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Pause at the brink Is the DoE being over-hasty in its proposals for shutting the five goods vehicle testing stations at...
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• A threat of closure hangs over five DoE goods vehicle testing stations in England and Scotland. They are the permanent...
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• Mr Tom Atkin, managing director of Tayforth Ltd, is one of the road transport men to receive awards in the Birthday Honours...
• In a report released yesterday, Thursday, on public transport in the City of Manchester and Greater Manchester areas to the...
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• An allegation that many hauliers made deliberate boycott and overloading attempts, to embarrass the Freightliner service in...
• The Scottish division of the Freight Transport Association is to ask Edinburgh Corporation to rescind section "477 of the...
• A new maintenance and service depot of Crane Fruehauf Trailers Ltd is located at Stakehill Industrial Estate, Middleton,...
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• There were I.2m inland movements of maritime containers in Britain in 1970, a figure which is expected to increase to 2m by...
II Speculation concerning the future of John Gibson & Son, Ltd, the Edinburgh bodybuilder, was confirmed to Commercial Motor...
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authorities volunteer to pay trainin levies by lain Sherriff • Judging by the success of the Local Government Training Board,...
• Four months ahead of schedule, a further 10 miles of the London—South Wales Motorway (M4) between Tormarton in...
• Data is now being collected for a survey, to be distributed in July, into the movement of freight rates within Great Britain...
• Mr Donal Bannatyne, partner in a haulage contracting firm on the Island of Arran in the Firth of Clyde, says his company's...
• An order from Cyprus, worth £100,000 has been received by Dennis Brothers for 10+ /11-ton payload Dominant chassis cabs and...
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• Passenger liability insurance for motor vehicles will become compulsory in Great Britain on December 1 1972. This was...
• The first security vehicle park to open in the United Kingdom, at Preston, has installed a Regiscope security system to deter...
• The West German Government is imposing certain restrictions on hauliers during the summer. From Friday July 2 and on every...
• Silver Roadway Ltd, a Tate and Lyle Group company, is increasing its haulage rates by 10 per cent from July 1.
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at Wallasey • Thirty 24-ton lorries rumbled over two Wallasey bridges last weekend as part of a stringent safety check,...
• Environment Secretary Mr Peter Walker is shortly to announce plans for by-passes to relieve towns which are on routes to...
No axle-loading change • Mr Peter Walker, the Environment Secretary, this week turned down a call for an amendment to the axle...
• Attacks on nationalized transport undertakings were causing dismay and upset among management and staff, said Mr Walter...
• Mr Walker told MPs this week that he hopes to introduce legislation early next year to wind up the Transport Holding Company...
• The Environment Department, together with the Association for the Disabled, is now preparing a circular about the problems...
• If there were evidence of a general need for common policies about concessionary fares—and he accepted there might be—Mr...
• The total amount of duty paid on hydrocarbon oil bought by road hauliers who transport other people's goods will probably be...
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• Western SMT, Ribble and the Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society were objectors at a public sitting in Glasgow last week...
• Buses will run in each direction along Piccadilly and a new road will be cut through the Eros island if, after consultations...
• London Transport stated this week that "behind the scenes" visits by the public to bus and Underground installations, which...
for o-m-o single-deckers • A report on the design of one-man-operated single-deck buses, prepared by the London Transport...
• Nottingham Corporation's transport committee is urging that positive steps be taken to ensure that public transport remains...
• Pupils at a Liverpool comprehensive school are to take a simple arithmetic test to see if they would make good bus crews....
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• • inquiry • The Scottish Bus Group came under fire at a public inquiry in Edinburgh on June 10 when 77 local authorities...
• Compared with 12 months ago loss of mileage due to vehicle breakdowns has greatly improved, claims SELNEC PTE. There has also...
• For failing to carry an efficient fire extinguisher on a public service vehicle the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus...
• At a meeting of the Teesside Council's transport committee it was revealed that Teesside Corporation buses, according to...
• The highways committee of Teesside Council last week approved plans for a new bus station in central Middlesbrough which...
• Bays for buses and taxis and loading bays for goods vehicles are included in plans which the GLC has for making the Strand a...
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• The first British Leyland Fleetline doubledeckers to be powered by the Leyland 680 engine are currently being delivered to...
• Sixteen bus services in Inverness-shire and six on the island of Skye, are in danger of the axe because they are running at a...
• Lowestoft (Suffolk) Corporation buses have made a profit for the first time in five years. The amount, just £632, compares...
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• A decision by the South Wales Traffic Commissioners not to allow fares increases by the South Wales Transport Co Ltd has been...
• Peter McAleer and Son, of Chapelhall, applied at Glasgow last week for a variation of its 0 licence to add two new vehicles...
