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laggards The road goods industry has rightly criticized the unsatisfactory scramble to introduce drivers' hours and records...
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Peter Land forecasts future of carrier's busines • A special parcels traffic survey just carried out in the huge London Postal...
• President-elect of the Freight Transport Association is Mr. Mr. J. R. Elliott. Since 1967 Mr. Elliott has been a...
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• Drivers of goods vehicles who do not drive for more than four hours on any day will be exempt from keeping records only if...
• Transport was touched on only briefly in the Conservative Party's review of policy for the next General Election, in Surrey...
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into operation on Monday is being strongly criticized by a number of British-Continental operators. There is an agreement that...
• Transport managers in Devon are being given a further opportunity to attend a course organized by Exeter Technical College....
• The proposal to establish a forked rates system, to apply to road haulage between member states, was approved by 57 votes to...
container movements rose from 800 in 196' to 11,600 in 1968 and 27,900 in 1969, ; second :terminal at Landor Street Birmingham,...
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• The Road Transport Industry Training Board director-general, Mr. Eric Tindall, invited operators to, "push their way through...
• Mr. E. B. R. Smith (Reece Brothers Transport Ltd., Ipswich), RHA, Eastern area chairman and winner of the first essay...
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• A new standard load unit has just been introduced by National Carriers Ltd. Novel feature is that its height is adjustable to...
• The suggestion that an 11.5-ton axle weight might be adopted as a compromise between 10and 13-ton national limits, at least...
• After a hesitant start, considerable momentum is building up in the development of trip planning by computer, but there are...
• An appeal by motor dealer and repairer, Mr. Alan John Balch. against his conviction of using his lorry for a purpose not...
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• Spot checks during the 12 months ending September 30 last showed a slight reduction in the proportion of defective heavy...
• An appeal by J. B. Leach (Eastbourne) Ltd., haulage contractor, of Finmore Road, Eastbourne. against fines imposed by...
transport by David and freight handling Lowe Earlier start at Liverpool • Time for receiving cargo at Liverpool Gladstone...
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• Merseyside PTE has divided its area into three operating divisions, each controlled by a divisional manager. The divisions...
spares starved city • A comprehensive team from British Leyland's truck and bus division has visited Glasgow Corporation...
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• A new company—Asian Greyhound Ltd.—to operate both tours and express services to Calcutta, was formed last week. Asian...
from our Parliamentary correspondent • Government and Opposition spokesmen on transport clashed sharply over the financial...
• Tyneside Passenger Transport Authority proposes to introduce a system of half-price fares at non-peak periods for 100,000...
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Biggest-ever fares increase granted • At the end of a three-day hearing last Friday, Mr. C. R. Hodgson, chairman of the North...
• Richardson's Transport (Coventry) Ltd., one of four operators in Birmingham on Monday applying for low-loaders in order to...
• C. M. Shepherd and Sons Ltd., of Newcastle, has to wait until a fleet inspection has been carried out on its vehicles to see...
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• An operator's licence was granted to Orrell and Brewster (Transport) Ltd., of Gateshead, in Newcastle last week. Mr. J. A. T....
• When giving his decision to an application by R. H. Stevens Ltd., of Macclesfield (CM January 23) the North Western deputy LA...
• The appetite of American tourists for seeing old England is to be further satisfied by the grant on Tuesday of an excursion...
• Keeping records of maintenance carried out on vehicles was for the haulier's own protection. This point was made by Mr. J. A....
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Tom Ennis, 47. London-based distribution manager for a large American textile organization, is to become general manager of...
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• A BNIC Mastiff, converted by Henry Boys and Son Ltd., Pleck Road, Walsall, Staffs, to a three-axle vehicle, is plated at 22...
• There is still a considerable demand for trucks and buses which cannot be met in full, states Lord Stokes in the annual...
• A total of 465,720 commercial vehicles was produced in the UK in 1969, of which 192,778 were exported. Comparable figures for...
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Kerril Spencer • Kerril Spencer will be getting the feel of his new job as Road Haulage Association group co-ordination...
After reading of the case of overloading by a Staffordshire haulier loading in Liverpool Docks, I felt compelled to record my...
Would Mr. Haxby (CM January 9) care to say what has been done to foster the training of road haulage workers in Scotland? He...
On November 7 1969 CM published some 'detail regarding an experimental turntable developed jointly by the Road Research...
In connection with your January 23 report of the hearing at which I had a p.s.v. licence revoked, would you be so kind as to...
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by Handyman Benchwise: lathe sense (4) DESPITE today's wide range of power tools, mechanics and bodybuilders alike always...
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by the Hawk • Tercentenary You thought plating was a new idea, perhaps? And that compulsory published rates were a fairly...
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Edinburgh and District Tipper Operators' Association 'There was no future in rate - cutting' by lain Sherriff, MITA WHEN WORK...
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by Ashley Taylor, AMIRTE. Assoc lnst T TYNESIDERS are generally robust individualists, and it is therefore in keeping with the...
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'It is not our object to make colossal profits' by David Lowe M hist A. IN 1961 members of the Road Haulage Association's...
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"Group membership has encouraged co-operation at all by Brian Cottee THE PRIME PURPOSE of the Mid Southern Tipping Group Ltd.,...
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Vot feasible to sub-divide or specialist traffics' r David Spain -IE NAME of one of the directors of onmouthshire Tippers...
