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a A S Postmaster - General, Mr. Ernest Marples showed himself to be receptive to new ideas that would increase the efficiency...
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T HE history of road transport is littered with examples of the hindering of technical development. by Government policy. The...
A ROUND the turn of the present century the common carrier, with his spare-ribbed horse and apparently expanding cart, was a...
e By The Hawk E RGONOMICS have been put to practical use in the design of the cab for the latest Morris and Austin 2-4-ton...
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on Transport Units BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T HROUGH the tenacity of the Road Haulage Association, the road haulage...
vV HEINI told that vehicles which he was supposed to have weighed in Newcastle upon Tyne were, in fact, at work in Cumberland...
E LEVEN major road schemes costing £17m., and 12 others each costing under £500,000, have been submitted for approval to the...
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THE general interest of the travelling . public, 'as" distinct from individual preference, requires any transport system to '...
S EVEN northern haulage concerns successfully appealed to the Transport Tribunal in London on Tuesday against a decision of the...
THE Minister of Transport's plans to relieve the pressure of traffic in the West End of London during the Christmas period are...
T HE chief constables of five counties through Which thi Lbridon-13i rmingham motorway runs think that it is too early yet to...
T Ford Motor Co., Ltd., agreed on Tuesday to reduce the working week of some 41,000 employees from 42+ hours to 41+ hours...
viction, enjoyed by Harvey Bros. (Transport), Ltd., Coningsby, Lines, was spoiled last week. The concern were fined a total of...
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MR. E. GOODFELI.OW has joined A.E.C. (Sales), Ltd., as South Wales area manager. MR. RALPH HOBSON, sub-area transport officer...
"IRRESPONSIBLE unofficial strikes I were attacked by Mr. A. J. Cormack, president of the Scottish Motor Trade Association, at...
W E regret to announce the deaths of MR. CHARLES ROBERTSON, MR. T. ST. 1. FOSTER, MR. LEWIS ALLEN and MR. JAMES FRANCIS...
A N order for the compulsory r - t winding-up of Burtwell's Transport, Ltd., The Terrace, Wokingham, Berks, was made by Mr....
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C RITICISM of the survey of ancillary transport carried out by the Traders' Road Transport Association was made by Mr. F. R....
IF Mr. Graham Page (Cons., Crosby) 11 . succeeds in piloting a private Bill through Parliament, a road-safety commissioner...
A NOTHFR expansion programme for the production of automobile components is announced by Mr. R. GordonSmith, chairman and...
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T WO hauliers who had arrived late before the Transport Tribunal on October 8, to find that their cases had been dismissed in...
A-S•a - result of objections by the Chief .rACoristable of Bristol, the Western Traffic Commissioners have refused the Bristol...
" I AM convinced that M1 will prove to be one of the safest highways in the world," said Mr. R. Gresharn Cooke. M.P.,' -last...
'THE British. Transport Commission 1. have lost their appeal against the addition of four vehicles to the A licence of Budleigh...
depot 1 at Low Fell, Gateshead, was the largest and most modern depot in Britain and probably in Europe, said Sir Brian...
A LTHOUGH Bury excursion operators did not seek to link catchment areas and destinations, they were not prepared to accept a...
N agreement between British Road Services and the Transport and General Workers' Union, consequent upon the raising of the...
H OPE that the Government would have second thoughts on a motorway . speed limit for heavy vehicles was expressed by Mr. G. E....
O UT of 315 drivers employed by Watney Combe Reid and Co., Ltd., and entered for the 1958 National Safe Driving Competition,...
B US drivers convicted of driving offences might in future be ordered to undergo driving tests. This warning was issued by...
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nother Depot: A new depot has been iened by the India Tyre and Rubber Co., :d., at 151 Parker Drive, Leicester. ew Office: The...
P AY claims made last week, and which were estimated to cost about £10m. in all, could easily be met if the Government...
T HE controlled crossing where the road out of Ayr meets the runway of Prestwick airport is to remain for the present, but it...
VEHICLES propelling snowploughs, V and aerodrome fire tenders, have been exempted from certain requirements relating to the...
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A MAN who had been persuaded to change a 24-ton platform lorry for 74-tonner, on the promise of regular work between Warrington...
A LTHOUGH a London firm of PA hauliers with 100 vehicles have banned their drivers from using •the London-Birmingham motorway,...
IMON-PAYING rural services could not 1 I continue so long as the Chancellor of the Exchequer took a high proportion of their...
IF Paton Bros., Ltd., Renfrew, we I allowed to run their proposed sta service between Paisley and Glasgm their buses would be...
W HEN Messrs. L. G. and H. i Phillips applied to the Nor Western Traffic Commissioners at Wre ham, on Monday, to take over six...
G RANTS of 65-75 per,cent. have bet made by the Government under ti Agriculture (Improvement • of RoaC Act for works on...
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rHE use of chromium-plated piston ring's • could double the life of an mine when load factors were high, and uadrupIe the life...
"IUSTLESS refuse collection will be applied to the whole of Birmingham 10 years. The system was introduced ist January and...
fl RAFT orders in connection with the I- , planning of the new Medway motor road were published on Monday. They provide for the...
Q VERSEAS requirements have inspired the design by Guy Motors, Ltd., Wolverhampton, of a new underfloor cngined bus chassis for...
I N the four weeks ended November 1, London Transport road services earned £4.327,000 and State - owned provincial and Scottish...
‘-.-/ been received from South Africa by A.E.C., Ltd. Vehicles demanded include Monarch Mark VI. Mandator, Marshal and Dumptruk...
to do their utmost to ease :hristmas traffic problems was made on - uesday by the Traders' Road Transport kssociation. Traffic...
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T RAFFIC gained by a Yorkshire haulier when he opened a depot in Birmingham and transferred Rotherhambased vehicles there was...
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r E Nor-Vac floor crane available from Allan Levin, Ltd., 1 Mackenzie Street, Slough, Bucks, is manufactured in Sweden. It...
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By Our Midlands Representative S OME 10 days before the motorway was opened 1 rode in the cab of a laden six-wheeler on a...
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T HE typical Scottish operator is eager to exploit innovations, if the cost is reasonable, and his reaction to the ebullient...
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FTER the fanfare comes the anti-climax. The Transport Tribunal, it was thought, in dealing with the Pike arid Roberts appeals,...
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big advantages of the Morris F.G. . 3-to4 forwardcontrol - chassis are the ease of access to the cab, excellent visibility from...
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W ORK study has been applied to the cab of the new B.M.C. range of 2-, 3and 4-tonners by Prof. G. C Drew, of London University....
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Appeal Decisions to Unify Policy? T HE reaffirmation by the Transport Tribunal, in their decisions on the Pike and Roberts...
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Linking Battles Continue E North Western Traffic Commis sioners have expressed grave dissatisfaction concerning the extent of...
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Dangers of Flat Rates I DEALLY, a haulier should price each of his jobs individually to ensure the greatest degree of...
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ALTHOALTHO UGH the development of multi-fuel engines by UGH manufacturers under the auspices of the Fighting Vehicles...
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P ATENT No. 820,369 refers to heavy machinery-carrying vehicles having 16 wheels on four driven axles, pairs of which are in...