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T HE great Commercial Motor Exhibition now being held in London is an epitome of the business side of road transport, including...
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The Commercial Motor, with its g reatly increased circulation, will no doubt come into the hands. of many buyers and potential...
T HE Chancellor of the Exche q uer, in his recent broadcast, said that he was makin g the first announcement of a new five-year...
Can the New Modern rIN a main road in North Shadowless Lamps Be •-• f London a system of street Shaded lighting is now in use...
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That any road is the way of an Eagle. That "On Wings of Song" does not allude to noisy mudguards. 0 That as a value for money...
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" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
" Q NE of the most amazing pieces of of deception ever perpetrated,", is the view expressed on behalf of Associated Road...
rA N Monday, Sir Josiah Stamp, G.B.E., chairman of Pickfords, Ltd., opened a new depot which that company has had built at...
A MtETING of the members of the East Midland Area of Associated Road Operators, on Monday, at Nottingham, was particularly...
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The .General Electric Co., Ltd. Magnet House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2, has recently added over 20 new lorries of Gommer and...
A "portant statement on the restriction of road transport has been sent to Parliamentary candidates by the British Road...
T HE much improved position of Guy Motors, Ltd., will be shown in the report to be submitted at the 20th an nual general...
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During September last, the War Department divided a contract for bodies for 3-ton six-wheelers between the Charles Roberts and...
At the beginning of the month, the Northern Ireland Transport Board took over 10 further passenger and freight services,...
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The Furniture Warehousemen and Removers Association has circulated to its members a list of questions to be addressed by them...
After some years of active development the Gillett automatic clutch con trol was commercially launched this week. The control...
The many friends of Ma. ROLAND E. DANGERFIELD, managing director of Temple Press Ltd., will he pleased to learn that a son was...
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Mr. Bertram B. Jones, cleansing superintendent to Manchester Corporation, in his annual report, mentions that 211,745 tons of...
for Cotal Gear Ingenious Automatic Speed-change Mechanism Incorporated in Electro-magnetic Epicyclictransmission Installation...
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Trade, Commerce and National Prosperity Depend Upon Efficient Transport By Sir Herbert Austin, K.B.E. \,S., / by considering...
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"The Clumsy Hands of the State should be Withdrawn from the Delicate Mechanism and Poise of Economic Life, Before They Become...
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Lieut.-Col. J. COLVILLE, Parliamentary Secretary, Department of Overseas Trade TN 1933, on the occasion of the last Commercial...
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By Keeping in Personal Contact with Their Local Members of Parliament and "Telling the Public," Operators will Establish a...
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Valuable Advice Which Will Assist the Operator to Prepare a Sound Case When He Applies For His . A or B Licence. Why Some...
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The Main Market Now Principally for Replacement Vehicles; the Effects of Restriction By Norman A. Hardie, Chairman, Commercial...
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)olicy Urgently Needed Rees Jeffreys I S not the demand for motor vehicles finally limited by the capacity of the public...
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By Walter Gammons I N The Commercial Motor, dated October 18, I read: " We ' Were officially informed this week that Carter...
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The B-Licence Holder T • HE troubles of Hill and Long, Ltd., West Bromwich, would • appear to have been finally settled by...
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By Col. D. C. McLagan, T . HE advent of the 12th Inter national Commercial Motor Exhibition, at Olympia, marks still another...
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what are you sounding now? Is There a Prospect of Expansion for the Independent Passenger-vehicle Operator? The Outlook...
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A Survey of Those Features of the Latest Commercial Motor Vehicles that have a Favourable Effect on Operating Costs and...
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Evolving a Mechanism to Fit a Wide Ran of Requirements. A Discussion which Will Helpful to Those Examining the Variety of N(...
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O LYMPIA is gay with . colour schemes, owing to the increased amount of attention paid to decoration to enhance streamlined...
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By a Sales Executive T HE Editor having given me the courtesy • of his columns, and allowed me complete freedom with regard to...
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R ESUMING my interrupted series of notes oil the problems which . hauliers -are encountering in obtaining renewals of their...
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IDE TO• THE SHOW Ingenious dirt-excluding devices are provided for the steering joints on the N.5-type COMMER (Stand 14)....
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it\D AT THE SHOW N this and the following pages we introduce to our readers the exhibits of 56 concerns in the vehicle section...
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Light 41 homer, Two .. Maximumload Machines, Petrol and Oil-engined Passenger Stand 70 R EPRESENTATIVE of several important...
New 7i-1onner Weighing Under 4 Tons Unladen and Forward-control 4tanner in 21-ton Class Stand 24 P ERHAPS of kreatest...