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by Tony Wilding, MIMechE, MIRTE NEW Fiat and DAF goods chassis are the highlights of this year's Geneva Show which opened on...
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by Ron Cater, AMInstBE FUNCTIONAL simplicity is the keynote of the fleet of 250 tippers, concrete mixers and flats run by ARC...
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Calling a spade a spade • Time and mileage are two basic factors in transport operation. In costing their counterparts are...
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by Ron Cater, AMInstBE ALTHOUGH the artic has ousted the eight-wheeler as the principal British trunk vehicle, for some...
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by Inspector K. W. Norman. Crime Prevention Section, New Scotland Yard. • Thieves entered a haulage contractor's yard and...
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Producing suitable gears for all applications is no problem but building a matched combination of ram assembly, body and...
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Multitude of counsellors by Janus O NE CRITICISM constantly made of the system Of carriers' licensing now being dismantled was...
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matters by John Darker, AMBIM Tipping groups: the way ahead (1) MANY PEOPLE have seen in the growth of tipping groups a...
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by Les Oldridge AIRTE, AMIMI The new h.g.v. driving licence (3) IF AN APPLICANT for an h.g.v. driver's licence cannot satisfy...
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Goods" licence which expires at the end of February. The vehicle weighs over 30cwt unladen. Will the Transport Act have any...
Les Oldridge stated that mobile cranes do not come within the definition of heavy goods vehicles for h.g.v. drivers' licensing....
excess of 30cwt but gross weight of not more than 3.5 tons. Recently I was stopped by the police and told! would be reported...
B licence. Under the new drivers' hours regulations which take effect from March 1 1970, can Fuse my van for pleasure purposes...
diesel engines are non toxic because all the fuel is burnt during combustion? In other words, can it be assumed that a diesel...
has arisen over here on the question of gradients—the lack of uniformity in designation in reports (in some cases "one in (say)...
On Monday Peter Land forecast for the Institute of Transport how parcels services would develop in the UK, and explained how...
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ONE of the mos important assets of membership of a professional transport institute or associati n from student to . full...
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To ensure perman nt accurate alignment of the buter steady bearing in its Mk 6 semi-trailer landing legs, Intertruck has...
Swiss-made uatteries suitable for light vehicles are now being imported by Aldalow. Four models of Fortis battery are...
A price list quoting metric sizes and decimal currency as well as currently used units is being issued by the Nevill Long...
Electricians on vehicle maintenance will find many uses for Colclene TE which has been added to the range of products marketed...
Welded stainless-steel tube is now specified for an everwidening range of applications in British industry and a useful booklet...
A safety trip is now available on Ratcliff electric-hydraulic tail-lifts as an option. The equipment which is fitted in each...
A new type of fastener called TapIt which is said to be particularly suitable for fixing number plates and mud flaps has been...
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Modifications to the DeVilbiss heated refinishing booth give greater installation versatility even though the basic design is...
The range of electrical-contact lubricants and ancillary products available from Electrolube is described in a comprehensive...
Mounted on .a trolley, the Flexy MVW mobile vehicle washer works within a 60ft. radius, or if fitted with a longer hose a...
A combination of alkalinity, wetting power and high density are said to make Impco No.285 Solv suitable for all types of...
An illustrated leaflet on the - 4-way" plastics pallet introduced in . November is now available from WCB Containers. As well...
The new Star AM7 range of mobile radio telephones introduced by Standard Telephones and Cables complements the VHF FM series...
Latest information leaflet released by The Distillers Co. is entitled "CO, for Welding". As well as explaining the different...
A revised British Standard dealing with threads intended for use with light-gauge copper tubes and associated fittings has been...
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The years 1959 to 1968 are covered in the latest edition of the Data Book published by the Economic Development Committee for...
An adhesive system known as Vincit P480 has been developed by the Chemical Products branch of the Carborundum Co. for bonding...
A second "Report on Metrication" has been published by the Mechanical Handling Engineers Association. This supplements and...
A range of cleaning chemicals now available from the Chemicals Division of Pennsalt has been specially compounded for garages,...
There are many occasions in the workshop when the need arises to use some locked insert or dowel. I was therefore interested...
Equipment that allows a small van to be towed on its four wheels without a driver in it to steer has been introduced to the...
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Improved availability' and easier servicing will be features of a redesigned range of electric tachometers deve aped by Smiths...
A means of maintai ing hydraulic assistance to p wer-steering systems in the event of failure of the hydraulic pump or vehicle...
A new rubber tanker-discharge hose designed specifically to handle heated oil - based products has been introduced by Goodyear....
The wide range of chemicals made by the Penetone Co. to deal with all aspects of cleaning and maintenance of transport vehicles...
The latest range of Homalon plastics ball-bearing castors are listed in a small-sheet leaflet just issued by Noma Engineering....
A control unit for windscreen wipers which gives intermittent operation and which is available for 24v systems is being...
A Powell Duffryn Engineering leaflet deals with the PowerMite stationary refuse packer. Within this small hydraulic packer,...
Onduline corrugated sheeting is now being marketed by OFIC (GB) in pvc as well as a composition of processed mineral and...
Sqeezable plastics containers are now being used by BP for its 1-pint EP 80 and 90 lightand medium-grade gear oils. Use of...