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F EN ratepayers appreciate the efforts made to increase efficiency and prevent waste in the operation of municipal transport....
Comfort for Casualties 'THE speed of some accident ambulances formed A the interesting topic of a letter from a surgeon...
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That this may suggest that the modern "Under five" is alreadycommercially minded—or that father is a lorry owner or driver....
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B.R.S. Agree Terms for Operation at 30 m.p.h.: New Demands on Private Hauliers Expected GREE M ENT has now been reached...
A NEW scheduled service from the north of England to Antwerp and other Belgian destinations was inaugurated on Whit-Monday. The...
T HE issued share capital of V.W. Motors, Ltd., sole concessionnaires for Volkswagen vehicles in the United Kingdom, has been...
A T West Hartlepool County Court last week Judge C. Cohens said that the local corporation should have sent a refuse collector...
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P ARTIES involved in licence applications cannot close their cases and then have second thoughts about calling more witnesses,...
Transport Commission, submitted that there was no prima facie case, because Pickfords' heavy-haulage depots had 15 similar...
W ORK will begin next month on the Lancaster by-pass, which will be Ii miles long and cost nearly £3.75m. It will eventually be...
V EHICLE manufacturers approrshed by The Commercial Motor on Tuesday about the possibility of rises in prices, following awards...
N O arrangements have yet been made for dealing with the transport of people to and from towns in Northern Ireland when 90...
IN a written decision, Mr. I. H. A. I Randolph, Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority, has refused the application by Fred...
A SPECIAL sub-committee has been set up by Saddleworth Urban District Council, near Huddersfield, to investigate the...
ONO delays being experienced by vehicles at Liverpool docks could be cut down by pallet loading, members of the Liverpool Cart...
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MR. A. R. PALMER, managing director of the Northern Diecasting Co., Ltd., has retired, DR. FRANCIS C. Toy has joined Small and...
THE outstanding feature of a new I. F. and J. tractor-trailer brake coupling introduced by Feeny and Johnson, Ltd., 134-136...
B y their failure to make available in published form, at frequent intervals, their most recent decisions, the Transport...
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A N attempt by the South Eastern Traffic Commissioners to prevent discrimination against buses has failed. The Minister a...
year's operations were mentioned in the annual statement last week to shareholders of the West Riding Automobile Co., Ltd. They...
M OCK television screens, showing illuminated advertisements, are to be fitted as an experiment to 10 doubledeck buses...
• B ECM/SE he had kept no accounts, the vendor of a one-man haulage business was compelled to visit all his 1956 customers, in...
N O conclusions have yet been reached by the Road Research Laboratory on the question whether road safety would be increased by...
lk AR. R. A. BUTLER, Lord Privy Seal, LVL has promised to consider giving time for a debate on roads in the House of Commons...
MEW luxury coaches bought by the Yorkshire Woollen District Transport Co., Ltd., increased private-party work so much last year...
A NEW Morrison-Electricar will be on display at the British Electrical Power Convention at Eastbourne from next Monday to...
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Chesterfield Experiment : Chester Raises Fares : Mr. Hanlon Defends C.M.S. A N application by Chesterfield Corporation to...
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hauliers throu g hout the country, British Road Services (Pickfords), Ltd., have been g iven the job of carryin g Butlin's...
THERE was a complete stoppa g e of 1 Middlesbrou g h Transport Department's services last Friday when 340 bus drivers and...
P ORTSMOUTH round of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition will be held on Au g ust 24. The startin g control, where...
coach service from Birmin g ham to Karachi by the West Midland Traffic Commissioners (The Commercial Motor, June 7), a similar...
W E re g ret to announce' the death of MR. CLARE CAMBAGE, mana g in g director of the S.M.T. Sales and Service'Co., Ltd. He...
shorta g e, Mr. R. V. Brooks, mana g in g director of Bedford Transport, Ltd., Walsall, drove o ne of the company's lorries,...
L ATEST addition to the ran g e of Lai tools produced by Thomas Meldrum, Ltd., John Street, Sheffield, 2, is a set of four...
A S part of a plan to improve service to customers and capture traffic from road transport, the London Midland Region of...
"20" discs will be abolished. As from that date it will also be unnecessary for th e speed limit to be painted on the near...
THE transport museum at Hull, which was open from 1932 until the war, was re-opened last week. It houses En g land's oldest...
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rl A SMALL coach operator claimed last week that if Manchester Transport Department extended its works service between Higher...
C APABILITIES of the Black and Decker range of heavy-duty electric saws Were amply demonstrated last Friday when examples were...
will be cheaper from July 31. For each of the first two stations the licence fee will be £3, but for additional stations the...
F iFTY-ONE exhibitors of commercial vehicles will appear at the Scottish Motor Show at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, from November...
F OLLOWING the purchase of Reo Motors, Inc., by the White Motor Co. (The Commercial Motor, last week), there were reports that...
D ESP1TE drastic economy, 51 per cent. of the stage services operated by the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., are run at a...
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produced by Douglas Equipment, Ltd., Kingsditch Lane, Tewkesbury Road, Cheltenham, Glos, is the four wheel-drive Prospector...
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D EADLOCK was reached at a meeting in 1 —"Conway last week between representatives of the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry...
A N articulated vehicle has been built for the Canadian Army by Canadair, Ltd., Montreal, and may be sold on the civilian...
RDERS for 260 buses to the value of over £500,000 have been received from India by Leyland Motors, Ltd. Sixty Titan...
THE new Transport Users' Consulta live Committee for Scotland has now been appointed, with the exception of two representatives...
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T WO new types of ambulance body suitable for the Dennis A.V. series chassis, which has Gregoire rear suspension, are...
floor height at the rear of only 1 ft. 8 in. to be obtained. Interior length of the body is 10 ft. 4 in., width 6 ft. 1 in.,...
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Power Developed by 2-litre Engine Identical to Output of Petrol Engine : More Favourable Torque at Higher Speeds : Extra Cost...
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Ambulance Excels F OR many years it has been the custom of the supplies department of the London County Council, in...
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W HAT are collectively termed the public cleansing services seem to be taken _ very much for granted by most people, but the...
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Bird's Eye View By The Hawk " T HE road problem is a financial onc."—Mr. Wallace E. Riche, chairman of the Roads Improvement...
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Highly Developed System of Refuse and Salvage Collection Serves Six Potteries Towns By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. S...
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By A. E. Sherlock-Mesher Vehicles Allocated Daily to Municipal Departments : Accent on Salvage : Big Sales of Tottenham...
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Lancashire's Fleet of 173 Vehicles Distributes 31m. Meals a Year from Central Kitchens Throughout the County With Unfailing...