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rir HERE would. be less cause for complaint by the Licensing Authorities of the maintenance Of vehicles if more small C-licence...
Standard Thread for Tanks IT is interesting to observe that the new Centurion I Mark VII Tank which is to be made in the...
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Of tolerable tolerance during the safety week. Of those who Were surprised at the number of "heavy men" whom they met at the...
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T . r was disclosed by Mr. E. R. L. Fitzpayne, general manager of Glasgow Transport Department, on Monday, that both municipal...
A N increase of 4s. a week in wages of all adult drivers employed by Aand B-licence holders is, as foreshadowed in The...
Ministry of Trans _ 1 - 1 port statistics, the number of C-licensees increased 15,617 in the year ended September last and...
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'TER hearing an appeal by Mr. S. W. Gosling, of Gomersal, near ford, against the decision of the :shire . Licensing Authority...
B ECAUSE of ill health, Mr. J. Gurney Braithwaite, Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport and Civil...
L ABOUR shortage was forcing farmers to employ hauliers to do work which they once did themselves, Mr. Maurice Hughes, a...
week, met again on October 29, do not expect to hold further meetings. It may be assumed, therefore, that they agreed on the...
E XPORTS of Bedford commercial vehicles and Vauxhall cars this year are expected to be 20 per cent. higher than those of last...
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S TRONG pressure is to be applied by Scottish local authorities for work to start on the construction of a Forth road bridge....
T EN of the latest products of Metropolitan -Cammell Weymann, Ltd., Will be exhibited at the company's . 21st birthday party to...
T HE Ribble group of companies brought well over 3m. people to Blackpool from all parts of Britain during the past season. W....
A NEW sub-area of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers, known as the Cheltenham and Gloucester...
A CONTRACT to supply 350 voile buses, with spares for operation Argentina has been gained by Merced' Benz. It is valued at...
SERVICES CONCERN has been caused Bexhill Corporation by a staterra made at the annual general meeting Maidstone and District...
T WENTY Leyland Comet 10-ft. 5wheelbase chassis h av e bi ordered by the Sind authorities, Pa stan, on which to mount 1,000-gal...
H AVING campaigned unsuccessfi for the extension of children's fares up to the age of 15, Blyth C poration are seeking to have...
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N appeal by Scottish Omnibuses, ILtd., and the Railway Executive ainst the grant of a licence to St. tthbert's Co-operative...
N EW regulations on reversing lights came into force on November 1. They require that no vehicle shall carry more than two such...
R. E. Dove, chairman of Cleethorpes Transport Committee, that if Grimsby would co-operate with their suggestions on the routes...
W HILST he could not contemplate introducing a system of compulsory vehicle testing because of the expense entailed in setting...
T HE question of the 20 m.p.h. speed limit for heavy goods vehicles was not a closed book, the Minister of Transport stated in...
" j CONFIDENTLY rely on the 1 British Transport Commission to make the best arrangements they can to carry on the existing...
HE Minister of Transport has dismissed with costs the appeal of isdowne Motors, Fleetwood, against decision of the North...
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E VIDENCE concerning the shortage of vehicles suitable for the transport of bulk lime, limestone and crushed granite was given...
s.gnikcant vy increase in wage costs until we adjust the tempo of our production. This may involve greater mechanization in...
A S part of their mechanization programme, the London Co-operative Society are taking delivery of 360 Electruk milk vehicles....
capable of dealing with sizes from 6.00 by 20-in. to 10.00 by 20-in, has been produced by Mann Egerton and Co., Ltd., 5 Prince...
S TANDARD commercial vehicles with 48 b.h.p. oil engines will go into production in the New Year. They are expected to cost...
P LANNING permission for a temporary coach park on the site of a warehouse at the Marylebone marshalling and goods yards has...
rOMPENSATION payments nationalized hauliers ascertain and outstanding at September amounted to £2.2m. Part of this st was the...
T "provision of effective str lighting was a small insure.' towards saving the country money z reducing road casualties, said...
ended Septeml British Road Services' vehicles IA involved in one accident for er 33,991 miles travelled—an average one accident...
T HE Monopolies and Restric Practices Commission, 3 Corn , Terrace, London, N.W.1, are examit the arrangements in the copper...