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• After a Carlisle haulage firm received invoices for diesel fuel supplied by a Warrington garage in respect of dates when the...
• D.E.B. (Plant Hire) Ltd, of Worthing, had its licence for three vehicles reduced to one this week by Maj-Gen A. F. J....
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• The curtailment by two vehicles from the licence of Mr E. T. Mercer, trading as Shoreham Motor Metal Works Ltd, authorizing...
• Two convictions and three immediate prohibitions imposed on vehicles since the granting of its operator's licence resulted in...
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D. S. Deacon has been elected chairman of the Public Road Transport Association: R. Bailey and N. McDonald become vicechairmen....
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• An automatic fluid-level control system that is claimed to eliminate the possibility of damage to the exhauster /compressor...
• Eaton, Yale and Towne (UK) Ltd has completed a 62,000 sq ft extension to its transmission division plant in Manchester. This...
• A long-lasting natural rubber snowplough blade, which, it is claimed, has a life some five times as long as a conventional...
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• Claimed to be the largest bulk malt carrier in the UK, an articulated vehicle has been built by B. W. Winter and Sons,...
• Twin-steering six-wheeler versions of the British Leyland Boxer trucks, announced last month, are already being offered by...
• Carryfast Ltd has announced the acquisition of the assets and business of Hallett Silbermann (Storage and Distribution) Ltd....
• The acquisition of Gavis Traffic Services Ltd by NCC Plant and Transport Ltd, a member of the Rexco Group and subsidiary of...
Stringer development • A £150,000 commercial vehicle centre has just been opened by the Wadham-Stringer Group on a two-acre...
• Weekly average production of UK commercial vehicles during the five weeks of last March was, according to SMMT records, as...
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• A new system for monitoring tyre pressures on heavy vehicles while the vehicle is in motion has been developed by Redman...
• Gritmatic "pendulum action" gritters, which are claimed to give a greater degree of spreading accuracy than other machines,...
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by VV. S. Clarke, traffic officer, Freight Transport Association The GLC's recent announcement that taxis and coaches are to...
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Conoco repeats team win by Anthony O'Toole • Conoco Ltd, which first entered the Manchester LDoY round in 1970 and won the...
Weatherproof tests by John Darker • The North Midlands round of the LOoY is usually graced with fine weather. This year, with...
Brilliant 17-year-old by Gordon Crabtree • Fleetwood is determined to encourage the young driver and two new awards made at...
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Cheers resound in Londonderry air by BoL , Holliday • It has been repeatedly demonstrated in LDoY contests that good...
A nerve-racking business by Gibb Grace • I was surprised to find when I arrived at the London LDoY eliminator at Hayes on...
• RAF St Athan is to enter one woman driver at Dunfermline LDoY round on July 11 and another at Grimsby on August 1. The RAF...
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— at the Public Cleansing Conference by Gordon Crabtree THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS in appliances which will enable municipal...
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HARBILT ELECTRICAL TRUCKS AND VEHICLES, Market Harborough, Leics. In a comprehensive range of pedestrian-controlled and...
Eagle Works, Warwick. Of the four vehicles to be shown this year by the firm one—the Compressload 7—is to appear on the...
Princes Street, Siftingbourne, Kent. From its wide range of refuse disposal equipment this firm will show the TP8 standard...
Manor Road, Cheltenham, Glos. The Telehoist CH501 Load Lugger fitted to the D1614 Ford of 147in.-wheelbase and 16 tons gvw to...
Pepper Road, Leeds LS10 2N H. , The 1000gal combined gully/cesspool emptier to be displayed is fitted with compression and...
561 Old Kent Road, London SE1. Four refuse collection vehicles will be shown: the Karrier Binmaster 18 /45 with horizontal...
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Hatfield Road, St Albans, Herts. In addition to its new TG Compact suction roadsweeper. Lacre will have on view its Module...
Letchworth, Herts. Besides the SD Revopak refuse collection vehicle, the company will be showing three models from the...
7 Maggs Lane, Clay Hill, Bristol BS5 7EP. The company will be exhibiting its well-tried trailer gritters and a Mk III version...
Bamham, nr Thetford, Norfolk. Included in a comprehensive range of waste disposal equipment is the Rolonof Two, a tipper which...
Bondgate, Ripon, Yorks. A road-gritting trailer which is suitable for towing behind most normal highway trucks and is designed...
Clitheroe, Lanes, BB7 1NZ. The independently poweroperated gritter /salter with fibreglass body which won an award at the...
Dunstable, Beds. Six exhibits to be shown comprise the Karrier Ramillies 'Binmaster 15/45 refuse collector for 1.25 cu yd...
Brentwood, Essex. Ford's wide range on view will include a Johnston Brothers roadsweeper on Ford D1210 chassis with a Ford...
