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IFIE injustice of convicting operators f o r failing t o ensure that accurate records kept, when they have no wledge of the...
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T HE motor industry is being inflicted with a crop of vexatious and unnecessary strikes. In most instances only a small number...
Jazzing it Up CENTRED on the Cy Laurie Jazz Band and a Ford '–'15-cwt. personnel carrier, a new publicity film, produced by...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT THE annual claim by the unions for an increase in wages for road haulage workers has now been...
S PECIAL 60-seat coaches, 45 ft. long and incorporating toilet accommodation, are envisaged by the Birmingham and Midland Motor...
14R. D. I. MUIR., Metropolitan IVILicensing Authority, said he was prepared to take a lenient line when considering the case of...
A SUGGESTION that passengers it should not be allowed to stand in buses has been rejected by the employers at a meeting of the...
buses in May was accepted in principle last week by a delegate conference of Central London busmen. They decided to demand that...
Ltd., and Vigzol Oil Co., Ltd. (The Commercial Motor, February 13), has been abandoned. United Lubricants. Ltd., have made a...
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'HE "Kerb Space is Precious" cam paign, organized by the Traders' iad Transport Association, got off to ;ood start in the...
T HERE was not a great rise in the total of goods vehicles in the 12 months up to the end of the third quarter of 1958, and the...
Pl. A FORMER coach operator described at Stockport Bankruptcy Court, last week, how he had .borrowed from a money-lender at 48...
A [THOUGH Cardiff Transport Department will show a loss on the present financial year, the transport committee are to seek...
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ALD. C A. MARRINER, Scarborough haulier, has decided not to become mayor-elect of the town for health reasons. Cwt. M. R....
to discuss country bus services has been called by the Northumberland Rural Community Council for March 14. The council have...
S IX Bedford platform lorries on A licence were taken over last Saturday by Hutchings Haulage, Station Garage, Four Marks,...
WE regret to announce the deaths of " MR. MERTON SCOTT MACDONALID, MR. ROBERT FRAZER SMITH • and SIR WALKER SHEPHERD. Mr....
A N inquiry which was to have been held by the Metropolitan Licensing Authority on Monday into operations by J. Edwards and...
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T HE voluntary restriction of an oldestablished A-licence vehicle to one customer led to the refusal of a take-over...
D URING January and February over 75 per cent. of collections from Manchester docks were arranged in advance through the docks...
M OTORWAYS could pay if they were used round the clock, and to light them at night would cost £4,000 a mile, or 1-2 per cent....
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R AILWAY rate-cutting, made possible by grants from the Exchequer to write off annual losses, was attacked on Wednesday by Mr....
A HAULIER who used his lorry after its licence had expired was fined a total of £30 at West Bromwich fast week. He was George...
death of rv Mn. FRED RAMARTH, an executive director and general sales manager of the Automotive Products Co., Ltd., Borg and...
t - t A DECISION will be given at Allele. next Wednesday, in the case of George Gray, Clackmannan, a bus operator who is...
C ARRIACiE of indivisible loads on motorways would cause less inconvenience to other commercial-vehicle operators and motorists...
T HE Customs and Excise on Tuesday set out an amended description of a mobile shop which such a vehicle must meet to escape...
IF the "Kerb Space is Precious" cam paign is a failure, more parking restrictions are inevitable at Birmingham. This warning...
Tunnel have now been published by the Tyne Tunnel Joint Committee. The charge for light goods vehicles will be 2s. 6d., for...
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isRE increases granted on Monday to Hull Corporation will enable the ertaking to avoid a deficit next year leave a £19,000...
-MEE South Wales bus companies were last week refused fare increases gned to yield a total of more than 000. They were the...
the Ford Motor Co., Ltd.. had been off because of a strike by 250 door :mblers. The executive of the ional Union of Vehicle...
D URING the past month, Leyland Motors, Ltd., have received orders to the value of over £220,000 to supply buses to home...
R OAD transport in India will not be nationalized during the next five years. This assurance was given to operators in...
THE first of 24 new double-deckers was put into service last week by the Ulster Transport Authority. It has a front entrance...
Mobil Oil Co., Ltd., in Estuary Road. King's Lynn, have won the company's safe-driving competition for 1958. They received...
N "premises at 17 Surrey Street. London. W.C.2, will be taken over on Monday by Darharn Industries (London), Ltd.
Railways' coal carryings last year were substantially below those of 1957 was given at Blackburn, last week, when the British...
A CLERK who stole £6 8s. 8d. belonging to his employers, Barton Transport, Ltd., was stated at Melton Mowbray to be in a...
are to be supplied by Smith's Delivery Vehicles, Ltd., to Canadian dairies. In the past two years the company have sold...
T HEpossibility of manufacturing commercial vehicles and cars in South Africa for the home and export markets is to be...