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. Exports T HE imposition of ill-studied legislation might force designers of public - service vehicles to concentrate upon...
RECOMMENDATION. . t ha t 7 1 trolleybuses on the Becket Road liextborpe . services of Doncaster :or - Oration be replaced by...
substitute motor-. buses for trams on the route from le centre of Sunderland to 'Thorney. lose estate, although the track was...
Road Services atck work until midnight on Monday protest against the transfer of their perintendent, Mr. H. Howard, to other...
1948, ' vehicles of the Central African Im Unit have covered 280,000 miles Rhodesia's mainly corrugated dust mud roads. Running...
THE ninth edition of "Road Trans1 'port Law" has been published by Iliffe and Sons, Ltd., Dorset House, Stamford Street,...
T HE latest publication of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, 52 Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.1, gives good...
.r 1 A NEW heavy-duty production spray gun of comparatively light weight has been produced by B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., High...
.1 - 1 A LARGE modern office has been opened by Pitt and Scott, Ltd., at the corner block of Jamaica Street and Dixon Street,...
EE XISTING forms of transport should be locked together in their interests and economics and have an overall national policy,...
S CHOOLS, police stations, offices and residences for State officials posted to outlying districts are being moved in...
A NEW bending machine has been produced by F. J. Edwards, Ltd., 359-361 Euston Road, London, N.W.1, for working hot or cold...
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shotild be nb increase in the provision by European Governments of artificial incentives for exporters. This is the . effect of...
T HE London County Council have entered into a contract with the Esso Petroleum Co., Ltd., for the supply of standard-grade...
Ltd., Yardley, last week withdrew at the last minute their application for a. new group of 137 excursions and tours, the West...
The fuel-tanker drivers' claim for an increase in wages is to be submitted to arbitration. Pilgrim Mobile Units, Ltd., haVe...
B ECAUSE of the Minister of Transport's proposals to limit the number of standing passengers in crushload single-deck buses to...
D EROGATORY. comments were made at last week's meeting of Shrewsbury Trades Council about crush-load single-deckers introduced...
T HE. elimination of standing passengers in buses would cost Rotherham Transport Department at leas! 00,000 a year. The...
D ELEGATES from 35 countrie attended a conference of Lucas C.A.V. and Girling overseas agents an company executives in London...
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its kind in the area, the Northern leputy Licensing Authority, last week, tfused to allow Mr. J. Pugh, of arrow-in-Furness, to...
spirit of enterprise on the part of the railways is contained in the announcement that no conveyance charges will be made by...
T HE long-distance panel of the Road Haulage Association met last week and considered the judgment of Mr. Justice Danckwerts in...
IT seems likely that most Continental tours will ha extended next year as a result of. the increase from £40 to £50 in the...
A S soon as resources permit. more money should be spent on improving main roads vital to industrial production and exports,...
van that has already covered nearly 70,000 miles on delivery runs has been converted into a mobile stationery showroom by...
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All-steel Body with Sliding Doors, Syncromesh Gearbox, Hydraulic Dampers at Front and Rear and Lengthened Wheelbase are...
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CANADIAN Chevrolet chassis 6 forms the basis of an interesting tide which Marshall Motor Bodies, I., Airport Works, Cambridge,...
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Normal-control Chassis for 250-cu.-ft. • Van and Pick-up Bodies has Perkins Three-cylindered Oil Engine, Constant • mesh...
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T WO new forward-control oilengined models of basically similar construction, but equipped with tyres for 3 tons and 4 tons,...
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Prevent Another Fuel Famine 1E recent strike of fuel-tanker drivers has exposed glaring weakness in the general set-UP of this...
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South Western Tar Distilleries Use 44 Motor Vehicles and 16 Trailers for a Variety of Tasks By A. E. Sherlock-Mesher A N ,...
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E. and O. E. By JANUS T HE traditional affection of the British for an illogical compromise, and their "healthy dislike and...
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Atkinson Passenger Chassis with Direct Air-operated Epicyclic Gearbox has No Clutch or Gear-engaging Pedal : Other New Atkinson...
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Concrete Details About the Extra Sums a Driver Can Earn and the Monetary Benefits an Employer Can Derive from the Introduction...
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P ATENT No. 696,728, shows a I method of loading and unloading• containers on ,or off their, vehicle. The apparatus required is...