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W HILST it is possible to be sympathetic towards the Minister of ⢠Transport in his minor dilemma over light signals, either...
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`harles Chandler T AKE some bonemeal, numerous sacks of used hops and a mass of unmarketable fish, mix it up, and you've got...
Can It Happen Here? U RBAN passenger operators have been protesting about the problem of fallin g traffic in face of...
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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT M UCH more detail has become available this week about the Common Market Commission's draft...
From a Special Correspondent L AST Sunday's rounds of the Lorry Driver of the Year competition showed that there is still a...
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T HE chairman of B.E.T. Omnibus Services, Ltd., Mr. John Spencer Wills, on Monday called for action to give priority to public...
From Our Political Correspondent M EASURES to provide more efficient control over the emission of noise, smoke, fumes, ashes...
Private Hauliers T O maintain their aim of giving customers 24-hour delivery, to avoid delays and to alleviate certain...
A MAJOR attack on the parking laws and the inconsistency with which traffic laws in general are enforced was a highlight of the...
R EPRESENTATIVES of about 50 local authorities from all over South Wales and Monmouthshire decided at a meeting in Cardiff last...
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Councillor E. W. Temple, chairman of Stockton Corporation Transport Department, has become Mayor of Stockton. Sir Philip...
A T their meetin g in London last week the Passen g er Vehicle Operators Association unanimously elected Mr. William Dodds of...
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" H OW long," asked a newspaper reporter, "have you been considering a merger?" The answer cracked back: "About 30 years."...
rr E nationalized road haulage and bus undertakings should not be fettered by being made subject to the control of transport...
ri A SERIOUS warning was issued to Jacks Motors, Ltd., Blackburn, by Mr. F. Williamson, sitting as the North Western Licensing...
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A N application by Mr. C. Bowden, of Sticklepath, nr. Okchampton, to vary the conditions of a B licence for four vehicles was...
DEMAND FOR CLYDESDALES: Orders for Albion Clydesdale chassis in the past week are said to be worth over £120,000. London...
Tractive Unit for Shell-Mex - A RECENT delivery to Shell-Mex and ri BY., Ltd., has been a 3,700-gal. articulated fuel-oil...
O WNERS of between 24 million and three million motor vehicles which are seven or more years old will have to produce valid...
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R IGID loads over 90-ft. long will, it is understood, require the Minister of Transport's authority before they can be moved by...
A N application, held under the provisions of section 173(1)(c) by J. S. Stirk and Sons, Ltd., Staindrop (Durham), was granted...
A SPECIAL public inquiry was held in Newcastle upon Tyne last week to enable the Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. J. A. T....
A N unusual " first " has been gained by Atkinson Lorries (Holdings), Ltd., parent company of Atkinson Vehicles. Ltd.,...
NAEMBERSHIP of the Road Operators' IVI Safety Council at December 31 last comprised some 210 road transport undertakings,...
A NEW design of ambulance based on a Bedford normal-control, 25-cwt. chassis is now in quantity production by Holmes (Preston),...
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B ECAUSE of other inquiries going on,. an application by Key Transport Co., London, was further adjourned by the Metropolitan...
T HE Eastern Traffic Commissioners last week granted fares increases to the Eastern Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., the amount...
T HE Under-Secretary for Transportation of the U.S. Department of Commerce has issued details of the Transportation Message,"...
"IN reviewing the financial pattern of the past year I feel that it has been a period of frustration," said Mr. T. Robert...
A NET profit of £307,923 was made by Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., in the year ended March 31 last. The comparative figure...
L AST year the Coventry Transport Undertaking made its first loss since 1957. The deficit was 08,746 for the year ended March...
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Holding Company . FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT T HE road haulage industry should be able to meet all public demands,...
A PLEA for special lanes for heavy vehicles to he included on new roads was made in the Commons. It came from Mr. W. R....
A DEMAND for legislation to ensure 1-1 that bus companies in Scotland allowed school-children aged fourteen to travel at...
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IUIR. POSNER commenced his talk by IV' saying that although road transport was not the answer to everything, he had, generally...
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transported. Whilst there had been a certain relaxation in Customs procedure, whenever a Continental frontier was encountered,...
F OUR. Midlands haula g e companiesâ H. Beardsley, Ltd., Derby ; Hawley Bros., Ltd., Nottingham; Shakespeare, Simpson and...
EMPLOE MPLOYEES covered by the transport YEES with the Pressed Brick Makers' Association have had their basic wa g e rates...
A HOLDING company, Midlands EA Stora g e and Transport (Holdin g s). Ltd., has been formed with an authorized capital of...
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by JANUS O NE or two recent references have been made to the exposed position in which the road-vehicle operator finds...
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Steel Transport and Europe . THE . discussion which followed the Presentation of a paper on Transport and Steel by Mr. W. F....
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By Ashley Taylor A.M.I.R.T.E. Assoc. Inst. T. T HE deeper implications of the recruitment and retention of labour occupied...
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A LTHOUGH a study of the results I -1 sheets at Maidstone last Sunday showed, surprisingly, that the hulk of the entry lost...
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AIR COMPRESSOF S HEER weight of competition made last Sunday's Lorry Driver round at Manchester a contest calling for...
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E XCELLENT organization, glorious weather and an ideal location made the first Ruislip round of the Lorry Driver of the Year...
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Banned "Minis" THE York heat of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition, which took place last Sunday at Rufforth Air...
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A N orbital sander which can be used on curved as well as flat surfaces has been introduced by the Key-Leather Co., Ltd., 5...
THE full range of stationary wood' working equipment made by DeWalt, Inc. (a Black and Decker subsidiary with factories in the...
W ATER-PROOFING and insulating silicone compounds have recently been introduced by Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd. They are Shell...
A NEW stopping materialâBelco NEW 1-1 . P083-44âhas been introduced by I.C.I., Ltd. Main advantages are said to be that it...
A N illustrated leaflet giving details of several two-, threeand four-axlecl goods chassis suitable for use as concrete mixer...
T HE price _of £1 4s. quoted in our April 27 issue for a single pack of Cosol it the trade price not the retail price. Thc...
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LICENSING CASEBOOK by NORMAN 11.TILSLEY M AIDSTONE and District Motor Services were taking no chances when recently they...
WITH the dismissal of an appeal VII by H. L. Walker, Ltd., of Thornaby-on-Tees, against the refusal by the Northern Licensing...
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Experience of a U.S. Coach Now in Britain BY A. A. TOWNSIN, A.M.I.Mecit.E A NI opportunity to examine and ride in a...
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The acquisition of additional depots brings the need ⢠for adequate control of fleet disposition i f -maximum utilization is...
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O N ARTICULATED vehicles of the type used for transporting machinery, it is known to be able to remove the rear wheels so as to...
P ATENT No. 885,973 shows a disci brake assembly in which the friction pads are hydraulically pressed on to the disc. The chief...
D ESMODROIVIIC operation of valves implies cam-actuated closing as well as opening, rather than relying entirely on springs for...
A T present there are two main typt ⢠o f semi-trailer couplings in use, th roller-and-rail type ⢠and the variet employing...