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" o it yourself" is a movement extending far beyond its natural realm of household maintenance. It is being practised widely in...
Caught Knapping T HE fourth volume in the series "Our National Heritage," issued by the National Benzoic Company Ltd.,...
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That a reliable service is worth More than a cut price. A reader saying that those who are afraid to be go-getters get nothing...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT C OACH and bus operators are expressing unqualified disapproval of the Minister of Transport's...
vV HEN figures for a traffic count taken in August last year on trunk and class 1 roads in England and Wales were compared with...
T HE number of C-licence vehicles on the road increased by 30,333 during the first three months of this year. Figures showing...
A T least a half of the bus services run by the B.E.T. companies, accounting for about a third of the mileage covered, were...
TT may be possible during the next I few months for the Minister of Transport to announce a new road programme for the four...
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R EFUS1NG " maintenance" grant to Darbyshire (Transport), Ltd., Warrington, when they applied for a vehicle of 7+ tons unladen...
nVER 2.000 applications were received by Butlins, Ltd., in response to their offer (The Commercial Motor, May 31) to pay £1,000...
A CLAIM for an increase of I ls. a week in the wages of transport workers in the wholesale grocery and provision trade was...
T HE five councils seeking to take over the Mexborough 'and Swinton Traction Co., Ltd., were urged on Monday • to issue...
LICENCE for a coach service from Pl. Birmingham to Karachi was granted on . Monday by the West Midland Traffic Commissioners to...
port issued "Traffic Safety Code for Road Works" (Stationery Office, al), which is concerned with the marking and lighting of...
DRELIMINARY work on an 829-yd. I tunnel under the River Clyde at Glasgow started on Monday. The project, which includes...
T H E . applicant's main witn.ess, • Remploy, Ltd., withdrew support for a "contract conversion" at the third hearing in...
I Authority, Mr. J. R. Lindsay, at Liverpool, on Tuesday, granted an applieation by British Road SerVices (Pickfords), Ltd., to...
set up by the National Council for the Omnibus Industry to consider the company bus workers' claim for an increase in pay was...
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LORD MOYNIHAN has been appointed to the board of Simms Motor Units, Ltd. MR. J. COOPER has been appointed senior...
R ECALLING the substantial volume 1 A. of Anglo-Polish trade before the war, British vehicle manufacturers are to give support...
Michigan, U.S.A., have been purchased by the White Motor Co. In 1951, White bought the Sterling Motor Truck Co., Inc., and in...
B ECAUSE of the Whitsun holiday, 1 - 0 the next issue of The Commercial Motor will be published on Saturday instead of Friday.
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will I be used in the eliminatin g rounds of the Lorry Driver of .the Year Competition. The first will involve parkin g at the...
A NEW form of international motor insurance card is now valid in Great Britain in respect of vehicles brou g ht in by visitors....
D ATES of Pay for drivers of C-licence vehicles in the sand and ballast industry have been amended as from the first full pay...
PA A HAULAGE contractor, who was accused of sendin g an outsize load through Rowley Re g is without g ivin g two days' notice,...
W HEN Mr. C. James (James Motor Gara g e) asked the North Western Traffic Commissioners, on Monday, to increase his vehicle...
A HA ULIER with contract A licences is not necessarily entitled to seek B licences to spread his work over, even if somebody...
O NLY three of 54 applications by United Automobile. Services, Ltd., for modification Of Christmas Day services were rejected...
T HE Land-Rover Owners' Club is now under the sponsorship of the Rover Co., Ltd., and it is planned to expand the services to...
P ETTERS, LTD., Staines, have introduced a 3,000 r.p.m. series of fancooled power units. With a bore and stroke of 3 in., the...
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T WO fares which were increased by Glasgow Transport Department because of the Suez crisis are to be cut again. The Scottish...
THE .10-per-cent. increase in rates and fares granted to the Ulster Transport Authority in .December, 1956, to meet additional...
by the executive council of the National Employers' Association of Vehicle Builders to seek a concession in the purchase tax on...
service 1 operated by Skyways, Ltd., between London and Nice has been fixed at £24 10s. return. This is claimed to be the...
T O market and service Smith's-N.C.B. vehicles throughout Canada, Smith's Electric Vehicles (Canada), Ltd., has been formed as...
