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T HE. demand for small Success of transport units continues. Turns Largely . Supporting . evidence is supplied by the results...
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W HY is it that the possibilities of embodying air cooling in oil engines do not appear to have received much consideration...
From The Gold Coast—By Road A CIVIL engineer in West Africa, Mr. G. De Sa, . decided, when he was due to return to this...
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That perishable goods arrive good by road but may go bad by rail. Of those who say that a "mobile shop " that stays put all...
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L 1 51 8, published on Wednesday, contains the biggest .selection of • transport units and vehicles 'ever offered by the...
N O decision was reached on the claim for a wage increase of £1 a week made for municipal bus workers which was discussed at a...
'w ill • four cases involving 17 vehicles still undecided, 72 per cent, of the vehicles offered in units without premises in...
Q o Monday, the Court of Appeal agreed to expedite the hearing of the appeal by Birmingham Corporation against Mr....
N EXT year, The Commercial Motor will celebrate the completion of 50 years of publication. The first journal in the world to...
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0 VER 700 meat carriers throughout the country are being asked to join the Wholesale Meat and Provisions Transport Association....
f N succession to Mr. W. A. Hazlett, I Mr. A. S. Bishop has been appointed managing director of the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber...
TH E substantial haulage business conducted before nationalization by Gee Bros., Ltd., Huddersfield, is being revived by a new...
W HEN East Midland Motor Services', Ltd., and the Midland General Omnibus Co., Ltd., each lodged applications to the Yorkshire...
T WO big units in the Special Scottish List have been sold as going concerns. They are at Dumfries and Kilmarnock. The British...
Corporation to the suggestion that where municipal services were in competition with those of Hebble Motor Services,. Ltd., the...
E XCURSIONS and tours at present operated by H. Harwood, Ltd., from Accrin g ton, Blackburn and Darwen are to be taken over by...
I T was announced on Wednesday that the British Motor Corporation, after allowing for depreciation and taxation, last year made...
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P EOPLE who used their cars to travel to work in London should be told that it saved time and money to use public transport,...
B °ROUGH councils in the area served by the London Transport Executive have been invited to cam paign against the "reactionary...
SiR LEONARD LORD, chairman and managing director of the .British Motor Corporation, has been elected vicepresident and...
A SUGGESTION that there should have been liaison between the East Kilbride Development Corporation and the county council on...
A SKED whether he would introduce 1 — k legislation to " erripoWer local authorities to provide free travel for old people, the...
lk AEMBERS of the Road Haulage In Association have been advised to charge the following rates for the carriage ot Christmas...
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T HIRTY-ONE cattle hauliers made a block application to the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority last week for extensions of...
LTHOUGH the British Transport Commission were to be paid Lim. for disturbance during the sale of British Road Services, their...
A NEW garage has been built at Burnley to accommodate the cleansing and haulage vehicles of the council and to provide...
ra A HINT that he was pressing for more money to be spent on the roads was dropped by the new Minister of Transport, Mr. J. A....
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By Our Parliamentary Correspondent Pi A PLAN, described by the Minister of Transport as "drastic and exhaustive," for the...
F ivE coach operators were given permission by the West Midland Licensing Authority, last week, to charge single fares on...
H AVING proposed to charge 4d. per entry for vehicles using the new Royal Well bus station, Cheltenham Corporation have been...
T HE first two prize-winning papers in the bicentenary competition of the Royal Society of Arts, on the subject of life in A.D....
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A LAKELAND livestock haulier rl stated before the Northern Licensing Authority last week that his livelihood was being...
TWO-WAY radio was used by I Sunderland Transport Department last Friday to control bus operation on the occasion of the visit...
L AST week's meeting of Blackpool Town Council approved certain reductions in transport facilities recommended by the transport...
B ETWEEN 1951 and 1953, German vehicle exports rose in value by Dm. 438m. This information is given in "German Competition," a...
T HE Yorkshire Licensing Authority has given a reserved decision which, in effect, is against the linking of two stage services...
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D ECISION was reserved by the North Western Deputy Licensing Authority last week when 10 B-licensees sought to extend their...
A PENSION and life.assurance scheme for all 'employees of Leyland Motors. Ltd., will, it is hoped, be introduced on January 1....
E IGHT special Leyland 53-seaters 1 --+ have travelled over 2.000 miles from Port Elizabeth, South Africa, for delivery to...
R ATHER than build ambitious new roads, it would be better to improve existing highways, Mr. F. B. Pooley, Bucks county...
" T HE railways and the roads are partners in the nation's transport set-up. There is still some leeway to be made up in...
B ECAUSE an applicant was transferring a vehicle from a C to a B licence he was not introducing another lorry. This was pointed...
W HEN Mr. J. C. Lee (Messrs. J. Cunningham and Son), Parkside Avenue, Cockermouth, sought to carry lime, road grit and building...
S COTTISH bodybuilders should be given every opportunity to tender for contracts, Edinburgh Transport Committee decided last...
T HE need to proceed with a modified scheme for the construction of the central link of the Farnham by-pass was stressed to the...
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TEMPORARY arrangements have I been made to overcome the transport difficulties being experienced by Liverpool furniture...
O NLY road transport could carry fish from Mey to Glasgow in time for market, the Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority was told...
CREWS of fishing boats from Lossie1 ---• mouth are sometimes forced to put into Burghead, Hopeman or Buckie, but they...
P EOPLE in the north of Scotland might suffer because of a "drift of traffic" from British Railways to road transport, Mr. S....
earnings, produced by applicants as supporting evidence, were sometimes extremely guarded, the accountants responsible for them...
T HE average battery today was a better product than before the war, but that did not mean that further technical discoveries...
F OR 22 years, Bradford Corporation had operated buses over a small portion of a route in Shipley without the consent of the...
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by P. A. C. Brockington, I N January, 1933, the fleet of commercial vehicles operated by H. P. Bulmer and Co., Ltd., the...
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A THREE-WHEELED van of 25 It Cu. ft. capacity, to be known as the Gordon, is being built by Vernons Industries, Ltd., Valley...
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R EGARDED as a business transaction, disposal cannot fail to result in a good bargain for the British. Transport Commission....
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T HE application of new ideas is the keynote of the latest products of vehicle accessory manufacturers. Delaney Gallay, Ltd.,...
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Years' Time—sir Reginald Wilson Call for Fairer Share of Highway Space for Goods and Public Service Vehicles; Private Cars to...
B ECAUSE of the city council's alleged inability to provide a reliable transport system, the 10,000 members of Coventry...
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T OUR report in the issue of The Commercial Motor, dated October 1, regarding the losses expected to be suffered by the...
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C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd., propose to capitalize £1,251,250. A Dutch manufacturer has received an order from Chile for 250...
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Further Comparisons Between -Normal Sided and Tipping Vehicles on Sugarbeet Haulage :' Quicker Turn-round Enables More Loads To...
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A N injector that sprays the fuel into the cylinder. along with compressed air is described in patent No. 715,575, by R. Wille...