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26th October 1962
26th October 1962
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Page 1, 26th October 1962

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No Sale

A FTER some 30 years of licensing, it does not seem unreasonable to suppose that the salient points of licensing law are now...

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Objections to R.H.(73)—Closing Date November 2

T HE proposals prepared by the Road Haulage Wages Council have now been issued in Notice R.H.(73) and any representations with...

Labour in the C ommon Market

A REDUCTION in the existing "hours-pattern," limitation of total overtime in the year, restriction of night running and...

Wages Force Up U.S. Haulage Rates H AULIERS in New York

State and New Jersey are to apply to the U.S. Inter-State Commerce Commission for authority to raise carriage charges by 15 to...

Busy Session for Ministry

From Our Political Correspondent T HE Ministry of Transport enters the 1962-63 session of Parliament with no major legislation...

Block Renewals T HE national council of the Traders Road Transport

Association is next Tuesday to consider a recommendation that it proceed no further with its efforts to secure concessions from...

Page 9

R.H.A. Conference Resolutions

IAST Thursday, the executive com.!—+ Mittee of the Rodd Haulage Association considered the resolutions debated at the R.H.A....

Tipper Operators' Association Dinner L _ AST week, the newly formed Fife

and District Tipper Operators' Association held its first annual dinner. The guests were welcomed by the chairman of the A s...

To Leave Pickfords i‘AR. DUNCAN H. FOULDS, D.S.C.,

is relinquishing in the near future his appointments with British Road Services as the divisional manager, Pickfords Division,...

Traffic Census Book A S a result of five years' research

by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, a book called "50-Point Traffic Census—the First Five Years" was...


T HE Traders' Co-ordinating Committee on Transport is seeking new member organizations to enable it to increase the Committee's...

Standardizing Freight Containers A COMMITTEE of the International Standards Organization, set

up last year to deal with the standardization of freight containers, hopes to establish a range which will be interchangeable...

New T.R.T.A. Branch The Traders' Road Transport Association are to

set up a branch on the River Tees. An inaugural meeting of the new branch was held at Stockton-on-Tees on Thursday, when Mr_ S....

Lorry Driver Contest Changes?

A NUMBER of changes are being suggested for the 1963 Lorry Driver of the Year competition. They will be considered by the...

E.E.C. Transport Discussions T RANSPORT appears in two items en the

agenda for the next plenary session of the European Parliament (the '.' House of Commons" of the European Economic Community)...

France Liberalizes Transport Controls T HE French Government announcet

. that as of Noveniber 1 it is to cease requiring transportation authorization for certain loads crOSsing the Frerich border...

Switzerland Eases Rules T HESwiss Government has signed five international customs

agreements with regard to the temporary import of goods, by which the transport into Switzerland of commodities covered by the...

Newcastle Speed Limits F OLLOWING a public inquiry. Mr. Ernest Marples has made an Order

to raise from 30 m.p.h. to 40 the speed limit on three lengths of road across the Town Moor in Newcastle upon Tyne. , This is...

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Transport Tribunal in London

NO LICENCE—APPEAL FAILS A T the sitting of the Transport Tribunal in London on Tuesday, before an appeal commenced, Mr. J. M....

PREJUDICE, CLAIM APPELLANTS T HE Metropolitan deputy Licensing Authority was prejudiced

against an applicant from the start, Mr. C. R. Beddington told the Tribunal on Wednesday when he represented Wilson Singer,...

Woman Haulier Warned A YOUNG woman who runs a trans£t

port firm was told by the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. D. I. R. Muir, on Wednesday, that he had considered imposing a...

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Revocation for User Offences

F OR operatin g four A-licensed vehicles outside their normal user, the Metropolitan Licensin g Authority, Mr. D. I. R. Muir,...

Lancashire—London Excursions Fight

A N application by Ellen Smith (Tours), Ltd., Rochdale, to introduce day excursions to London was stron g ly opposed by British...