Bankhead Avenue, Edinburgh. In addition to its newly modelled Multiversal, Gibson will be exhibiting a number of refuse...
St Peters Road, Huntingdon. Two bulk gritters which incorporate full-length auger feeds and which. in turn rotate the spinner...
88 Clapham Road, London SW9. The company will be exhibiting its Shark rotating-drum continuous loading refuse collector....
Sturdiluxe Works, Foundry Lane, Co. Durham. Apart from its Sturdiluxe Gannet sweeper/collector the company will also show the...
Pengam Road, Cardiff CF2 2XL. Steelfab will show its Power-X system of handling refuse skips by means of existing tractors....
Peterborough. Two of its industrial diesel engines will be exhibited by Perkins. The 4.236 13.86-litre unit) is used in a wide...
292 Monkmoor Road, Shrewsbury Two important items of new equipment described in the introduction are the A0A.275 lifting unit...
Luton, Bedfordshire. Among the Bedford-based cleansing vehicles to be featured will be a Yorkshire gully /cesspit emptier...
Horton Road, West Drayton, Middlesex. A Vapsco skip loader on a Dodge vehicle will be shown for the first time. Another unit...
Cottenham, Cambridge CE14 4TZ. Melford's 2.5 cu yd side-loading three-wheel refuse collector will be shown for the first time...
CA.F. Mechanical Handling Equipment Ltd; M.F.R. (Sales) Ltd; F. Piper and Sons Ltd; Landsman's (Coownership) Ltd; Mawrob Co...
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by Gibb Grace, DauE, CEng, MIMechE THE last CM test of a road sweeper was carried out 13 years ago and surprisingly it was a...
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AS part of the move towards encouraging a greater use of public transport in cities and towns, some local authorities are...
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and Pub c Utilities TRANSPORT IS A CENTRAL SERVICE IN LIVERPOOL by Anthony O'Toole Below: Baited on a Ford Themes Trader...
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• Liverpool Corporation is to seek powers in a new Bill to ban the parking of heavy lorries and caravans in the front gardens...
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Dispute about a dispute Perhaps your article on page 22 of CM June 11 "Labour Relations Round-up" by John Darker, should have...
Your editorial of June 4 gives me the opportunity to make two comments. First, to confirm that, in Britain, we are extremely...
May 21) was not alone in making approaches to the Road Transport Industry Training Board to draw unemployed people from the...
I read with interest the article on cab comfort .{CM May 21) and the letter from Mr E. G. Corke (CM May 28). In my opinion the...
on Mr., Alex Mortimer's letter (CM June 4) regarding our national commercial vehicle underchassis spares service? If...
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The ubiquitous Clifford Toyne, head: of the DoE's vehicle inspection division and "father" of truck testing in the UK, is off...
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by Paul Brockington, MI MechE THERE has never been a time when the vehicles operated by the North West Worcestershire Water...
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AUTHORITIES by lain Sherriff, MITA, AIRTE If legislation bites in 1973, plating may hit crew-cab vehicles A NEW...
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Gordon East • Gordon East is so far removed from the popular conception of a local government officer that it is difficult at...
workshop by Handyman Benchwise: Cool it (6) IT is not always easy for the young mechanic or trainee to grasp just what...
With Ulster '71, Northern Ireland is celebrating 50 years of self-government, and next week's CM takes a look at some of the...
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by Trevor Longeroft A NEW BREED of specialized crash tender is being demanded by airport authorities who, with the advent of...
and Pub Utilities Water capacity A water capacity of 2452gal and a foam agent capacity of 415gal combine to give a total...
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Weave a circle round him thrice by janus T HE main supporters and opponents have now played out their performance on the...
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by Les Oldridge AIRTE, AMIMI The carrying of radioactive substances by road (3) THIS WEEK I am taking a closer look at the...
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matic tractive unit, operating at a gross weight of 32 tons. My employer is in some doubt as to whether I am entitled to a...
can supply either limited slip differentials or differential locks for my Land-Rover? A Limited slip differentials and...
the odd tipper as welL We are beginning to find that the loads are being passed to us in metric measure. Do you know of a...
VAL coach with the 466 engine and five-speed overdrive box. The body fitted to this chassis is a 53-seater Continental, unladen...
This summer! hope to spend a few ureeks in France and Spain on a camping holiday With a friend. We are both motor engineering...
London but recently one or two loads have had to go by way of the Thames tunnels. We seem to have encountered two different...
a vehicle with an unladen weight not exceeding 3 tons and that a "heavy motor car" exceeds 3 tans unladen, but where does an...
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matters by John Darker, AMBIM Transport and distribution consultants No 8. Reginald P. Block MR R. P. BLOCK has a number of...
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I HAVE often emphasized the importance of annual reports of the various transport authorities as very necessary reading for all...