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• Commonsense must be the best distributed commodity in road haulage: everyone in the business claims to have it in abundance....
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by Juliet Parish • A Derbyshire owner-driver believes he is the victim of a hate campaign after winning a hotly contested...
• A One Transport of Gildersome, near Leeds, has offered its 100 drivers a 2% pay increase after five months of negotiating...
by Karen Miles • Operators of well-maintained vehicles are set to benefit from "good conduct passes" which will free them from...
• An increase in maximum vehicle weights is "essential" if Europe's roads are to accommodate the growth of freight and the...
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• Road haulage's domination of the UK freight sector seems unchallenged, despite protestations from the Transport Secretary...
• RTITB Services chairman and chief executive John Armstrong died last week after a heart attack. Armstrong was previously...
• A driver who claimed he was a victim of a pre-Christmas hijacking, in which £100,000 of whisky was stolen, has been arrested...
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by Steve McQueen • Vehicles carrying food products, hazardous chemicals, skips and waste are being targeted in a series of...
• Sixty owner-drivers at ARC South Wales ended their twoweek-long strike last week, after management withdrew a revised rates...
• Merseyside Police has issued a warning to waste operators that fly-tippers will be dealt with severely under a multi-agency...
• Home Office minister Michael Jack has ruled out setting up a national police task force to combat truck theft, despite the...
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• Kassbohrer, Germany's largest semi-trailer manufacturer, is to stop building most of its product range from April, following...
• Scania's general manager Leif Ostling has warned the Belgian importers association: "Imposing varying regulations will only...
• Swap-body specialist Archer Engineering of Leeds has won orders for 100 shutter-ended steel drawbar bodies from Scandinavian...
• The conflict between the European 4m height limit and the need to accommodate a 3m Euro container has led to the development...
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EXCLUSIVE • Detroit Diesel has emerged as a likely partner for Daf, with the two companies sharing the cost of new engine...
• Routers vehicle-based on-line database is designed to give owner-drivers access to a wide range of information, including...
Trend bucked • Against the trend of a 1% decrease over the year, VW's Transporter had a 14% share of its market in 1992, while...
Cargo fleet • Liverpool-based Littlewoods Home Delivery has taken delivery of 20 Iveco Ford Cargo 75E14S chassis in a £600,000...
More Deltas Trent Buses has acquired 29 Daf SB220-based Optare Delta single-deckers, worth around £3m. They will be based at...
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• Owner-drivers look set to benefit from the recent managment buyout of a Midlands transport firm. Longton Storage and...
• Robin Gisby, former managing director of Charterail, aims to win back some of the business of the failed road/rail operation...
No rise • Van Hee Transport has imposed a pay freeze on its 45 drivers and 25 warehouse staff at Felling, Tyne & Wear, but it...
• Employees who have the use of company vans and those issued with mobile phones could be in line for tax rebates. Anyone who...
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• Workers at the Leyland Daf van plant in Birmingham have rejected a 21,month pay offer by a two-to-one majority. Union...
• A programme of job cuts throughout the worldwide Ocean Group will leave UK distribution specialist McGregor Cory...
• P&O European Ferries plans to launch a twice-weekly freight service between Portsmouth and Bilbao—but the venture is already...
• Hauliers vhho go to the wall are less likely to fall into the grasp of crooked insolvency practitioners, thanks to tougher...
• The Adam Smith Institute wants transport and warehouseworkers to come forward with ideas for economic improvement. The...
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• Cracks in the chassis and cross members of semitrailers brought Oakham-based CS Ellis (Group) before Eastern Traffic...
• Transport businesses have to be aware these days of keeping in harmony with the environment otherwise they are going to...
• Worthing-based tipper operator FL Gamble & Sons was given a sharp warning when it appeared at disciplinary proceedings before...
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%II 'At • A series of prohibition notices has led to the authorisation on the licence held by JW Gaskell, of Ormskirk, being...
• A suggestion that drivers of vehicles regularly stopped in roadside checks should have 10 mething to show when no problems...
Year's renewal • The three-vehicle twotrailer international licence held by Derek and William Butcher, trading as Cross Keys...
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by Bryan Jarvis • According to Board of Trade President Michael Heseltine, not enough UK firms are taking advantage of the...
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EXCLUSIVE • Tidd Trailers has teamed up with the Post Office's Parcelforce division to develop a 4.2m highcube semi-trailer...
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Do new truck prices really set residuals in stone? Key Truck and Trailer Sales' Malcolm Taylor looks at the myths and realities...
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• CM guarantees publicity for any operator unfortunate to become a victim of truck crime. It may not get your truck or...
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Truck thefts and hijacking, often linked with violent attacks on drivers, are becoming frighteningly common as professional...
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Bosses for Bosnia osses trade union, the Engineers' and Managers Association, is sending 250 tonnes of aid to Bosnia funded by...
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Hauliers who stand to lose their own business if a major customer collapses may benefit from credit insurance. • 1991 and 1992...
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Seddon Atkinson's venerable Perkins powered 2-11 17tonner may have been eclipsed by more modern models, but it's kept on...
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jim Maple's obsession with commercial vehicle security has driven him to write a book on the subject. He says he could ake your...
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• iJfJeIifle Jj When Sweden's national railway company wanted to test natural gas in its road fleet, New was happy to oblige....
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• I am writing about the Channel 4 programme Truckers, screened on 29 December. The programme centred on Howard Law, nickname...
I am not surprised that the person whose letter you published headed "Jam penalised for working hard" (CM14-20 January) did not...
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Fr ( om time to time I am asked what it is like to be a woman in an industry that's typically a male domain. It is certainly...