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Impalco-Rib—better wear, better looks, less maintenance. ImpalCo-Rib —a complete ribbed sheet system which needs no horizontal...
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N discussing the question of future transport policy, which was the subject of his paper to the Institute of Transport on...
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N EXT Monday, British Railways is to start carrying some commercial liner train freight in addition to the simulated loads...
I T was recently announced that Man chester Airport will make available certain accommodation for the Customs clearance of...
THE programme for the 10th Congress of the International Road Transport Union (1RU), an event which is to be held in London...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT A BIRMINGHAM haulage firm which, a fortnight ago, sacked 13 drivers who had been on unofficial...
nUTCH hauliers were surprised to learn that their semi-trailers towed by British tractive units in Great Britain are liable to...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THE introduction of annual tests and I plating for heavy goods vehicles is on he Labour...
THE Transport Development Group I has acquired the capital of Mead tros. (Kingsbury) Ltd., of Middlesex, rho operate 25...
management is now in progress at South Dorset Technical College, under the aegis of the department of business studies. It...
A THOROUGH examination of refrigera tion in transport will be made at a London meeting of the International Institute of...
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D OAD haulage and dock representa tives fives were present at a preliminary meeting held recently at Powell Duffryn House to...
T HE Minister. of Transport is beim urged to bring in legislation requirim owners of commercial vehicles to provid sufficient...
B RITISH hauliers running to the Continent are being offered the opportunity of using the special credit purchase facilities...
A LARGE-SCALE survey to establish exactly the numbers and types of vehicles operated by members is to be undertaken by the...
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SUPPORT FOR GEDDES PROPOSALS I N the next two years it was almost a certainty that new minimum standards would be laid down for...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT B "AUSE of the success of the first survey of comparative efficiency among bulk liquid hauliers,...
THE use of a 13-acre site at College I Road, Perry Barr as a freight clearance centre has been approved by Birmingham's public...
A NEW company. UBTVI Transport Ltd.. has just been set up to take over the rAresponsibilities of the transport division of...
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IT is now known that the brake' operating units to be used on the Seddon 16:four described in The Commercial Motor of November...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A CLEARER indication was expected to emerge this week on how much confidence can he placed...
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k LORRY carrying a load which 3, obscured the rearwards view through wing mirrors was not in breach of egulation 17 of the...
FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT A N increase of nearly 2,500 in the number of British Road Services vehicles over the...
IAMAGES of £205 and costs were awarded in the High Court last onth to Mr. William Franklin, I-year-old lorry driver for...
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MINISTERS took the view that the IVI existing statutory procedures for regulating provincial bus fares ensured that the...
T " Scottish Secretary is to investigate the possibility of revising the tolls on the Forth Road Bridge. But Dr. J. Dickson...
THE Minister of Transport's Working Party on the Lighting of Vehicles will be considering whether any improvements in...
'j/TR. FRASER last week refused to issue a general direction to British Railways to speed up freight deliveries. Such a...
THE Standing Advisory Committee on Dangerous Substances was concentrating first on the control of the carriage by road of some...
T HE cost of the Government's road programme in England in 1969-70 will be £238m. instead of the £215m. envisaged up to now....
T HE Government is trying to persuade some EFTA countries to remove duties on imported vehicles which are not "consonant with...
fl• A CLAMP-DOWN on the amount of fumes coming from petrol-driven vehicles was hinted at in the Commons last week by Mr. Tom...
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Ltd., has been elected first chairman of the newly formed Yorkshire division of the Traders Road Transport Association. Mr....
WE regret to record the deaths of Mr. R Dangerfield, Mr. Sam Henderson, Mr. D. Pearson, Mr. W. Rankin, Mr. T. R. Williams, and...
Lord Muirshiel to Open 'CM' Conference I ORD MUIRSH1EL, PC, CH; CMG, is I-4 to open The Commercial Motor Fleet...
THE trailer-producing company, Carri more Six Wheelers Ltd., is taking dyer a Board of Trade factory at Harelaw, Stanley, Co....
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A T Forres recently, Mr. L. A. Wells, IA Scottish deputy Licensing Authority, was left to decide whether whisky was a food, or...
missioners granted United Automobile Services Ltd. permission to run an express service from Coundon Gate to Roker Park,...
TRANSPORTER FIRM HAD 22 PROHIBITIONS WHILE dealing with a Coventry car VT delivery firm at a Section 178 inquiry at Birmingham...
A T a public inquiry at Morpeth. .1 — V Northumberland, on Monday a northern wholesale fish firm was said to have a large...
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IN Wednesday the Transport Tribunal /sitting in London, part-allowed an . >peal by J. and M. Taylor, of Chorley, arm. The...
