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M ANY members of the Government appear to take the view that its strength, owing to the great Labour majority in Parliament, is...
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The Employment of r ONCERNING the use of Rubber for Heavy N--" rubber in vehicles, a little Loads point came out at the first...
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That in the opinion of many "political morality" is an anachronism. That lawyers are beginning to rub their hands and count...
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I N the House of Commons on Monday. Mr. Alfred Barnes, Minister of Transport, moving the second reading of the Transport Bill,...
was already publicly or Stateowned, he said. The real issue was whether the scheme contained in the Bill was workable. Rural...
19,000 A-licence holders with 86,000 vehicles, 27,000 B-licence holders with 53,000 vehicles and 149,000 C-licence holders with...
December 20-January 11.—British Road Federation Exhibition"; Tea Centre, 22. Lower Regent Street. London, W.I. January ZS,...
in this country for more than a century is reaching its conclusion and consummation in this Bill. Transport has been moving...
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O N December 12, the National Joint Industrial Council for the Road Passenger Transport Industry resumed discus,sions on a...
A.E.C. 9.6-litre direct-injection oil engine, has recently been published by the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd.,'' Southall,...
Anial, Ltd., made a net profit of £32,126 in the year ended July 31 last. After Paying a preference dividend and a dividend of...
Mn. T. G. BRADLEY, M.I.A.E., has been appointed managing director of the Salisbury Transmission Co., Ltd. MR. A. PaakiNsoN has...
I N the House of Commons on Monday, Mr. Oliver Poole presented a petition on behalf of people in the West Midland traffic area...
T HE British Legion is to enter 'the fight against nationalization on behalf of several thousand ex-Servicemen who will be...
VY Dominions Trust, Ltd., Regis House, King William Street, London, E.C.4, that the company will again operate its "road tax by...
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A N important development in the fight against nationalization is the formation of a liaison committee representing the...
I N the House of Commons on December 12, Mr. Winston Churchill threatened to move a vote of censure against the Government,...
• BILL ESOLUT1ONS expressing-deep con"X cern over the Transport Bill were discussed last week by directors of Man chester...
cost of living would be raised, employment reduced and Britain's opportunities in the export markets adversely affected by the...
Transport Bill as providing "no practical or constructive plans for the improvement and co-ordination of transport," and...
RAILWRAILW AY stockholders, at a meeting AY London last Friday, unanimously passed a resolution demanding an inquiry before the...
the Traders' Road Transport Association unanimously resolved that a public judicial inquiry should be held into the need for...
A NOTHER meeting of protest against 1 – "the nationalization of transport will be held at Caxton Hall, Westminster, &WI, on...
A VOTE of no confidence in the Government was passed unanimously at a meeting of Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire hauliers at...
A DEMAND that C-licence holders arrying fruit and vegetables should be exempted from the restriction of 40 miles is being made...
TH E worst feature of the Transport Bill was the provision for compensation, said Mr. John M'Donald, of the Road Haulage...
fight this BM by VY all constitutional means in our power. This is a democracy. The Government has been elected by a majority...
it fiANUFACTURERS of motor IV" vehicles and equipment are, according to Mr. R. Gresham Cooke, director of the Society of Motor...
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L AST Monday at a Press Conference held by the Road Haulage Association, the chairman, Mr. H. T. Dutfield, reviewed the scope,...
and Mechanical Engineers held its annual dinner and entertainment at the Tudor Barn Cafe, Eltham, last Saturday, the chairman....
WHEN the Transport Bill is passed VI' and the distance ittnit imposed, a gigantic black market will grow up among hauliers...
C ARAV ANS and metal polishers of cotton wool, wadding or cotton waste impregnated with a polishing agent are to be exempted...
T HE Metropolitan Water Board is standardizing on certain types of vehicle. In the category of light vans and cars, classified...
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F OR the first time in its history, the Couhcil of the Stock Exchange has protested to the Government against thc terms of...
than • 'another that needs to be watched very closely, it would appear to be the nationalization of transport and its effect on...
A N ex-prisoner of war, who was blinded and lost both hands when an ammunition dump blew up, was granted a licence to run a...
A T the inaugural meeting of the East Midland Liberal Federation, in Nottingham, a resolution was adopted declaring that the...
A WARNING that in future he would refuse applications for adjournments and deal with cases on the evidence immediately...
T HE Transport Commission may be used to produce revenue to subsidize the nationalized basic industries of coal and steel, said...
S. Eastwood, has granted the application by Joseph Hanson and Son, Ltd., of Huddersfield, for A licences covering its present...
T HE Yorkshire Licensing Authority has granted C. H. Pickles, Ltd., wholesale newsagent. permission to operate pooled...
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I N October of this year British manufacturers produced 14,202 commercial vehicles, against the 1938 computed monthly average...
