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In the meantime Britain's allocation is up 17 per cent from our European correspondent BRITAIN'S quota of EEC road haulage...
A JOINT declaration by 12 international organizations of road users, carriers and manufacturers, and sponsered by the IRU, has...
WORLDWIDE interest in Duple's unique pusher-bus project — exclusively illustrated and described in CM, May 10 — is growing...
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OPERATORS in the North East of England who are using the "Guildhall" British and Continental Vehicle Driver's Hours and Records...
A DEFICIT of ,f100m next year for London Transport is possible following the, Greater London Council's decision last week to...
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THE DOCK labour group of the Transport and General Workers' Union met in London last Friday and rejected a proposal that a...
THE seven-week-old unofficial strike by drivers of refrigerated meat lorries in Liverpool is to be taken to arbitration as a...
FORTY more sailings a week between Felixstowe and Europoort are now being provided by the Transport Ferry Service, The sailings...
Past attempts to introduce semi-automatic transmissions for trucks have failed miserably, yet they are nearly universal on...
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A COMPANY in North Cheam supplying building materials on a nationwide basis was rightly convicted of two offences under the...
THE first public appearance of light and medium commercial vehicles based on "club of four" components is likely to be the...
PROPOSALS by the Road Transport Industry Training Board for a levy on employers within the scope of the Board have been...
A NEW insurance scheme for users of articulated vehicles equipped with Dunlop Maxaret anti-skid equipment has been announced by...
by John Darker MORT THAN 150 ownerdrivers employed at Ready Mixed Concrete plants in the North West attended a meeting at...
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THE OPERATIONS of the 1,000-vehicle fleet of Mitchell Cotts Transport are to be reorganized on a regional basis. There will be...
PLANS have been announced by Volvo truck division to sell trucks in the USA. Initially, a dealer network is being developed to...
SOME SIXTY of the country's hundred largest companies have replied to a letter from Transport Minister Fred Mulley saying that...
THE SUSSEX LDoY contest ran with entries 29 per cent up on 1973. The overall winner, D. Read, has won at the Sussex centre...
• Road Service& Long Lane branch — the depot where, in prewar days, he commenced his career when it belonged to Pickfords and...
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A "DISGRACEFULLY kept vehicle in a dangerous state" cost its operator curtailment and suspension when he appeared before the...
PAYING the penalty for overweight and hours and records convictions, Lowe (Paddock Wood) Ltd had its 29 vehicle and 47 trailer...
IN some publicity for CM's 1974 Fleet Management Conference it was stated that the conference coincided with the main week of...
LORRY Driver Albertus Van Der Meulen, 27, of Putney, London, was jailed for four years at Canterbury last week after admitting...
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A PROFIT off.336,314 was made by the holidays division of Barr and Wallace Arnold Trust Ltd compared with £51,104 in 1972. (The...
THE influence of the Transport and General Workers' Union on transport policymaking is referred to in the current issue of the...
PRODUCTION facilities have been found for Tricentrol's midi bus body based on the Ford A series {CM May 24), First models of...
TO celebrate its Golden Jubilee of motor bus operation later this month, Leicester City Transport have published a 4-4-page,...
FOR the second time in six months Midland Red is seeking permission to raise rares. They are being sought because of drastic...
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by Martin Hayes LAST WEEK in CM I reported on a significant new development from Ford — an electronically controlled...
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A QUALIFIED success for Cleveland Transit's pioneering lpg-powered doubledecker is reported in a comprehensive analysis of the...
BY USING air suspension on five of its York Freightmaster semi-trailers, Express Dairy. (Northern) Ltd has been able to develop...
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FIFTY miles an hour (80 km/h) is the cruising speed for optimum fuel consumption, delegates at CM's Fleet Fuel Economy seminar...
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Relax, lads, the peaty tang of a dram o' the real stuff is not in danger. I have it on the authority of notepaper with a...
Came across a case the other day where a new operator really learned the hard way. He'd bought a "used" fridge trailer from...
You might think that a tabloid with the blazing headline "Switch Freight to the Canals" could be quickly identified as the...
For at least 600 people the fourth day of Royal Ascot was "ladies day".. The 600 were guests of the BRS group of companies and...
The Americans have long believed that Britain is full of men in bowler hats living in Hathaway cottages and chatting...
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A 14 h-known film con - i v exposes its transport to cor tructive criticism— results are far from negative IT IS probably a...
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CM produces several special publications to aid operators. Currently in print: CM Tables of Operating Costs: providing a...
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A SURVEY OF LORRY-MOUNTED CRANES AVAILABLE IN THE UK by Trevor Longcroft INQUIRIES from readers this year suggest that more...
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by CM reporter Pictures by Dick Ross Servicing the distribution requirements of round-the-clock confectionery production WHEN...
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\v ri cill A Tf i si - N A A rr 12/74 by Graham Montgomerie; pictures by Dick Ross THE DAF 2800 Series for Europe offers a...
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JU DGING from the membership of the Bishop of Kingston's independent commission, it might have been expected that its report...
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by John Darker THE Flixborough disaster concentrated the minds of everyone on the risk to human life of a major chemical plant...
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hazardous loads continued from page 64 to the participants when simulated incidents are contrived, using model vehicles in a...
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by David H. G. Moody, joint technical manager, Freight Transport Association THAT new trucks were not always as fit for the...
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3rief appraisal: Bedford YRQ with Plaxton body )y Martin Hayes /HEN Bedford's YRQ coach chassis as introduced four years ago...
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look at the transport operations of forkshire chicken processing company by Anthony O'Toole RY1NG both livestock and...
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by Les Oldridge, T Eng (CEO, MIMI, AMIRTE t 27 years of age, David Male must be se of the most trained transport men Britain....
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If the offence which led to the endorsement was in connection with Sections 5(1), 6(1) or 9(3) of the Road Traffic Act 1972,...
It is not the usual practice to keep separate trailer costs though there are companies which do so. These are usually...
been offered a . lob %vhich involves a . round trip of 80 miles of which about 30 will he empty running. Unloading at...
during wh time the road fund licence expl The vehicle is due for its annual and until this has been done I cat renew the road...
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by John Darker AMBIM MOST of the joint stock banks now have factoring subsidiaries. The word "factor" means many things — from...
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On-site weighing of contractors' plant on unprepared ground and without external power supplies' can he carried out with...
Aimed at the increasing use of aluminium radiators in vehicles, a new corrosion inhibitor from Bayer is claimed to prevent all...
Reversing a van is made easier with a flexible wide-angle lens from Burdens. It is simply wetted and pressed on to a rear...
Sealing concrete floors to dust-proof them and increase their abrasion resistance can be done with Quentglaze primer and...
Heavy-duty commercial mirror heads with flat or convex lenses are now available from Intertruck in 17.8cm by 12.7cm (7 in by...
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by Jerry Rodwell REFRIGERATION units on commercials have a hard life, with hours of continuous running, to protect valuable...