& FRESH bid for a new A licence by – I Mr. J. R. Margrett, of Hope Mansel, ear Ross-on-Wye, was heavily opposed t Worcester on...
THREE vehicles required for what was I described as "peculiar traffic for the 40 to 50 customers in the clothing trade of the...
'L AST week, at Rutland Magistrates' Court, Oakham, fines totalling £465 were imposed on Roydon Transport Ltd.. of Roydon,...
A MUCH more critical look at proposed Ea. Contract A-to-A/13 conversions was promised by the Scottish LA in Edinburgh on...
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A N extended bus service, put on by a company because of road repairs, was so much appreciated that petitions were organized by...
Transporters on B Licence A N application by Progressive Deliveries Holdings Ltd., of Coventry, for 17 car transporters on B...
L AST week the Northern deputy Licens ing Authority, Mr. H. Bewick granted an application by T. T. Liddle, o Stanley, Co....
A N application by Granville Tours Ltd.. Grimsby, to increase the departure points for Lines and Notts holidaymakers seeking to...
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;COTLAND (NORTH) APPLICATIONS (November 6, 1965) George A. Forsyth, Fochabers, new A lie., 1 T. it). Drift:, hulk grain and...
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A CONTRACT for 96 rear-engined ri• double-deck buses placed by Mans thester Cit!, Transport has been split qually between...
paying bus cress' wages led to an unofficial strike of husmen at London Transport's New Cross garage last week. The dispute was...
joint highways and transport committee of Glasgow Corporation this week provides for a system of park and ride for motorists...
F OUR North-west England local authorities are to be asked to make a feasibility study of a propoSed rnonobus service kinking...
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TIUNDEE Corporation proposes the Mein- 1 -/ mon of a new town and country bus terminal at Dundee West station within the...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT THE National Joint Industrial Council for the Road Passenger Transport Industry was expected...
T HERE can be no doubt that quite a stir was created in central London this week when (with apologies to John Masefield) the...
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BY DEREK MOSES R ECENT reports that Scania-Vabis trucks are to be marketed in this country take 11. on a new significance when...
I -1 A NEW edition of the Passenger NEW handbook, "The . Little Red Book ", was published by Ian Allan, Terminal House,...
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T "Minister of Labour, Mr. Ray Gunter, has announced the setting up of the Motor Industry Joint Labour Council under the...
C OTNCTD1NG with the period of the Scottish Motor Show, Millburn Motors are staging a comprehensive display of the latest...
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A N Industrial Training Board for road transport is now scheduled for next year along with Boards for three other industries....
T HE Scottish trailer-building company of Northern Trailers Ltd. has been appointed distributor of Mercedes-Benz commercial...
the quality of their products, Vauxhall Motors Ltd, are now operating a new centre which is responsible for all quality-control...
I AST month the chairman of the Auto -La mobile Association, Viscount Brentford, wrote to the Prime Minister protesting against...
office and stockroom has been opened by The Hoffman Manufacturing Co. Ltd. at the Treefield Industrial Estate, Gildersome, or....
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WI ILST there was a growing awareness of the importance of the transport manager's function in industry, there was still quite...
EXPOR EXPORT salesmen of Leyland Motors have finally done it—they have sold their first Leyland trucks to Timbuktu. To be more...
Accident Risk in Overtaking jt/TANY accident black spots are al receiving long overdue attention via the offset double white...
T HIS week's prizewinner is Mr. John "Gibb, of Motor Services (London) Ltd., London, W4. His idea concerns the removal of a...
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to the Swing Lift fork truck made by Matbro - Ltd. These arc being incorporated in a second series of production of this model,...
this week. Manufactured by Jobson and Beckwith Ltd., the London pump engineers, it was designed by Mr. Michael Orr. Thc...
now being marketed by General Trade Equipment Ltd: This comprises a " master " station, fitted with volume control and a...
country is the 1966 version of the Wingard Vehicle Equipment catalogue. It conNins the latest information on the company's new...
• Bostrom Mfg. Co. Ltd., called the Saxon Thinline, are now available from TIMC as an optional extra on BMC's FJ tilt cabs....
is a new trade catalogue and also a retail. booklet, This new literature from the company (formerly. Key Leather Co. Ltd.) is...
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T HE overall impression gained at the Turin Show, which this year is restricted to goods vehicles, is one of depression. There...
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T O fill the offices of both chairman of Traffic Commissioners and Licensing Authority in a successful manner demands a man of...
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I N the early spring of 1923 the Albion Motor Car Co. Ltd. of Scotstoun, Glasgow, produced its first Viking motorcoach. From...
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T HE Scottish Motor Exhibition which opens today in Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, should be the most interesting for many years. There...
