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One of the surprises at the excellent BRSL seminar last week was the ready acceptance by distribution executives of the idea...
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BRSL seminar hears about wage forecasts, rising distribution costs, Freightliner unreliability, possible bans on urban...
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• Glamorgan County Council is to provide training facilities for hgv drivers to help other South Wales authorities to counter...
• A rates-subsidized scheme for free travel on London buses and the Underground network is outlined in a Green Paper published...
• The Minister of Transport has decided that the Passenger Transport Areas established on Merseyside, Tyneside, in the West...
• "The only alternative to increased charges is bankruptcy" is the belief of the RHA Medway Towns, Sittingbdurne and Faversham...
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• Several major amendments to the Special Types General Order 1969 proposed by the MoT are to be discussed at a meeting on...
a company structure • A major reorganization of British Road Services Ltd which will ultimately give all district managers the...
• "The road transport industry would have no objection to restrictions or prohibitions by local authorities on the overnight...
• The Port of London Authority is to further extend its existing appointment scheme for lorries tendering exports to the docks....
• Seven of the 13 men on charges involving 19 lorries loaded with property worth £342,000 (CM last week) were granted bail last...
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Italy's International Container Show, described by David Lowe • Genoa, Italy's major sea port, was host to the Fourth...
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by George Wilmot, senior lecturer in transport studies. University of London • The recommended abandonment of the transport...
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• Following talks between Ministry of Transport officials and FTA and RHA representatives this week, it is understood that the...
• The quota of permits available to British hauliers operating into or through France has been raised by 2800 for the remainder...
• Any vehicle which had a GV9 imposed on it could have that prohibition notice removed at any testing station; operators could...
• A new area of the Transport Managers Club had its inaugural meeting at Southwick in Sussex on Wednesday. Fifty founders and...
• New premises for BRS Parcels Ltd were opened in Ipswich last week. Conveniently situated on a 54-acre site in Hadleigh Road...
• In the report of CM's Fleet Management Conference, a photograph at the foot of page 82 of the September 25 issue was...
• The Guild of Transport Managers, in producing its own plans at the request of the Ministry of Transport, is almost certain to...
• Mr J. R. Stainton, in his presidential address to the Institute of Transport on Monday, urged the case for a Ministry dealing...
• The Containerbase Federation Ltd announces that its bases are now operating extensive shift systems and are generally open 24...
• "We lead the world in commercial vehicles", the Minister of Technology. Mr John Davies, told members and guests at the annual...
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• • • • by Derek Moses • One of the most interesting designs of single-deck bus to be built in 1970 was not, unfortunately, on...
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• More trouble could lie ahead for the Passenger Transport Authorities as they seek to reach agreement with the National Bus...
• An important new venture of National Tours—a consortium of 14 operating subsidiaries of the National Bus Company—was launched...
• An order for 12 special single-deck buses to operate over narrow roads in Devon has been placed by the National Bus Company,...
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• An application by F. Wardell (Haulage) Ltd, of Warrington, which was heard at a public inquiry in Manchester on Tuesday, was...
• An application for the continuation of a current B licence with modification made by F. Palmer and Son (Transport) Ltd, of...
• David Doig, of Musselburgh. was granted an 0 licence for one vehicle for two years and a B licence for a 64-ton flat at...
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• Two subsidiary companies of Ranks Hoyis McDougall Ltd were granted B licences for a total of 20 vehicles by the Western LA,...
• A Harleston, Norfolk, firm was granted an operator's licence by the Eastern Area deputy LA at Ipswich last week—but a...
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simple swop-body system manufactured by Jack Reeks (Body Builders) Ltd, of Benfleet, Essex, was demonstrated recently. Known...
• An entirely new grittcr /salt-spreader shown mounted on one of the equally new M series Bedford 4 x 4 chassis will be one of...
• Mr Alex D. Rhea, Vauxhall Motors' new managing director, said last week that the production rate planned by the company for...
• In the road test of the Bedford YRQ published in CM October 2, chassis price was quoted as .£2,807. This should have read...
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). S. Clarabut becomes chairman of Williams :old Storage (Thetford) Ltd following its Icquisition by the proprietors of Hay's...
We record with regret the death on October 8, aged 79, of Percy G. Tucker, technical editor of CM from August 1946 to January...
continued from page 22 quotations other than by tonnage rate from hauliers. Mr Payne said that most BRSL traffic these days...
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by the Hawk • Night spot Hovering on the brink of going for a truck driving job because of the stories of £50 and £60 a week...
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A. E. 'Geordie' Elvin • Mr Elvin, who prefers to be known by no other name than Geordie, is a practical man among transport...
The director-general of the Freight Transport Association, Mr Hugh Featherstone, is reported ICM October 91 as having referred...