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A PROPOSAL by the Chief Constable of Lancashire that six bus stops in the main street of Chorley should be moved because of...
S EVERAL increases in pay and allowances are reported by the Transport and General Workers' Union. Skilled maintenance and...
at Stourbridge, last week, for not ensuring that their drivers kept proper records, the chairman of the magistrates, Capt. W....
A MOBILE laboratory for the electrical toils division of Wakefield-Dick Industrial Oils. Ltd., has been built by Scattorn,...
T O enable operators to build cabs of their own design as an alternative to the standard type, Albion Motors, Ltd., have...
THE Government is believed to be 1 planning a big inquiry into the problems of rural transport and the difficulties operators...
ri A SPECIAL road safety campaign which was operated in Hackney, Leyton and WalthamsLow from October 18 to November 1, last...
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'IFTEEN distin g uished Bristol citizens " were listed as objectors Bristol, last week, when the Bristol nnibus Co., Ltd.,...
a g rant to the Essex County Council of trly £60,000 towards a road scheme ich will provide easier access to nvey Island from...
A N appeal by the Tees-side Railless Traction Board a g ainst the Northern Traffic Commissioners' refusal to g rant them a sta...
EINES totallin g £30, with £20 costs, I were imposed at Salisbury, last week, on Silver Star Motor Services, Ltd., Porton, when...
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N O corporation buses were running in Belfast on Saturday—the second successive Saturday that crews had staged an unofficial...
THE two Saturday bus strikes which recently occurred at Leicester cost the transport department about 0,000 in lost :revenue....
rt A SPECIAL committee which was set up to investigate the working of Ipswich Transport Department told the Town Council on...
T RANSPORT today requires qualified 1 men with ideas more than ever before, thinks Maj.-Gen. G. N. Russell, president of the...
T HElight the Road Haulage Association have undertaken is not only against the renationalization of independent hauliers. It is...
A RRANGEMENTS for the Municipal Passenger Transport Association's annual Conference at Edinburgh from Moalay, September 21, to...
S IX grown tigers and four cubs were carried across London on Tuesday by Cattermoles (Transport), Ltd.. 79 Pentonville Road,...
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k SUBSTANTIAL reduction in interior noise has - I been achieved by the Supplies Department of ondon County Council by forming...
type of arc-welding equipment ve been made by the Rubery Owen roup, under licence from the WestingJose Electric Corporation, of...
carried in a 36-seat bus operated by inty Moreton, Ltd., Nuneaton, revealed . it there were 64 people aboard, meaton...
IMPOSING fines totalling £6 on a I haulier at Stourport, last week, Capt. W. E. Barlow, chairman, remarked that " sheer...
A JUDGMENT of the Australian High in , Court last Friday makes it appear probable that the Government of New South Wales may be...
the merger of their resources by A. and D. Fraser, Ltd., Glasgow, and the Westfield Autocar Co., Ltd., Edinburgh. Both...
P ROPOSALS put forward by Barton Transport, Ltd., for increasing their services between Nottingham and the village of Calverton...
p LANS for converting stretches of canal in the centre of Glasgow into roads are being discussed by the corporation and the...
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Standard's Newcomer Gives Good Performance with 1 cwt. Overload : Manceuvrability and Easy Access to All Components Among its...
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Double-think By The Hawk 'HAT is the difference between banning something and prohibiting it? The Concise Oxford Dictionary"...
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Atlarttean Maximum-capacity Motorbuses to Take Over : Council Surrender Right to Purchase Operating Company, but Will be...
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Locked Inserts R OSAN permanently locked studs and inserts are now being made in this Country by the Instrument ,Screw Co.,...
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DART of a village on wheels was shipped this week to the Basrah Petroleum Co., Ltd., for use by oil-drilling teams. It consists...
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T HE request by Highland Haulage, Ltd., for an A licence which would allow them to hire 30 vehicles between September and April...
THREE haulage concerns operating 1 low-loaders told the Western Licensing Authority last week how much they would each charge...
'ARE increases granted to East Yorkr shire Motor Services, Ltd., were contested last week by seven local authorities, the East...
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BY OUR LEGAL ADVISER E MPLOYERS are no longer absolutely liable where they supply plant and equipment (including vehicles)...
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I VIEW with considerable trepidation the suggestion, made in an article published in your issue dated February 6, that...
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Political Commentary By JANUS W HA ELVER rates schedules may finally be agreed by the long-distance hauliers' group of the Road...
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R EDUCED costs are understandably a major objective of road transport operators, and the main purpose of cost recording is to...
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E "ry operator should have a copy of the new edition of " The Commercial Motor' Tables of Operating Costs. Completely revised...
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p ATENT No. 807,927 describes a 1 " simple solution to the problem of adjusting overhead camshaft valve gear (l. Weaving and...