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Chassis to be exhibited in the heavyweight classes at the Earls Court Show which opens next Friday provide physical evidence of...
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• The Road Haulage Association is asking the Minister of Transport as a matter of urgency to introduce regulations that' will...
• The acquisition of Duple Motor Bodies Ltd by the private investment company Capitarium Ltd (CM August 21) is now almost a...
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and grant RTITB chiefs meet the Press Mr K. C. Turner, chairman of the toad Transport Industry Training Board, tad the Board's...
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Hours of opening are from 10 am. to 9 p.m. daily, except Sunday September 20. Admission charges are 6s each day before 5 p.m.;...
• Made of marine plywood, a removable bulk body equipped with a conveyorbelt-discharge system has been produced by B. W. Winter...
lb lOs a week from mid-October; this represents an increase of over 40 per cent on present statutory wages and conforms with...
• New methods of allocating delivery areas and assessing alternative locations of new depots and works have streamlined the...
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D When drivers of British goods and )assenger vehicles entering Common Vlarket countries are, from October 1, .equired to keep...
• Castrol has developed a new oil specifically for use in road vehicle gas turbine engines. Called Castrol RT.350 it was...
) A new company, EGW Education Ltd, las been formed by EGW Management Ltd o organize its 1970/71 education irogramme. Three new...
• ERF has re-entered the battle for Atkinson with a new offer of 14.3m. In the meantime Fodens Ltd has extended its offer until...
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• To provide a more flexible clerical service, following the introduction of Devlin Phase II, the Port of London Authority...
• The Transport Development Group had an income of £31.5m in the six months ending June 30 (£26.8m in the same period of 1969)...
• Kings and Co, of Glasgow, a member of the Tarmac-Derby group, has agreed to acquire the whole of the issued share capital of...
• Five-day residential courses commencing on November 23 1970 and April 19 1971 are being arranged for transport managers of...
H. A. R. Binney, whose retirement from the post of director-general was announced earlier this year, is to continue to work...
We record with regret the deaths of Georg, Roland Wallis and John Henry Ward. Mr Wallis, 69, was chief engineer of Hants an...
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D Despite promises by the Minister of Transport, Mr John Peyton, that the lovernment would consider the Merseyside TA's appeal...
I The West Midland Passenger Transport uthority on Wednesday examined the first if three-monthly surveys which are being...
• The Government has been asked to allow the cost of travel between home and work to be offset against income tax by an MP who...
• Transportation in Orkney is to undergo a change, for last Saturday the mainland took delivery of its first double-decker bus....
• It was confirmed this week that Mr Frank B. Ford is the man behind the offer by Capitarium Ltd for Duple Motor Bodies Ltd....
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The policy statements to the Minister of Transport from the Merseyside and Tyneside Passenger Transport Authorities and...
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introduce faster services. Tyneside will examine total integration of buses with NBC :o-ordination on Tyneside The maximum...
• British bus operators will be able to try the new Mercedes-Benz 0.305 automatic transmission, one-man municipal bus at the...
• From mid-October London Transport is to raise the price of Red Rover tickets from 7s to 8s as part of the fare changes...
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'unsatisfactory condition' • An adverse report on one of its vehicles resulted in Tenby borough council, Pembrokeshire,...
• James Gilhooley, of Airdrie, applied ii Glasgow on Tuesday for an 0 licence fo six vehicles but amended this for twi...
• Mr Steven D. Russel], twin son of M George Russell, of Russell of Denny Stirlingshire, was granted an 0 licence oi Tuesday...
• Six firms were granted operators licences without objection at a sitting las week of the Licensing Authority a Kirkcaldy....
• Beukins Coaches, of Fauldhouse. Lanarkshire, were granted a licence by the Scottish Traffic Commissioners in Edinburgh last...
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• A further six applicants who wished to work for CMA Contractors Ltd, of Bury, on M62 (CM May 2, 1969. December 19 and June...
• Mr A. H. Jolliffe, the North-Western deputy LA, granted three suction tankers and a tipping vehicle on a 12-month 0 licence...
• A Sennybridge, Breconshire, transport firm was allowed by Mr R. R. Jackson, the South Wales LA, at Brecon on Friday to add...