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nISPLACEMENT of a small opera tor's railway-station service by Crosville Motor Services, Ltd., following the closure of a...
THE application by the North I. Western Road Car Co., Ltd., Ashton-under-Lyne Corporation and Stalybridge, Hyde, Mossley and...
T HE first tyre to be made in the new factory at Garscadden, Glasgow, of the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain),...
accused of being "vicious " during the past two months, at the monthly meeting of the city's Chamber of Trade, last week. Mr....
TW ELVE Rochester type 41-seat front-entrance coaches have been ordered from John C. Beadle (Coachbuilders), Ltd., by Yorkshire...
T HE Justiciary Appeal Court, in Edinburgh, last week, overruled a decision at Dundee Sheriff Court, when a case against Dundee...
M OST types of vehicle and tractor,. internal-combustion engines and tyres may now be exported to China free of control. This...
T HE Esso Petroleum Co., Ltd., plan to double their business between now and 1965. Sir Leonard Sinclair, chairman, has told...
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A A UNIFORM annual holiday for the Heavy Woollen District would mean that the Yorkshire Woollen District Transport Co.. Ltd.,...
DASSENGERS carried by Lisbon Electric Tramways, Ltd., increased by 8.92 per cent. during 1956. The year's fleet mileage went...
S INCE entering into an agreement with Tecalemit, Ltd., to sell and stock their transportable servicing equipment and...
A FTER hearing that -a haulier had been illegally .carrying cattle on a B licence, and at the same time operating under a...
T HE effect of the closure of the Suez Canal is clearly seen in figures for United Kingdom consumption of petroleum products in...
HE railways do not expect to retain any significant amount of the extra passenger traffic that they gained during fuel...
T HE Admiralty have offered to sell to the Ceylon Transport Board the vehicle-maintenance equipment at the Trincomalee naval...
W ORK on the Doncaster by-pass, which was first proposed nearly 20 years ago, is expected to be authorized during the next...
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I MPORTANT concessions in the Public Service Vehicles (Conditions of Fitness) Regulations are proposed to enable utilities with...
L'IRST Prize of £75 in competition I No. 4 of the drawing and handicraft competitions organized this year by the Institute of...
WHEN hearing of the application by W Fred Chappell, Ltd., Batley, to add 10 special 3,000-gal. tankers to their A licence began...
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I S a youth under 21 years of age per mitted to drive an articulated vehicle? This point was argued before South Lonsdale...
1 - 1 A TEST incentive scheme, to use manpower to the best advantage, has been introduced by Edinburgh Transport Department....
T HE Suez crisis turned an expected loss of £81,245 in the year ended March 31 into a profit of £109,202 for Salford Transport...
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By Joint F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. T HE new Ford Thames Trader range, described in The Commercial Motor on May 24, has caused a...
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F VERY operator must know the cost of running his vehicles if he is to derive the maximum benefit from 4 their revenue-earning...
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Methods Used by Four Operators . in Distributing Frozen Fish and Other Foods from Grimsby Throughout the Country By S....
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Rally Drivers BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT F OR the first time on record, the international " semaine du car" in ,Nice was held...
INTEGRATION of some services run I by Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., and Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd., will...
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A NEW fish delivery van for Mac Fisheries, Ltd.,.. Little Trinity Lane, London, E.C.4, is based on . a. Morris 5-ton...
L AST Saturday, what was believed to be the first Continental semi-trailer to arrive in this country with a load was...
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Asks Arthur R. Wilson, M.I.R.T.E. R ETURNS for 195 show a continuing rising t end in C licences in anothe year of purchase...
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Screw-in Compression Tester Introduced A COMPRESSION tester reading up to 200 psi. is now being produced by Lawrence Edwards...
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I 1■1 The Commercial Motor of December 14, 1956, I noticed a short article headed: " Hull driver fined for inefficient bus...
Thank Offering By The Hawk A S a thank offering, the Thames Estuary Automobile Club arc helpin g to run the Southend...
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L IKE a death's-head to many hauliers is the thought of the next general election, certain to come within the next three years....
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AfiANY road tankers have associated 'with them a power-"driven pump or other auxiliaries for dealing with the load. Such pumps...