I visited the Commercial Motor Show on September 26, the last day that it was open to the public. The majority of the visitors...
In August an applicant for a driving job we successful in convincing me of his outstandin. driving ability. Aged 22, he already...
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by Handyman Benchwise: lathe sense (35) ALTHOUGH the garage turner is likely to be less deeply concerned with multi-start...
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by lain Sherriff MITA IT will be surprising if the delegates at the Road Haulage Association conference, at Torquay next week,...
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by Ron Cater, AM InstBE IN these days of increased life between services, better lubricants and maintenancefree units, the...
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by Carolyn Hyams WHEN NOEL FLANAGAN started work in 1929 as a management trainee at H.M.S. Catherwood Ltd, in Upper Library...
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(6) Selling freight transport TWO POINTS that I hope will emerge clearly in this, my second article on this topic are:—...
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Alarm systems by Inspector K. W. Norman, Crime Prevention Section, New Scotland Yard. • Most vehicle alarm systems have four...
For those who are unable to attend the RHA conference at Torquay, CM will carry a full report of the proceedings. Part IV of...
A revised edition of CM'S Guide to Drivers' Hours and Records has just been published. It incorporates the amendments to the...
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IRRESPECTIVE of the date on which you have decided to change to decimal accounting, you will find yourself dealing with firms...
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Some people are never satisfied by janus A LTHOUGH hauliers will sometimes go halfway to meet public criticism, there will...
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41-seater coach, all of which are engaged on school contract work with the odd private trip. Could you supply the answers to...
regulations existing at the present time in various countries round the world. Surely the minimum in the UK (to be able to...
In winter la/so drive an old AEC gritting machine. Do I have to obtain an hgv licence or am I exempt? A You do not need an hgv...
psv driver. Would you tell me how many hours I can drive on a Saturday or a Sunday? III drive on a Friday night from 5 pm to 10...
for a local steel works. The maximum distance I travel on the road is nine miles, while on most days I drive only inside the...
plated at 12 tons gross with the front axle 4.25 tons and the back axle 6.6 tons. I am wondering whether I could increase the...
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matters by John Darker, AMBIM The Common Market: present and future problems MANY MONTHS will pass before Britain decides...
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by Les Oldridge, AIRTE, AMIM The process of law OFTEN when someone has been unfortunate enough to be reported by a policeman...
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AFTER a quiet start in 1968, the City of London Polytechnic's transport option, within its honours degree in business studies,...
The next seven days from October 16-October22 SATURDAY ITA (London) ladies' festival, Plantation House. Mincing Lane, London...
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A fully automatic drive-through underbody washing machine that is designed to keep commercial vehicles clean to MoT test...
As an addition to its range of auxiliary lamps, Lucas has introduced Silver Spear halogen fog and spot lamps for the cost...
A new torque multiplier, the Highwayman, has been developed by Norbar Torque Tools specifically to facilitate the maintenance...
The range of Goodyear Super Single tyre fitting tools is extended with the introduction of a new bead guide. Known as the TS 88...
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A new tractor pto guard is to be marketed in Britain and overseas by Lawrence Edwards and Co (Engineers), Called the Uniguard,...
To cater for an anticipated further increase in the use of pallets in Europe, Luralda has introduced a Euro-pallet Modular Set...
A. S. International. a new company, has been formed to manufacture and market a range of safety Glowcaps. These consist of a...
A flexible plastics strapping bearing the trade name Hyplex is now sold by Pakord. It is suitable for general industrial use...
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Osram (GEC) has launched a range of four high-output sealed-beam headlight units which, it is claimed, give about 95 per cent...
Vehicle registration numbers can now be etched permanently on windscreens as an anti-theft precaution by means of a new Carmark...
The soldering-iron activities of Wolf Electric Tools have been taken over by the Electrical Remote Control Company. The Wolf...
A new and precise instrument for converting shillings and pence into decimals as well as decimals into shillings and pence...
Latest product from Hellermann is the Uni-Crimper hand crimping tool for insulated solderless terminals. Three sizes of...
What to do with scrap tyres often causes a headache these days. but a company with one solution to the problem is the Grantham...
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Features claimed for Armourglaze epoxy underseal introduced by Lamacrest include high adhesion, low cost and high resistance to...
An accurate crane load weighing system claimed to be the least expensive electronic design of its type available in Britain has...
Bostik Sound Deadening Pads fitted in production to a number of British cars are now available as an accessory from United...
A new, all-metal fastener has been developed by USM Corporation. It has greatly improved performance characteristics over...
A useful reference chart has been published by Polypenco, suppliers of engineering plastics. This brochure gives general...
A new folding trolley from Avon Communications and Electronics called the TM.50 is a one-man (or woman) operated unit. It is...
Self-adhesive plastic labels are available from King Lion Labels that give the new wiring colours required by law. Labels can...