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Stand 97—Atkinson Vehicles Ltd., Preston, Lancs. 'I - HE three vehicles displayed on this stand are all designed for...
Stand 89—Joseph Wilkinson (Motors) Ltd., Edinburgh. Stand 95--Albion Motors Ltd., - Glasgow. Stand /10—Mill burn Motors Ltd.,...
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Stand 112—Mackay and Jardine Ltd., Wishaw, Stand 116—SMT Sales and Service Co. Ltd, Edinburgh 3. Stand 123—Tomkins Bros...
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Stand 107—Scottish Automobile Co. Ltd., Edinburgh. Stand 108—fames Ross and Sons (Motor) Ltd.. Edinburgh. Stand 113—Hamilton...
Stand 103—Transport Vehicles (Daimler) Ltd., Coventry. XAMPLES of the two rear-engined p.s.v. chassis made by Daimler can be...
Stand 105—Dennis Bros_ Ltd., Guildford, Surrey. 1\ AAIN interest on this stand is certain al to be a Maxim 6 X 4 model which...
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Stand 102—Dodge Bros. (Britain) Ltd.. Mortlake Road, Kew Gardens, Surrey. Stand I15—Moodie and Co., Bishop briggs,...
Stand .100---,latnes Bowen and Sons Ltd., • Edinburgh. O F the three chassis on this stand one is new and therefore being...
Stand 106—Ritchies Ltd., Glasgow C2. O NLY one Fiat commercial vehicle is at this year's Scottish Show, this being a Bianchina...
Stand 99 — Fodens Ltd., Sandbach, Cheshire. THREE chassis are featured on this I stand. Two of them are suitable for normal...
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Stand 86-4ames A. Laidlaw (Airdrie) Ltd., Airdrie. Stand 87 -Croft Bodybuilding and Eng. Co. Ltd„ Glasgow El. Stand...
Stand 106—Ritchies Ltd., Glasgow C2. Stand 11I—John Gibson and Son Ltd., Edinburgh II. T HE four Guy vehicles exhibited on...
Stand 107—Scottish Automobile Co. Ltd., Edinburgh. Stand 108—James Ross and Sons (Motors) Ltd., Edinburgh 3. Stand...
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Stand 128—Rossleigh Ltd., Edinburgh 2. Stand 129-James Gibbon (Motors) Ltd., Glasgow C4. Stand I36—Peters Motors (Bishopton)...
Stand 89—I. Wilkinson (Motors) Ltd., Edinburgh 7. Stand 96—Leyland Motors Ltd., Leyland, Lancs. Stand 110 — Millburn Motors •...
Stand 88—Callanders Eng. Co. Ltd., Glasgow W2. Q NLY two vehicles produced by Daimler-Benz on this stand are likely to be of...
Stand 90—Central Garage (Bath gate) Ltd., Bathgate, West Lothian. Stand ill—John Gibson and Son Ltd., Edinburgh 11. Stand...
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Stand 85—Renault Ltd., Acton, London W3. O Fthe three Renault commercial vehicles on this stand the latest is the 1-ton...
Stand 104—Scammell Lorries Ltd., Watford, Hems. THERE are two main items of interest I on this stand—the Scammell Trunker II...
Stand 91----Seddon Diesel Vehicles Ltd., Oldham, Lancs. Stand 98—Central Motors (Calderbank, Ltd., Calderbank. C ERTAIN to be...
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Stand 122—Croall and Croall, Edinburgh 1. Stand 125—Cameron and Campbell Ltd., Glasgow C2. THESE two companies are combining...
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.IGHTNING GUIDE :ontinued from page 144 217-AC-DOco Division of .eneral Motors, Dunstable, Beds. I81-Adams. John (Coach...
:onstructed for general-purpose use, whilst the spray gun-the L220-is a Ugh-performance syphon-feed gun eveloped to meet the...
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I s it the roads or the use of them that cause accidents ? No doubt the responsibility is shared. There will never be agreement...
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affair but new pulp and paper mills at Fort William have changed all that. And hauliers of every kind will benefit. By NORMAN...
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By The Hawk VIEW Warehouses seldom hit the headlines. But declare a state of emergency and overnight they are recognized for...
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par excellence BY JOHN DARKER AMBIM TN N the absorbing . story of road transport no chapter. " makes more fascinating reading...
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examines the post-Geddes era Ti E whole concept of the flexibility of transport requires that a system shall tt j ave some...
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No Excitement from 11.M.C. TiL E results for the year that ended on July 31 last nounced by BRITISH MOTOR CORPORATION are very...
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AEC Controversy One Last Shot 11 NOTE that the correspOndence on the AEC controversy I seems to be fading out, but I would...
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Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London REGIONAL STUDIES—London and the South-East Region: 2 AS indicated...