5,314 new cornmercial vehicles in October brought in £2,081,248, whereas the monthly average in 1938 was 1,190 (£323,597). In...
announced that after carrying the Royal Mail for an unbroken period of more than 100 years, the contracts of McNamara and Co.,...
F ROM January 1 a separate company, Dunlop Rubber Co. (Scotland), Ltd., Will handle all Dunlop goods sold in Scotland,. except...
D EL1VERY vans of the pedestriancontrolled type of not more than 8 cwt. unladen and fitted with twin front or rear wheels have...
Q WNERS of motor vehicles are asked to renew their licences for the quarter or year as soon as possible. Only new cars will pay...
B ELOW we publish the latest statistics of new vehicle registrations in the nine months ended September last:
A CONCERN in New South Wales, Reo Motors Pty., Ltd., 147-149, William Street, Sydney, having seen references in "The...
nRDERS from 14 different local ‘agovernment authorities for 40 vehicles have recently been received by Cox and Co. (Leeds),...
'Morris 8 It v. vans. • Blackpool Transport Committee intends to buy 50 buses In 1948. Glasgow Education C0111211iIICO is to...
TEN hauliers and the L.M.S. Railway Co. were objectors at Dundee, on December 12. when Mr. A. Robertson, Deputy Licensing...
B RITISH engineers do not need to go abroad to learn how to build roads, said Mr. H. E. Aldington, M.Inst.C.E., Minst.T., chief...
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Who Will be NATIONALIZED How A and B Licensees are Affected by the Transport Bill and the Circumstances in Which Their...
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C. W. Reeve A MOST trenchant castigation of the Government and its muddleheaded policy was made by Mr. C. NV. Reeve, C.B.E.,...
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L FT me state first that it is my earnest regret that the wiser counsels of the leaders of commerce and industry in this...
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I l is generally recognized that me highest percentage of vehicle breakdowns is caused 'by faults in the electrical system,...
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T HERE HERE was a table on the lawn and the March Hare and the Mad Hatter were having tea. Sitting between them was a Dormouse,...
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By J. S. Wills, Managing Diredor of the British Electric Traction Co., Lid., and Chairman of the Birmingham and Midland Motor...
. Secretary and Manager of Blythe and . Berwick (1928), Ltd., j Webster (Brad foul); Ltd., and T. G. Best and Co., Ltd., . and...
Roadway Services, Ltd., Haddersfield ; Chairman, North-Eastern Area, National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses....
Chairman, Yorkshire West Riding Arm. Traders' Road Transport Association. THE general inference that I draw from the Bill is...
By F. J. Speight, M.Inst.T., Secretary, Geo. Etter and Co., Ltd„ uno Chairman, Passenger • Vehicle Owner , ' Association....
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By C. Le M. Gosselin, M.1.A.E. Mcmaoing Dire( tor, H. Vine,' and Co., Ltd. A DISCUSSION of the Transport Bill apart from the...
Bushel Lifted O NE of the three independent and autonomous associations of the National Road Transport Federation is the...
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ti result of these applications Would be exploitation of the Highlands." declared Mr. J. B. Bauchop, Inverness solicitor, at a...
D ENYING suggestions made at a L./meeting of Cardiff Transport Committee, that lack of vigilance on the part of conductors...
road transport undertakings that the tragedy of nationalization is particularly emphasized. The only shadow cast over the...
A A MOST successful dance and reunion in aid of the Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association was held at Oxford,...
THREE Leyland passenger chassis, I 8 ft. wide and of 19 ft. wheelbase, are to be supplied to the Aalborg Private Railways,...
of Isipublic service vehicles is reported from Russia. The "Soviet News" states that a coach which is at present on view at the...
THE appointment of a full-time vice" chatrman, general manager and chief , engineer to London Transport is under consideration,...
Co., Ltd., held its annual ball recently. Among those present were Mr. D. M. Sinclair, general manager; Mr. C. W. Francis,...
relative merits of the tramcar and the troffeybus, members of Aberdeen Professional and Business Club voted unanimously in...
R EDUCED bus fares have been introduced by Middlesbrough Corporation. The maximum fare inside the town, which will cover a...
at present existing between East Midland Motor Services, Ltd., and municipal and other operators, new pooling arrangements are...
rOMPLANTS of profiteering by some hotel proprietors at the expense of coach tourists were made by Mr. R. A. Mortimer, a...
F IFTY A.E.C. Regal Mark III chassis for single-deck bodies are to be supplied to Auto-Viaco Jabaquara for operation in and...
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Brake Layout A BRAKE of the two-leading-shoe type is shown in patent No. 580,334 by F. Parnell and the Automotive Products...
T ° prevent oil from leaking out of an engine around the crankshaft is the aim of a seating ring shown in patent No. 580,957,...
A N engine lubricating system in which the oil passages are cored in the crankcase casting, instead of being separately piped,...
A HELICALLY sprung suspension system is disclosed in patent No. 580,065, by H. Herbert, 22, Broxholm Road, London, S.E.27. The...