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• A Morrison Electricar battery-electric vehicle for payloads of around 4.5cwi has been announced by Croinpton Leyland...
• Dorman Diesels Ltd, of Stafford, will be showing a Dorman 6DA air-cooled six-cylinder-in-line automotive diesel at Earls...
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A Rolls-Royce turbocharged diesel ngine with a maximum output of 265 bhp Toss at 2100 rpm will befitted in a twoxle tractive...
• Although AEC will not be introducing any new models at Earls Court, Mercury and Mandator tractive units to be exhibited will...
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Phil Symonds, BRSL, with four trophies and a team-prize share, breaks 16 years' Clicence monopoly as LDoY Finals Champion by...
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A £250,000 two-vehicle semi-trailer leat equipped for colour outside broadcast elevision has recently gone into service vith...
I London University's programme for the :ertificate and the Diploma in Transport itudies for the 1970/71 session has been...
A "fill and drain" gas main sealant service has been introduced by A.M.G. Zuurbier Ltd, of Doncaster, Yorks., using a fleet of...
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Gerry Aston • The managing director of Guymer's Transport Ltd and national chairman of the Lorry Driver of the Year...
The managing director of a furniture remover member of the NAFWR reports that he took great care to submit his new Bedford...
I was very much in sympathy with the letter from "Leonard Leyland" in your August 28 issue, on the problems of the older...
In haulage circles easily the most popula pastime has become "Knocking the Board" It may, therefore, come as something of shock...
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)y Handyman Elenchwise: lathe sense (30) 'HE screwcutting tool must be right for the )13—accurate in shape and with ample...
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THE FIRST RESULTS of a programme of reappraisal of its goods vehicle ranges being carried out by ERF will be the company's main...
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EW ENGINES. gearboxes, axles and chassis frames will e among the features of Atkinson models to be exhibited t Earls Court. A...
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the Hawk Whiter than white LDoY Final was certainly the gest, brightest and best attended ever. It lifficult to estimate how...
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A 38-TON TWIN-STEER AND A 30-TON 8 x 4 THE exhibits Fodens Ltd will be featuring at the Commercial Motor Show will illustrate...
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AST CHASSIS to use the new Perkins turbocharged 354 announced last week is a 24-ton-gross tractive it introduced by Dennis Bros...
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how to get to the show ISITORS to Earls Court, and tere are expected to be over 00,000 of them at this year's omrnercial Motor...
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utne ruture HIGH ENGINE POWER and high gross weights will be the main themes of many stands at the Commercial Motor Show which...
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JOHNSON LINE IT SEEMS that the spate of non-reactive suspensions which appeared at the 1964 Commercial Motor Show has almost...
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time cutters GOODS BODYWORK F highly paid hgv drivers are to earn their noney they need the right tools, and this .pplies as...
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ONE of the significant features of the 1970 Commercial Motor Show is a bonanza for British luxury coach operators who have...
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MOST NOTABLE and important rray of power units ever to appear on the omponent makers' stands at Earls Court rill be on view...
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AN EXTENSIVE ARRAY of accessories will be, as usual, on display at Earls Court. Among the more interesting items will be the...
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nd no section of the Earls Court Show lore worth while than the gallery, where at ast 20 pieces of new equipment for the arage...
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Cybernetic clearing house by janus N OBODY can accuse the port authorities of lack of courtesy towards hauliers. Time and...
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‘ matters by John Darker, AmBlm A/ 7 Self-examination by the RTITB .LTHO UGH the recent staff conference of te Road Transport...
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by Les Oldridge AIRTE, AMIMI The carriage of animals (3) THE carriage of unfit animals by road is prohibited by the Transit...
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mention of a fuel measuring device to ^ecord the amounts of fuel used in running guxiliery equipment. I note that further...
Several times a year this van is used to gull a caravan with an unladen weight of 3 tons 5cwt, the purpose of the caravan being...
exemption was granted by the Ministry for the filling out of daily log sheets of vehicle drivers engaged on refuse collection....
staff in checking cartons/cases on to road vehicles. The loading staff emphatically State they loaded "x" number of cases and...
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GENERAL MANAGEMENT education is very much a product of the last decade in this country. At a high level the past five years has...
Those extras • This year's Commercial Motor Show will confirm once more the technologica advances that continue to be made by...