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L EADER-WRITERS are fortunate people, for the world is, indeed, their oyster. They can dip into the rich treasury of life for...
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.;ottorn A YOUNG man who is climbing the trailer trail so fast that he can talk calmly about a doubled turnover as though it...
Mr. Stokes Says His Piece In German T SUPPOSE acceptance of the Presidency of the S.M.M.T, imust automatically imply that one...
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" B RITAIN already has the most congested roads in the world, and in 10 years' time the traffic will have doubled." This was...
ECOMMENDATIONS that for a temporary period of 12 months the health committee should operate five additional ambulances and...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE Luxembourg Government has decided to introduce the publication of all rates for...
T HE formation of a committee to examine the licensing system was supported by the West Midland Licensing Authority, Mr. J....
THE Traders Road Transport Associa tion is moving office. From October 16 the new address will be 1-11 Hay Hill, London, W.1....
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A NEW five-speed gearbox is rlannounced by the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., as a production option for Thames Trader models with...
A FTER insisting on a written undertaking from the applicants that they would apply for no further contract A licences, and...
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Mr. E. L. Tuff, director and general manager of the Projectile and Engineering Co., Ltd., London, has been appointed deputy...
in many years—is shown in the annual report and accounts of the council of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers for the...
A PAPER entitled "Some Speculation on the Future of Railway Mechanical Engineering" was read by Mr. F. T. Barwell, of the...
COTTON-CARRYING COMETS: Lancashire Cotton Corporation has ordered four Leyland Comet CS3.I3R models, powered by 110 b.h.p....
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M R, FRANK S. TAYLOR, general manager of the Newcastle upon Tyne transport undertaking, refers in his annual report to the...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT A COMPREHENSIVE national transport policy, the raising of some speed limits, and the...
T HE Western Licensing Authority, Mr. S. W. Nelson, on Monday opened in Bristol the new premises of R. C. E. Hutton, Ltd. The...
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IT has been known for some time that Leyland Motors, Ltd.. were to introduce 1 a 36-ft.-long version of their Leopard...
A HINT that Btadford may scrap its trolleybus fleet in the next 10 years was given to Wibsey Conservative Club last week by...
Almonds (Removals), Ltd. Cap. £6,000. Dirs.: J. W. Almond and K. Almond, 277 Dewsbury Road. Leeds, 11, Sec.: I. W. Almond. Reg....
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TH E report for 1960 of the Medical Officer of Health to the Lancashire County Council points out that, although last year was...
T HE delivery of a piano to an address in Barclay, some three miles north of Buntingford, resulted in three men, trading as...
G RIMSBY magistrates were told last week of a lorry driver who drove for 23 hours without rest, committing " the most flagrant...
Average Age: The average age of road goods vehicles in use in the United States last year was of 7.6 years. Hungarian...
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W HEN a Birmingham haulage contractor found the demand for g oods he was permitted to carry on an A-licensed vehicle had...
THE Western Licensin g Authority, Mr. S. W. Nelson, at Taunton last week refused the application of Mr. A. R. Duckett, of Hi g...
W/ORK on the new plant of the Crane W Freuhauf Trailer Co., Ltd., of North Walsham, is proceeding to schedule and it is...
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1AARKET1NG of Universal transport IV I containers is to be undertaken by Highways Trailers (Great Britain), Ltd. Initial...
A MENDMENTS to the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations, 1955, Audible Warning Instruments are being considered by...
Q RMSKIRK Urban Council have rejected an application by Leyland Motors, Ltd., to use the runways of the disused aerodrome at...
H AULAGE companies' failures led to a meeting of creditors in Nottingham last week. William Pollard Temple, 43, former haulage...
T "programme of commercial vehicles announced for 1962 by the American Dodge organization comprises 141 basic models, ranging...
T HE Minister of Transport, Mr. Ernest Marples, proposes to lay before Parliament early in its new session an Order reducing...
S TATISTICS issued from Berne show that, over the first half of the current year. Switzerland imported 7,240 commercial road...
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A FLASHING indicator system incorrt porating resistances which enable the brightness of the rear indicators to be reduced at...
TRANSPORT operators in South L Africa are said to be obtaining better service from tyres by filling them with nitrogen instead...
A T a Press conference last week details were given of the programme for the 1961-62 season of the London Centre of the...
riOACH and bus firms, hauliers and other operators of large vehicles in Somerset are being asked to consider fitting traffic...
QOUTH AFRICAN RAILWAYS have t•—• 1 awarded a contract worth nearly £150,000 to Bus_ Bodies, Ltd., Port Elizabeth, in respect of...
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B E Fit for the Road " is the theme of a six months' campaign launched this month by the Royal Society for the Prevention of...
A NUMBER of local bus . services ' in 1-1 . Aberdeenshire and Banffshire, operated by I. S. Simpson, Rosehearty, and Hay's...
IMPROVED delivery and reduced costs I. are claimed as the principal benefits of a new service announced by Personnel...
Mansfield Corporation has placed a Contract with Lucas of Mansfield. Lid., for the supply and delivery of art Austin 5-ton...
should be clearly recognizable as worth while, should be naid weekly, and be of the order of 35s. to 50s. per week. Conversely,...
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Lively Performance from Latest 30-cwt. Mode by A. J. P. Wilding M AIN impressions after testing the Austin 30-cwt. S.200...
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Is Payload So Unimportant? THE man at the end of the telephone was Mr. J. E. Kirby, managing director of Federated Road...
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by Kenneth Bowden !sive Use of One-man-operated Singlers Has Saved Many Maidstone and District es: Traffic Chaos is One of the...
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Robert Clerk's Latest Gyreacta System being Tested T HE energy wasted by frequent braking when a passenger vehicle is engaged...
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WHAT is believed to be the U.S.A.'s , T largest trailer has recently been shipped to Iran, where it will move 110-ton electric...
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COMMENTARY JANUS SK the man-in-the-street a question with a microphone in your hand," said Maggie's brother Cromell, leaning...
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Q NE of the largest applications comes from the South Wales area. Vehicle Hire and Supply Co., Ltd., of Rushden, Northants, ask...
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NAINIBUSES, maintenance and rural services are the three main features of the al Annual Reports of the Traffic Commissioners,...
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Setting Up a Sinking Fund In Addition to Knowing the Cost of Operating a Vehicle, Distinction Between Future and Current...
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IMPROVEMENTS in the construction I of distributor-type fuel-injection pumps are shown in patent No. 873,400. The chief feature...
hoppers, moving floors and tippers for the transport of bulk materials, patent No. 873;641 proceeds to describe an improved...
P ATENT No. 873,348 deals with bellows units employed in air-suspension systems. It shows an improved design which eliminates...
patent No. 872,678 is claimed to enable an engine to be run on mixtures leaner than usual and at the same time give a higher...
on the loading of aircraft which has means of elevating the body and projecting it forward. (Cochran Equipment Company,...