Licence Sale Warning by Mr. Muir

F OR nearly an hour on Tuesday, a case was put to the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner on the basis that a coach operator had...

M.P. Champions Hauliers H AULAGE contractors in North-East Scotland are becomin g

easy prey to "bureaucratic interference" from the Scottish Licensin g Authority, complains Mr A. F, Hendry, in a stron g...

Page 37

Chemical " Laundry " Vehicle Bid

T HE main business of Thames Tar Products Contractors, Ltd., of Mitcham Common and Lewes, included a kind of laundry service •'...

Transport Commission Withdraw Objection T HE British Transport Commission withdrew their

objection to an application by Killingbeck (Transport), Ltd., Blackburn, at Preston on Monday, after the applicants had...

Drivers' Record Forms TAN DARD drivers' record forms are now

available to members from all divisional offices of Traders' Road Transport Association. The front of the form is laid out in...

Find Solution, Says L.A.

A N application by Golden Valley Transport. Ltd., of Stoke Gifford. near Bristol, for an A licence (hiring allowance) for an...

Northern Application Rejected T HE Northern Licensing Authority rejected an application

by H. Smailes and Co., Acklington, Northumberland. for a variation in their A licence to allow them to carry racing pigeons....

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Large Tanker Bid in London

LARGE contract A to B licence rt transfer request appears in the Metropolitan "As and IDs" in the form of an application by...

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Misled By Road! Rail Committee?

1-1 A PLEA that he had been misled by the Road and Rail Negotiating Committee was made on behalf of James P. Aitken, Inchture,...

Western Application Granted in Part

A N application by Mr. D. A. J. Roberts, of Newton Abbot, for an A licence for five vehicles came before the Western Licensing...

Cost of School Buses

T HE Western Welsh Omnibus Company, Ltd., havc.warned that they may be forced to cancel all relief buses they provide to carry...

Ribble Modernization IN spite of heavy criticism from 1 residents

and others, Preston town planning committee have reaffirmed their approval of the plans of Ribble Motors, Ltd., to modernize...

Ban on Carriage of R.A.F. Men

nUESTIONS about the unauthorized carriage of airmen between Leuchars and Wormit Railway Station were put to a coach operator,...

Application Refused A T a sitting at Spennymoor (Co. Durham), the

Northern Licensim . ! Authority refused an application by Mr. James Alderson, of Crook, for a CL: I transporter licence to...

All Square Again

I N a reserved decision, the West Midland Traffic Commissioners have granted applications by four companies to introduce new...

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L.T.E. Concession on Routemaster Plan

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT ONDON TRANSPORT made yet 1 —+ another concession last week in a final effort to get...

New Liverpoo I Bus Garage

'THE new seven-acre bus garage for I Liverpool Transport started operation recently. Situated half way between Liverpool and...

Rochdale Bonus Talks Continue L AST week the Rochdale passenger J-4

transport committee again went into the question of payment of a service bonus to their bus crews, referred back to them by the...

More Double-deck Coaches Scheduled

W INTER schedules for London Transport's Country Bus and Green Line services started on Wednesday, October 24. On 10 routes...

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New Device For Safer Braking

rk A SIMPLE, compact and inexpensive device designed to give safer braking has been announced by the Dunlop Rubber Co. and is...

U.S. Lorry Market Buoyant

WITH recent lorry sales in the U.S. W highly encouraging, manufacturers generally arc predicting that more than a million...

Albion Coach Chassis • introduced

NEW coach chassis—the Victor VT21L—has been introduced by Albion Motors, Ltd. The model is designed primarily to suit...

Single-drive Super Reiver A SINGLE-DRIVE version of the I - 1 Super

Reiver six - wheeler is now offered by Albion Motors, Ltd. The new model is designated RE.31 and is designed for a maximum...

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Lorry Production in Brazil

T HE Scania-Vabis concern in Brazil has been • producing lorries and chassis at the new factory located on the Via Anchieta,...

