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IDGING from the volume of correspondence and phone inquiries we :eive each week relating to qualifications for entry to the...
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EST MIDLANDS hauliers and the Transport and General orkers Union are on the brink of establishing a joint industrial iuncil....
PICKETS will not have the right to stop lorry drivers crossing their lines, according to Attorney General Sir Michael Havers....
THE CAPITAL cost of the in itial fitment of the tachograpl will probably be of the order o £120m estimated Transpor Minister...
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Some responsibility for treet parking rests with the ;sue of ,0-licences by the arious Licensing Authorities. 4_,C should...
ESENT trends of freight distribution must be reversed for the gl of the environment, Transport 2000's Nick Lester told the...
MOONDROP all-night lorry deliveries could become a feature of the 1980s, according to the Freight Transport Association's...
SEVERAL BRITISH co panies are interested in bur the Scottish Develop Agency's 76 per cent sha Stonefield Vehicles Ltd....
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IAULIERS are too slow in recovering iebts from their customers, and could Inprove their cash flow greatly if they .dopt a more...
LEADING tachograph manufacturers assured CM this week that, with only a few exceptions, vehicles registered on or after...
UNDER Secretary for Transport Kenneth Clarke has announced in the House of Commons that he has no intention of approving more...
TRANSPORT MINISTER Norman Fowler is looking to private capital to finance the Channel Tunnel. Mr Fowler told Parliament that...
I KNOW how Tony Marlow feels, for like him I have often driven down the M4 to Newport. And like him I have not been...
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WERLOADED foreign lorries — especially from Ireland — are continuing source of concern to Licensing Authorities, accoriing to...
TRANSPORT MINISTER Norman Fowler is to look into claims that companies which have committed minor infringements of regulations...
INDUSTRIAL TRANSPOF costs between the UK at overseas will always be high than other countries as long maximum vehicle weigh...
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HICLE prohibitions in dside checks are often a tter of being in the wrong :te at the wrong time. So imed a Stoke-on-Trent her...
4MERCIAL VEHICLE ng will continue to grow, trding to the British icle Rental and Leasing ciation. eaking last week, BVRLA...
CHARTER ROADWAYS of Preston has taken delivery of six DAF FT2800 DKTD tractive units making its entire fleet, with one...
A NATIONAL symposium discuss road maintenance an the findings of the Natio Road Condition Survey is to held by the British Rol....
MOVES to ban parking heavy lorries in Ormskir town centre car parks ar being made by West La cashire District Council, an...
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A MANCHESTER operator was within its rights to insist that a driver should park his van at an outside depot. Manchester...
HERTZ UK Truck Rental and Leasing is introducing a revolutionary volume-user company rate structure which signals the end of...
CUMBRIA County Coun plans to introduce a pern cordon scheme for lorri using the A59I between Gil mere and Thurlmere, and...
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LLS for more freedom for Group Training Associations were 2 , ,d last week when their chairmen and training officers met at...
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BRITISH transport consultancy Martin and Voorhees Associates has joined forces with Volvo Transportation Systems to offer a...
BOTH SIDES of the House Commons questioned 1 Transport Bill's competiti clauses this week, but Opposition motion to rest]...
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eiRKETING and the future were the main themes at the lively d informative Association of District Councils' transport inagers'...
TAYSIDE Regional Counei wants to take over the Traf I Commissioners' service lie sing responsibilities. In its Transport...
LINCOLN City Transport 1 * 1 introduced what is believed be the first 'ever self-servw bus travel pass. Passengers can buy a...
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WEST MIDLANDS Traffic Commissioners have attacked the way Hereford and Worcester County Council has gone about planning the...
SCICON computer services Milton Keynes has introduc a programme to assist eng eers design body structures i buses. The...
SPECIAL discciunt offers f transport to certain Lonch theatres and night clubs ha. been introduced by Lond( Transport. People...
NATIONAL BUS Company subsidiary Eastern Counties has announced that it is getting tough with passengers who do not pay their...
PASSENGER usage of stage buses in Great Britain has be falling since 1952 according to a report, The Use of Local B Services...
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NLOP this week announced the first of a new range of ?I-braced radial tyres — the SP311. 'he company claims that all-axle...
BORG WARNER has equip ped two of its own Austin Morris Sherpa vans wi automatic transmission a they have now covered 200,0...
LIFT AND JACK manufacturer TI Bradbury haE, appointed Garage and Industrial of Marfield Lane, Redditch, Worcestershire as an...
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FIDUS CONTROLS Ltd has launched a diesel/water emulsifier which can be fitted to the engine of any diesel powered vehicle. The...
ARDENTE of Windsor has developed a "plug in" burglar alarm which costs nothing to install and can be relocated or added to at...
THE Perkins Engines Group has set up a new Applications Noise Advisory Service available alike to vehicles, forklift trucks,...
watchdog 4 LEX TILLOTSON is launchi three new services aimed reducing vehicle repair a maintenance time, as well streamlining...
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iE TRANSPORT Developant Group last week anunced pre-tax 1979 profits £22.2m on £248m turnover. !spite the haulage strike, th...
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G. MACKENZIE JUNNER, editor of Commercial Motor for 30 years, from 1929 to 1959, died in a Hove nursing home last Saturday at...
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Tim Blakemore gives his verdict on a well maintained Seddon Atkinson, Brian Weatherley took e pictures EHE ATTRACTION of...
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A PASSENGER was apparently so astonished to meet a courteous Lothian Region bus driver that she gave him £1000. He first...
I AM NOT indulging in a backhanded compliment when I say that employees at Lothian Region's Marine garage, Seafield, Edinburgh,...
"VIRTUALLY every day one of the 800 lorry drivers based in Hull comes face to face with a strike. It could be anywhere . But...
SPLENDID likenesses in ticine by Simon Hensha Barney White (managing tor), John Bradley (man marketing), and Alan Cr&...
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ineets the RHA N HOGG is an owner-driver ier. There is nothing difit or special about him or his less. )r 15 years he was one...
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THE SIMPLE carburettor is unsuitable for motor vehicle work because the mixture it produces become progressively richer as the...
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Les Oldridge, TEng, (CE I), MI :TION 60 of the Road Traffic 1972 makes it an offence to or supply, or to offer to sell upply,...
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A one-man coach operator can combine low overheads wi high operational standards. Story by Noel Milli ES a one-man coach...
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FRIDAY March 7 the RSA mination for the CPClage (National) was held. re were 60 questions to ver, Questions 17 and 22 e the...
IN YOUR EDITION for week ending February 2 (p34) you carried an article by Brian Chalmers-Hunt which covered aspects of pumping...
IT WAS with interest that we read the article "Getting to grips with your tyres" (CM, January 12). Unfortunately an error has...
IN REPORTING the CPT Coaching Symposium on th Transport Bill (CM, March p24) you say I, along with others,spoke briefly...
MAY I compliment you on all excellent journal which I hay taken weekly for the past seve years and find invaluable in m...
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NATIONAL Bus Company has again made some changes at senior level, resulting in James Weeks being promoted to chief engineer of...
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Tim Blakemore assesses the second-hand mark DAD TRANSPORT is one of e most conservative industries hen it comes to buying and...
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John Durant talks to Notcuits about the insurance pitfalls that owner-drivers must avoid —you need to have a policy drawn up by...
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The used vehicle market is depressed, warns Steve Gray, ()Inc operators may be too if they have an unpopular import to se E...