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Saurer Small Cylinder Dimensions Feature of New Six-c9lindered Engine, Four, Six and Eight-wheeled Oilers Stand 81 C...
Range of Well-built Light Transport Vehicles, as well as Certain Specialized Products Stand 74 O NE of the stands on which...
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Striking Passenger Vehicle and New 2-former with Modernized Appearance and Correct Weight Distribution — Stand 30 n...
Four Examples of the Latest Designs of Taxicab with Various Styles of Improved Bodywork — Stand 10 IN its latest models of...
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Two New Petrol Engines, One Installed in Passenger Chassis, Also Range of Chassis and Completed Vehicles Stand 13 ( \ NE of...
Trailer with Navel Suspension System and Bigcapacity Semitrailer Pantechnicon in Large Display Stand 55 A N impressive...
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Automatic Retractor Incorporated in two Semi-trailers with MorrisCommercial and Commer Tractor Units Respectively Stand 89 T...
New 4-5-ton Chassis Featured Amongst a Wide Range of Goods Vehicles of Various Pay-load Capacities Stand 14 T HE extensive...
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A Range of Trailers from 5-6-ton to 15 ton Capacity and Two Well" designedSemi-trailers Stand 28 Q entirely new design is the...
A New Automatic Gearbox, a Six-wheeled Trolleybus Chassis, and One Goods Vehicle with an Oil Engine Stand 76 O , special...
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Oil and Petrol-engined Passenger Vehicles, All of Which Embody the Well-known Daimler Fluid Flywheel Transmission — Stand 82...
Stand 35 E NJOYING great popularity in America, the Diamond-T is now firmly established on this side of the Atlantic, and...
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Lancet II Large-capacity Single-decker. 4-tanner in 30 m.p.h. Class. Low-pressure Oil Engine. Stand 71 F ROM the eight...
,r - Variety of Trailers Ranging from 10-cwt. to 15-ton Capacity, with Special Features : also 6-8-ton Semi-trailer Stand 90...
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Interesting Range of Goods Vehicles with Pay-loads of from 15 Cwt. to 4 Tons and a 20-seater Coach Stand 85 V iISITORS will...
Independent Wheel Suspension a Feature of One of a Range of Eagle Trailers and Semi-trailers Stand 66 O F note on this stand...
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New Gardner LK-engined 4-tonner Weighing Under 2i tons Unladen. Maximumload Four and Eight-wheelers Stand 34 A MONG the array...
Two Semi-trailer Attachments, a Rigid Six-wheeler Conversion Outfit and a Fourwheeled Trailer I N chassis form is to be seen...
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A 30 m.p.h. 4-Ion Oiler. Medium and Heavy-weight Cornpression-ignition-engined Goods Vehicles — Stand 75 A NEW range is...
Trolleybus of Advanced Design ; Lowlevel Floor and Twin-motor Separate Drive. Also a Single-motored Chassis Stand 118 R...
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New Passenger and Goods Models, Included in Display of Chassis and Coaches with Wycombe Bodies Stand 33 'THE new passenger...
Nine Exhibits Comprise Five Goods Models, Three Motorbuses and a 60-seater Trolleybus — Stand 84 T HE stand space allotted to...
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Goods and Passenger Chassis, all of whkh are Powered by Henschel Lanova Oil Engines L Stand 134 THIS Continental maker has on...
national Two Industrial Tractors in the Company of a Range of Chassis with Different Pay-load Capacities Stand 54 - 1,N...
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Three Interesting Three-wheelers in the 8-cwt. Pay-load Category, in Addition to a Stripped Chassis Stand 169 ' T HE...
Popular Two-cylinder Chassis, Equipped with Useful Van and Lorry Bodies, of Unique Design Stand 60 F liOM the range of its...
Two Semi-trailers with Novel Features for 5 and 61-ton Pay-loads and a 5-ton Fourwheeled Trailer Stand 133 T WO interesting...
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Advanced Mechanical-horse Design. Other "Inner-zone" Vehicles, TrolleyIrises of SO h.p. and 90 h.p. Stand 77 A WIDE selection...
Surprise Exhibit—Rail or Road LocoTraulier. Trauliers for Petrol and Pro-. ducer-gas. Timber-hauling Equipment Stand 132 r r...
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The Cheetah 32-36-seater. New Leyland Power Units. Much-improved Torque Converter on Double-decker Stand 73 O outstanding...
Benz -axle Semi-trailer, a 3-ton Lorry and Two Other Chassis Stand 67 A N important exhibit is the Mercedes-Benz...