Ulster May Get Large Tyre Plant A MAJOR development in Northern

• Ireland is under consideration by the . British subsidiary of the Michelin Tyre Company of France. Officials of the firm...


T HE French vehicle manufacturers Saviern and Unic have now officially approved York XD third-axle conversions, as supplied in...

B.M.C. EXPAND IN FRANCE THE British Motor Corporation have I

now allocated South-eastern France as a separate distribution area for their light commercial vehicles, in agreement with their...

Blackfriars Underpass T HE Minister of Transport has made an initial

grant of £1,855,630 to the Corporation of London towards the cost, estimated at £3,430,000, of providing an underpass at the...

Conference for Engineers

T HE British Engineers' Association is holding a one-day conference on November 27 on the transport of • engineering goods to...

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Lifting Fifth Wheels

I N addition to their existing range of semi-trailer fifth-wheel couplings and automatic/fifth-wheel convertors, the York...

Container Lifting

A PORTABLE gantry has been rA developed by N. Tamplin and Co., Ltd., Birdham, Chichester. Sussex, for use in conjunction with...

P.T.F.E. Bearings THIN strips of a special glassreinforced P.T.F.E. material

which , can be made into bearings to provide a self-lubricating bearing surface for rotating or reciprocating shafts are being...

Interior Lighting

I - 1 A NEW range of miniature vehicle fluorescent-lighting units has been introduced by Lab-Craft, Ltd., 83 Ilford Lane,...

Two More Coolies

TWO more models have been added to the range of Coolie trucks made by The Polymatlffc Engineering Co., Ltd., Tamworth, -...

Customer Magazine

THE first issue of a quarterly magazine I for tipper operators and other users of hydraulic equipment has been published by...

Page 44

Mr. Henry H. Merchant, director and general manager of Cumberland

Motor Services since 1950, is retiring at the end of December. He came to the C.M.S. head office at Whitehaven after five years...


NEW OPERATORS FOR DAIMLER: Recent orders for Daimler buses, worth £335,000, include orders from three operators who are...

Registration Figures Improve in May THERE were rather more registrations

I of commercial vehicles in May. 1962 (24,565) than in April (22,385), but the increase was not an appreciable one. Since the...

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Bird's Eye View

nNE of the funniest stories told to the Hawk during the Road Haulage Association conference at Bournemouth came from a...

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A sense of I an equable a 1g gives Pointer Group drivers to tricky site problems a long y from home I F attack is the best...

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Two Voices 1

COMMENTARY by JANUS B Y tradition an annual conference is the corporate equivalent of a session on the psychiatrist's couch....

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Garage Equipment • at the Motor Show

M AIN interest from a commercial vehicle angle at this year's Motor Show is in the garage equipment to be seen on the stands of...

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Take Heed of Australian Criticisms

T HAVE read with much interest the two letters in your columns from G. Greenwood, of Sydney, New South Wales, and J. W....

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BUS COMPANY runs on RAILWAY SCHEDULES W HEN a railway runs a bus line, the only difference in railway minds, is that it runs...

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"Look After The Tours Operator”

T HE bus and coach operator is the . seaside resort's best friend, Mr. George Brook, general manager of Ribble Motor Services,...

Routemasters For The Open Market D OUTEMASTER double-deck buses, as

originally designed and built for London Transport, are to be made available in modified form to any operator in this country...

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Frank Tinsdale

U P-AND-COMING young •salesmen, or beginners in the commercial motor industry who see themselves as future successful salesmen...

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A Simple Code to Follow

O N Thursday of next week new provisions come into effect which will severely control the movement of vehicles carrying long,...

Dealing first with the question of width, the new rules

affect hauliers as follows:— Where the width of the vehicle and/or its load exceeds 8 ft., an attendant is required on vehicles...

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Providing for the Future

D URING the past two weeks this series - has been devoted to a description of a recommended cost sheet and the method of its...