claiming...
T HE proposal by Stoke-on-Trent City Council and eight other local councils to consider setting up a municipal bus undertaking...
WHEN an owner-driver appeared on VI' a speeding charge before Kidderminster Court last week he asked the Bench to take into...
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T HE inclusion of trolleybuses run by South Lancashire Transport Co. in temporary fare increases on services operated by...
Pl. A WIDE range of mechanicalhandling equipment, including forklift trucks, electric trucks, conveyors and elevators, will be...
T HE Institute of the Motor Industry will again hold a residential summer school at St. Catharine's College, Cambridge, from...
ITgoes against the grain to hear that the applicants want to compete with us for the bit of work available," stated Mr. R. H....
F OR the first nine months of 1956, profits on the joint bus services run by Bristol Corporation and Bristol Tramways and...
T TRADING as Sidney Kay Automobiles,' Mr. Sidney Kayc, Evelyn Court, Amhurst Road, Hackney, was awarded £325 damages and costs...
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A WOMAN and her daughter, who • operated a service station at Selside. near Kendal, were last week committed by Kendal County...
L'OURTEEN large-capacity trailers, to I be hauled by Leyland Beaver tractors, mainly on long-distance removals between South...
C (-LAMED to be the largest repair shop for vehicle bodywork in the district, the new factory of Motor Bodies (Luton), Ltd.,...
S HOU LD an established operator. compelled to suspend a service because of fuel rationing, take over a works service and run...
B AR GES are being used instead of lorries by Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., to transport lubricating oils from their Stanlow...
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Variety is the keynote of public transport in Glasgow, which forms the subject of the last in this series on the four Scottish...
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a 55° angle of Itip, has been fitted to a B.M.C. 7-ton 12-ft. 6-in, wheelbase chassis and cab. Manufactured by the Spenborough...
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A FULLY automatic transmission system was introduced by the A.C.V. Group on Monday. A particular advantage of the system is...
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Institute Meeting: The autumn meeting of the Institute of Metals will be held in Glasgow from September 17-20. Good Start:...
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Revolutionary Changes in Parcels Carrying Forecast : Railways as Trunk Operators / NCREASED interworking between road and rail...
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LASSHOUSE windows in Birmingham tinkled merrily 'LS last week as Mr.. C. E. Jordan, of the Traders' Road Transport Association...
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T O leave the country at a time of crisis can be, in a Minister, a sign equally of guilt and of innocence. Mr. Harold...
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No Damage to Engines by Removal of Deposits S PECIAL tests and controlled investigations had failed to establish that...
Efficiency of New Petrol Engines Increasing T HE economic -advantage of the oil engine was being reduced, first, by the...
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A PRESSURERESPONSIVE rA governor, the action of which is controlled from the distributor, has been introduced by the Holley...
F ITTED to an Austin 5-ton forward-control oil-engined chassis, a special body has recently been completed by Marshall Motor...
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A LOADING ramp that can I - 3be set up• and clamped in position on any lorry in about four minutes is being produced • by...
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WITH -an intimate knowledge of the working of the " fuel-rationing scheme, as it affects commercial road transport and...
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Plastics Panels A NEW method of fi xing plastics panels to metal body framing has been developed by Holmes (Preston), Ltd.,...
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Application Described as Danger to Whole Licensing System in North-west T HE objectors regarded this as a dangerous...
O PERATION of the C-licence fleet of Bowaters Services and Transport, Ltd.. was largely dictated by customers' intake times....
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T HE compression ratio of an engine has to be designed with regard to the maximum possible cylinder charge, but as the average...