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Commercial A New Long-wheelbase 4-tonner and Many Other Examples of the Concern's Range of Goods Vehicles Stand 15 F IRST...
Two Smart Vans of 5-cwt. and 8-10-cwt. Capacity, the Larger Machine having Forward Control — Stand 25 T WO types of Morris...
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Single-deck Passenger Model of Unorthodox Design, a 7i-ton Lorry, and a New Automatic Gearbox Stand 83 I NTRODTJCED some...
Three Examples of an Attractive Lightweight 2-tonner, which is Available in Various Wheelbase Lengths Stand 123 INTRODUCED to...
Trailer with Welded Framing, Highly Ingenious Overrun Brake Capable of Being Applied Independently Stand 135 WELDING, in the...
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Pathfinder 6-7-ton Chassis for Trailer Work and Prodigy Inside-loading Refuse Collector with novel features. Stand 32 WIDELY...
One of the 50 62-seater Trolleyluses for Cape Town, Along with 32-seater Trolleylus and Electric Truck — Stand 94 O NE of the...
Five Examples of this Continental Concern's Range Displayed, Including an Oil-engined .21--tonner Stand 80 H lTHERTO oil...
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A New 2-tonner of Distinctive Appearance and Several Models of Larger Pay-load Capacity Stand 11 V TISITORS to this stand wil...
Bedford and Dodge Chassis Converted to Sturdy 6 and 7-ton Six-wheeled Vehicles Respectively Stand 88 V ISITORS interested in...
A Semi-trailer for Attachment to a Lorry of Conventional Type—the Novel CommerSoubar Outfit Stand 140 T HE Southern North and...
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Rubber Suspension on 13and 15-tonners. Range of Mechanical horse Models for General and Special Purposes Stand 29 M ACHINES...
A New 5-7-cwt. 9 h.p. Van with a 65cubic ft. Body and Undershing Chassis Frame Stand 79 P RICED at £115 in priming colour,...
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Me:hanical Horse, Four-wheel-drive Lorry, TW) Tractors and a Torsion-spring Trailer. Unorthodox Chassis Layouts Stand 19 R...
Array of Trailers of Various Types and Designed for a Variety of Purposes. Tracks for Rigid Six-wheelers Stand 23 N O space...
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Two Six-wheeled Trolleybus Chassis, One with a Park Royal 56-seater Body, and a 32-seater Four-wheeled Trolleybus 1 Stand 121...
Three High-powered Medium-weight Goods Vehicles Possessing Many Attractive Points Stand 58 S INCE its reintroduction . to the...
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Stand 69 P RODUCTS of the long-established Thornycroft company are on view all over Olympia, but, on the concern's own stand,...
New Six-cylindered Rear-engined tanner and a 10-cwt. Van. Simplicity the Keynote of the Power Unit — Stand 64 T HE centre of...
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"Fourin Line" Quick-coupling Semitrailer with Oscillating Axles. Two , Interesting Units of Similar Type Stand 62 Q r■...
Three New Express Passenger Machines, an Oilengined Coach and a New 7-8-tonner Stand 72 /IANY members of the transport 1V1...
A New 15-ton Rigid Eight-wheeler with Gardner Oil Engine and 7-8-tonner with a Dorman Compression ignition Unit — Stand 93 H...
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F OR the fi rst time, the Commercial Motor Show embodies sections for municipal vehicles and appliances, and industrial motors....
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T HE progress of the road-transport industry during the past year presents nothing of a spectacular character. We are, in fact,...
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By W. H. Goddard, A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.P.T. A LTHOUGH a very large number of vehicles, both lorries and buses, has been...
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COMMENTS ON CAPT. PALMER'S ARTICLE. [4664] I would like to thank Capt. Palmer for his article "Close the Door to Builders'...
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T hearing of 794 appeals by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., and associated companies, was concluded at Preston last week, before...
P ROTESTS against the damaging effect upon London Transport's coach services of the restrictions imposed by the Minister of...
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R o I:TES defined by the North‘Western Traffic Commissioners for extended tours starting from Wigan were described as " a...
Q N: Monday, the London .Transport Arbitration Tribunal approved a settlement between London Transport and the City Motor...
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A S the result of the decision of the Minister of Transport on the appeals of Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., and the Southern...
T HE charge against the railways that they were, by reducing fares, abstracting traffic created by coach operators was made at...
STRIKING NEW D.H. MODELS. CURE; months ago The Commerciad Motor published, before • any other newspaper, the statement that...